super hero doctor

Chapter 281 This Is Life

Chapter 281 This Is Life (Second Update)
Early in the morning, Manager Dong sent someone to pick up Hua Tianyu. He will be Manager Dong's best man today, and he will accompany Manager Dong to meet the bride in a wedding car.

Hua Tianyu chatted with An Yixuan very late last night, the two flirted with WeChat, and they were obviously a little depressed when they woke up in the morning.But when his best friend gets married, he has to cheer up.

Manager Dong is dressed handsomely today, his hair is pomaded and looks shiny, and he is wearing a handsome Versace suit, which makes him look extra energetic.

It is said that people are in good spirits on happy occasions, and Manager Dong is like that today. Although his figure is a little out of shape, this outfit will add a lot of points.Even standing next to Hua Tianyu, who is more handsome, his outfit today is not much inferior to Hua Tianyu.

The two got into the car, and the wedding car went straight to Liu Yiyi's house.

The first car is a Cadillac worth tens of millions. Hua Tianyu borrowed this car through Yan Ruyu from a client of "Allure with a Smile".

Originally, the Dong family wanted to use a 300 million-class Mercedes-Benz as the lead car, which was also an ultra-luxury sports car.But Manager Dong likes Cadillac, and Dong's father initiated a relationship, but unfortunately he didn't get it.

Manager Dong told Hua Tianyu about this, and Hua Tianyu volunteered to help him borrow such a cool car through his relationship. Hua Tianyu went all out for Manager Dong's big wedding, and he couldn't let his brother regret it. .

The red Cadillac is very cool, and the team behind is all Mercedes-Benz and BMW.The Dong family runs three car shops, and these cars are all hired by the Dong family through their connections. This kind of luxurious wedding caravan is rare in Kuancheng. It's a matter of face.

Manager Dong is Hua Tianyu's childhood friend, Hua Tianyu went back to Kuancheng to attend Manager Dong's wedding, and the company's senior management knew it.The boss's small wedding, the boss personally attends, how can the company's top management lag behind.

Hua Tianyu got into Manager Dong's wedding car, and the phone rang, and it was Wang Lei who called.On the side of Tianyu Pharmaceutical Company, not only Yan Ruyu came, but Tian Manqiong also came.

Other senior executives in the company, general manager Oban Ichiro, production manager Li Deku, confidentiality manager Jiang Jingzheng, office coordinator Wang Lei, financial director Liu Fang, and legal counsel Xu Jiangchuan also came.

At the same time, Wei Shengjin also came. He was going back to Beijing during May and First. He heard from Tian Manqiong that Hua Tianyu's best friend, Manager Dong, got married. Wei Shengjin had met Manager Dong before and knew that he was Hua Tianyu's. Fa Xiao, so he changed his itinerary and followed.

All these people came here, this is for Hua Tianyu's face.But they didn't come over last night, but drove here early in the morning.

Hua Tianyu didn't know that Tian Manqiong and the others were coming, and he had already gotten into the wedding car when he received the call, so he quickly asked Wang Lei to make arrangements for these people to come here to flatter him.

Hua Tianyu told Manager Dong that he would come to his wedding with some friends, and Manager Dong quickly called Dong's father, Tian Manqiong and the others went directly to the hotel, and he asked his father to entertain these guests.

The convoy headed straight to Liu Yiyi's house in a mighty manner. Such a luxury convoy swaggered past the center of Kuancheng City and attracted the attention of a large number of citizens, especially the leading car. Nima is too extravagant. Whose family is this? It's so honorable to have such a tens of millions of sports car as the wedding car.

The motorcade stopped downstairs at Liu Yiyi's house, where firecrackers were set off.Accompanied by Hua Tianyu, Manager Dong got out of the car, walked upstairs with flowers in his hand, and wanted to welcome the bride down.

The two came to Liu Yiyi's house, Manager Dong knocked on the door, and the girls inside asked, "Who are you?"

Manager Dong replied loudly: "I am Manager Dong!"

The girls asked again: "What are you doing here?"

Manager Dong replied loudly: "I'm here to marry my wife!" Manager Dong replied very simply, this is the custom in Kuancheng.

Hearing Manager Dong's straightforward answer, those girls stopped making things difficult for him, opened the door, and asked him for a red envelope.

Manager Dong quickly distributed the red envelopes to these girls.Liu Yiyi wore a snow-white wedding dress, which made her look more delicate than a flower.When Manager Dong saw Liu Yiyi, this guy's eyes almost didn't fall off. Yiyi's makeup is very beautiful. The makeup was brought back by An Yixuan from France. They are all authentic French originals, which are better than Korean paintings. Cosmetics are too strong.

As a bridesmaid, An Yixuan took Liu Yiyi's hand and went downstairs together.After she and Hua Tianyu looked at each other, her face flushed slightly, but she couldn't hide the tenderness.

Accompanied by Hua Tianyu and An Yixuan, they got into the wedding car, and Liu Yiyi's relatives and friends also got into the car.This kind of luxurious motorcade lineup directly stunned Liu Yiyi's natal family. Needless to say, the luxury of this motorcade is simply indescribable.

After picking up the bride, the motorcade went straight to the hotel where the wedding ceremony will be held.

The convoy drove to the big hotel. After the firecrackers rang, Manager Dong helped Liu Yiyi get out of the car. Hua Tianyu and An Yixuan followed them. The ceremony would take some time, so An Yixuan accompanied Liu Yiyi to rest first. Room to rest for a while.

