super hero doctor

Chapter 285 Reservation

Chapter 285 Reservation
A few people were chatting, and they all frowned when someone barged in like this, Wei Shengjin was immediately annoyed: "Who told you to come in, get out!" Wei Shengjin didn't give the other party any face.

The players who came in didn't expect Wei Shengjin to be so aggressive. He didn't give him any face, so he couldn't hold his face. He is the absolute main force of the national football team, and he is the one who brushes his face wherever he goes.

He saw Yan Ruyu going to the bathroom outside just now, and was immediately fascinated by Yan Ruyu's demeanor. He pretended to bump into Yan Ruyu, and the team member opened the door to take a look. Is there any big person in this house.

The player just took a look and saw that they were all young people. They were not very old and probably had no status, so this player decided to come in. He didn't expect the other party to be so shy and ask him to go out.

When was he ever reprimanded like this on weekdays, he couldn't hold it anymore, looked at Wei Shengjin with a smirk and said, "Dude, do you know who I am, and I speak so aggressively." Be a character.

Hua Tianyu originally wanted to calm things down, but this guy came in and said he was apologizing to Yan Ruyu, saying that he had bumped into her, only a fool would believe this, he was looking for an excuse to pick up girls, this guy is really brave, he didn't treat himself as an outsider.Hua Tianyu was already feeling uncomfortable in his heart. Hearing what this fellow said, he just molested Yan Ruyu outside, and this was even a slap in the face.

Wei Shengjin has always been the master of bullying others, Yan Ruyu is Tian Manqiong's sister, bullying Yan Ruyu is bullying Tian Manqiong, bullying Tian Manqiong is bullying Wei Shengjin.

On this three-acre land in the capital, Wei Shengjin has never dared to bully Wei Shengjin. Live, this is a matter of face, but also a matter of principle.

Wei Shengjin was annoyed at the time, his eyes widened, and he pointed at the player and cursed: "Paralyzed, you bastard, I know who you are, get out of here."

That player has never been scolded like this before. He insisted on his reputation in the national team and thought that everyone would give him face. Unexpectedly, this kid didn't give him any face and just yelled at him. He originally wanted to come in. Everyone Friends, and pick up girls by the way, who knows that people don't give him this face at all.

He couldn't bear it anymore, in front of the beautiful woman, he was completely humiliated, his face was swollen like a pig's liver, he pointed at Wei Shengjin and cursed: "Do you fucking know who I am? "

Before he finished cursing a sentence, Wei Shengjin's face changed. He pretended to be an old man in front of him, swearing in dirty words. Wei Shengjin could bear him. The brothers who came with him knew Wei Shengjin's temper People are going to be unlucky.

Without further ado, Wei Shengjin grabbed a wine bottle and threw it at the player without even thinking about it. Unfortunately, Wei Shengjin's strength and accuracy were too far behind.The player dodged it as soon as he dodged, and the bottle slammed on the door with a 'boom'.

Lin Tao and the others couldn't help but glanced at the kid, thinking: "Why are you hiding? Let Wei Shengjin hit you and get out of your anger. This may be over. This kid is still hiding. What the hell is that?" Fuck it."

This fellow was not hit, pointed at Wei Shengjin and cursed: "Fuck, you dare to hit me."

Before he could finish his sentence, Hua Tianyu casually picked up a wine bottle and threw it directly on his head. Hua Tianyu made a move, how could he dodge it.

The wine bottle hit this guy on the head, and he was lying on the ground limply. For Hua Tianyu, this little thing is very familiar. If this guy bumped into Yan Ruyu on purpose outside, Hua Tianyu has long been upset with him. , if Wei Shengjin doesn't do anything, he can't let this guy go.

Wei Shengjin stretched out his thumb to Hua Tianyu: "Brother, you still have the right shot." Several other people saw it, so they didn't have to eat today, and directly put down the players of the national football team.

Wei Shengjin is a lord who refuses to suffer, and this Hua Tianyu is also a lord. Just look at what he did just now, and his hands are merciless. This attack is not light!
There were beatings and scolding here. Several players who came with this player were in the room opposite Hua Tianyu and the others. There was a commotion here, and those players came out immediately. The waiter saw the commotion here and came to persuade him. Push aside.

It is also a violent temper to see a player who has been brought down when a player comes over.

Yun Ying took a step forward. At this time, there is no need for others to do it. He hit the opponent's ribs with a side attack and a punch. Panting heavily on the ground.

The other came over again, picked up the wine bottle and threw it at Yunying.Yunying punched the wine bottle one inch, and the bottle shattered violently, then kicked the guy and knocked him down.

The murderous aura on his body was released directly, and his piercing gaze swept across the remaining players. These people saw Yunying's gaze, although they were tall and powerful, they didn't dare to do anything. The aura is really scary, this kind of skill, don't look at them tall and powerful, and they are athletes, but they are not their opponents. , Who is this person, so fierce.

Lin Tao and the others have discernment. At first they thought that Yunying was Hua Tianyu's follower, but they didn't expect to be a bodyguard. They were neat and neat. Shan Xuanyu and Min Jianguo were both in business, and their eyes were all bright. A master who is not short of money, who wouldn't expect to have a follower like Yun Ying.

They also have a follower, the younger brother who is in charge of the bodyguard, but compared with Yunying's skill, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, they are so envious, where did Hua Tianyu recruit such a follower, it's too honorable, this What is the origin of the kid!

The rest of the players helped the fallen players up, and a discerning player poked the remaining two and whispered a few words, glanced this way, didn't even dare to say harsh words, and directly helped them to be released. The few players who fell down turned around and left.

They knew that they had encountered a hard problem today, and they were put into three people in a few strokes. They are all athletes. In terms of physical condition, few of them can compare with them, but under Yunying's hands, it was almost a stroke. One, put it down in an instant, no matter how stupid they are, they will understand that today's matter is something they can't afford to offend, and they have misjudged it.

Even if they rush forward now, they are not their opponents. If they want to save face in this matter, they can only do it slowly in the future. A few people are helping the wounded, and they are about to walk away.

Wei Shengjin saw that the other party confessed, and gave them a sip: "Paralyzed, I didn't kick the ball very well, and I ran out so embarrassing that I was so embarrassed." one slice.

Supporting each other, they turned around and left, and two men walked out of the room over there, hanging behind them.Shan Xuanyu only glanced at it, and said 'huh'. Two Korean players walked out behind him. Shan Xuanyu knew the Korean team better, and the two who came out with him were the two main players of the Korean team. How did it get mixed up.

Wei Shengjin asked, "What's wrong?"

Shan Xuanyu said: "These two behind are the main players of the Korean team, why are they mixed together?" The two looked at each other, and almost shouted: "Stop for me."

Those players didn't stop at all and wanted to leave. Hua Tianyu didn't understand what they meant, but seeing the expressions of Wei Shengjin and Shan Xuanyu, he knew that something must be wrong, so he winked at Yunying, Yunying took a few steps Just rushing over, he looked at several people coldly, his sharp eyes flashed over them, none of them dared to move.

Yunying said: "Our boss is here, let's show some face!" The player who shouted at the beginning stared at Yunying fiercely and said, "What else do you want to do?"

The two South Korean players wanted to walk past Yunying, Shan Xuanyu said loudly, "Don't let any of them go." Yunying directly reached out to stop them both.

Seeing that things were not going well, the two of them wanted to do something, Yunying didn't speak, and bumped his elbow against the wall, and the decoration materials on the wall of the corridor were cracked and splashed by his elbow, which shows how big his collision was. With such strength, the two South Korean players looked dumbfounded. If they hit someone, their bones would be broken immediately, and they would be scared all of a sudden.

At this moment, the lobby manager of the hotel came over and tried to persuade: "Everyone, calm down, everyone, calm down." He knew the identities of Wei Shengjin and the others, he was a regular customer, and he also knew his identity. By the way, these players don't really have long eyes, can this be something they can provoke?

One of the players said: "Manager, call the police. They beat people and stopped us from leaving."