Manager Dong and Hua Tianyu came to greet the guests. Tian Manqiong and the others were already at the hotel. Hua Tianyu brought Manager Dong to greet everyone and express his thanks.

These people are Hua Tianyu's friends, and they all came because of Hua Tianyu's face, so they had to express the Dong family's welcome to them, and Dong's father came together, and Hua Tianyu introduced them one by one.

After all the introductions were finished, Hua Tianyu entertained Tian Manqiong and the others to sit down, chatted with them for a while, and the ceremony over there was about to begin.

Hua Tianyu hurried over there and waited to be his best man.

Dong's father walked to Hua Tianyu's side, pulled him aside, and whispered, "Tianyu, these people are your friends, Uncle Dong is so embarrassed, they are too generous, and the red envelopes they gave are all worthless." It’s 1 yuan, you’ve saved Uncle Dong a lot of face, Uncle Dong thank you, when these friends have something to do, you must tell Uncle Dong, Uncle Dong can’t hit you in the face.”

Hua Tianyu knew that Dong's father was a face-saving person. Tian Manqiong and the others each received a gift money of 1 yuan. Counting Wei Shengjin, there were 11 of them, each with 11 yuan, and the gift money was [-] yuan. This gave the Dong family a lot of face.

In Kuancheng, receiving a lot of gift money means that the family is popular and well-connected. These friends of Hua Tianyu donated 10,000+. There is no reason for Dong’s father to be unhappy. Hua Tianyu gave him full face .

The Hua family also came over, Xiao Tiantian ran to Hua Tianyu's side, the little guy was wearing a red cheongsam, he looked like an elf.

Hua Tianyu greeted his parents and sister, Yun Shuochen also stood beside Hua Tianyin, and nodded to Hua Tianyu.

Hua Tianyu looked at his sister, and then at Yun Shuochen. The two of them looked quite good together.

Following the host's announcement, the music sounded, and Manager Dong and Liu Yiyi walked towards the red carpet hand in hand. Hua Tianyu and An Yixuan stood beside the two of them on the left and right, accompanying them to the hall of marriage together. .

Hua Tianyu and An Yixuan looked at each other, and could see the appeal in each other's eyes.

After walking the red carpet, the host began to routine various wedding programs, and the host's witty remarks made the wedding guests laugh from time to time.

Hua's mother's family sat below, the old couple looked at Manager Dong and Yiyi, Hua's mother said with emotion: "I don't know when Tianyu will be able to get married."

The old lady said to Hua Tianyin: "Tian Yin, do you think your brother is a good match with that Miss An? Last time I asked the manager if Tianyu was friends with Miss An. The manager said that the two of them seemed to be interested. I don't know what's going on with the two of them, it would be nice to get married soon!"

The old lady became anxious for her son when she saw her godson getting married.

Hua Tianyuyin said with a smile: "Mom, don't worry about it, this kind of thing can't be rushed, but I see that the two of them are having fun."

Mother Hua said: "I think so too. That girl looks at Tianyu differently. This girl is the one who gave birth to a boy. She looks beautiful and blessed."

The old lady lowered her voice and asked, "Yin'er, this Yun looks mature and stable, what do you think?"

Hua Tianyin blushed when asked by her mother, she turned her eyes to Yunying, and saw him sitting there straight without looking sideways, her face flushed, and she said softly: "Mom, I haven't thought about it that much, I just got divorced, I don’t think so much now, I just want to do a good job in my current career.”

Hua Tianyin and Liu Yiyitong bid to take down the kindergarten in the community, and now they have recruited more than 30 children. She has just come out of the shadow of divorce, and now she has a career. This period of time has been very fulfilling.

Yun Shuochen came to look for her yesterday and bought a gift for Xiao Tiantian.The last time I went to Miaojiang, Yun Shuochen took very good care of their mother and daughter. Not only was he calm, but he was also full of masculinity. He had completely different personalities from her ex-husband.

Although Hua Tianyin didn't think about that, there was something about Yun Shuochen that attracted her. Although Yun Shuochen had never expressed anything, Hua Tianyin was not stupid, and she could feel Yun Shuochen's love for her. Attitude, but she has just come out of a failed marriage, and she has not thought about throwing herself into another relationship in such a short period of time.

Although Yun Shuochen is a nice person, she still doesn't know much about Yun Shuochen. The most important thing is that Yun Shuochen has never been married, so Hua Tianyin always feels that the two of them are not compatible.

So Yun Shuochen came to look for her, and she only treated him as a friend. This morning, Yun Shuochen drove over to pick up their family. She knew what the other party was thinking, but she kept showing restraint. I don't know how to face Yun Shuochen's pursuit.

At this time, the ceremony has officially started, with ribbons flying all over the sky, Hua Tianyin seems to have seen the scene when she got married.

Tian Manqiong also felt the same way as her. She also thought of the previous scene, but it was a pity that heaven and man had already been separated, and Yan Ruyu was looking at such a scene, just thinking that she would never marry in this life.

Only An Yixuan, who is in the rain of flowers, can fantasize about the day when she puts on her wedding dress. This is life, everyone is different, and everyone's fantasies are also different.
But no matter what, life is still going on, it's just that everyone will take a different path, this is life!
(End of this chapter)

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