Although several national football players are also famous, they are nothing compared to Wei Shengjin and the others. The manager knew the trade-offs, so he walked over to Wei Shengjin and said, "Young Master Wei, are you okay?"

Wei Shengjin didn't have the time to explain to the manager. To put it bluntly, he didn't bother to explain to him. He walked over, stared at a few players and said, "Okay, I want to play match-fixing, so I came here to talk. Paralyzed, not special Mom practiced hard, didn't think about how to improve her golf skills, but she actually played crooked ways. I heard it in the past, but I didn't believe it, but now I have seen it."

When the players heard Wei Shengjin's words, their faces immediately changed color. If this word got out, their jobs would be lost.

One of the players who was beaten pointed at Wei Shengjin viciously and said: "Don't talk nonsense, give us shit, we usually know the Korean team members, treat them to a drink, it's nothing like what you said, don't talk nonsense say."

Even though he said that, his heart suddenly felt like he could tell who the other party was at a glance, which made them not afraid.

These players had indeed made up their minds and bargained with the two South Korean players, so that they could almost control the game.This game is a friendly match, but there are a lot of gamblers in the capital. The six players who came out of them all participated in the gamble. As long as they control the game reasonably with the South Korean team, it is a matter of a few million per player. It's tricky, everyone in their circle knows it.

It was originally agreed to invite the two members of the Korean team to drink and go out to have fun at night. This is all booked. I didn't expect such a mistake, and I didn't expect that the person they provoked, Jin Qing, would give it to him immediately. I see through it, if this gets out, the matter will be serious, so that's why I'm worried.

Shan Xuanyu came over and said, "Sun Haitao, are you scared? You and Jin Dazhong's bullshit friends, think we are stupid, let me tell you, I know this circle very well, if you dare to play tricks tomorrow night, I promise to let you You guys are ruined and paralyzed, earning money from the country, not fucking shit, what else do you do besides match-fixing?"

This person, Shan Xuanyu, can call out names. He has a thorough understanding of football. This year, he and a few friends are planning to buy a team for fun. He has a deep understanding of this industry, and he can't fail to name well-known domestic players. Yes, he knows what's going on in this circle.

Sun Haitao did not expect that this young man, who looked not much older than himself, would call them all by their names. They didn't know him, or they didn't look down on him at all. He was uneasy about the background of these people.

Lin Tao is the oldest, and he is also the captain of the Beijing Armed Police Corps. He doesn't want these two people to make things too big. These days, there are all kinds of people. He walked over and said, "Sheng Jin, let them go. It's not interesting. Let's see the results tomorrow night. Let's go back and drink."

Wei Shengjin said: "Success!" He pointed to Sun Haitao and the others and said, "I understand, if you dare to play match-fixing every night, I will kill you."

Several players, as well as the two players from South Korea, didn't dare to say anything. They had ghosts in their hearts and didn't dare to provoke them.

The manager of the hotel was very good at making troubles, he changed a table for them, and apologized again and again, Wei Shengjin was not unreasonable, he asked the manager to go down.

Wei Shengjin scolded: "These turtle grandchildren, if they dare to crack down on fakes tomorrow night, I will crush them to death."

Shan Xuanyu said: "Sheng Jin, I can't help it. This circle is just like this. I originally wanted to start a team for fun. After seeing these players, I don't have this interest anymore."

Wei Shengjin said: "If you have that money to do some charity, invest in football, throw it in and it won't make a sound. This is a bottomless pit. If you want to play this, you have to blacken your heart first. If you want to have no bottom line, play football." .”

Min Jianguo said: "It's done, turn this article over. Tianyu arrives in Beijing today, and our brothers will welcome him. I will be the host tomorrow. Let's book the place first. See you at this time tomorrow!"

Hua Tianyu quickly thanked, and Wei Shengjin asked: "What are your plans for the day tomorrow, I will arrange them!"

Hua Tianyu said: "I have an appointment with Ms. Qi tomorrow, let's talk about the endorsement." Several people all looked at Hua Tianyu, it turned out that he had already made an appointment!
(End of this chapter)

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