super hero doctor

Chapter 289: Going to the Three Treasure Palaces Without Nothing

Chapter 289 Do not go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do (second update)
[Thank you brothers for your monthly ticket support, this month, I will work harder! ! 】

Hua Tianyu hurried back to his residence, and just after taking a shower, the phone rang.

Wei Shengjin made a fuss over the phone and said, "Damn it, brother, you've already made a scandal with such an effort, you're ruthless enough, can you be a little more ruthless?"

While wiping his hair, Hua Tianyu replied, "Brother Wei, it's nothing." As soon as Hua Tianyu heard Wei Shengjin's words, he understood that the incident captured by the reporter just now must have spread, but he couldn't so fast!
Wei Shengjin said: "Pretend that I can forgive you with the reporter, and pretend that I despise you with the brother. You check the Internet yourself and see for yourself. My brother is a bit messy and doesn't care about you. If you are too big, you will date a big star." , you kid can do it!"

Hua Tianyu's brain is numb, no way, are these reporters fast?It was sent out so quickly.

Wei Shengjin said: "Hey, let's talk about this matter when we meet. I will pick you up later. Jianguo invites you tonight. These buddies of mine are my best friends in the capital. You and them have a good time. This man Wherever you go, you must have connections, and my connections are your connections, by the way, you will find a female companion in a while, and at night, several of you will bring a female companion, you can't do without one."

Putting down the phone, Hua Tianyu hurriedly went online. After checking online, Hua Tianyu was dumbfounded, and when he tapped on Du Niang, the word 'Qi Zilin' appeared.Good guy, the screen is full of news about Qi Zilin.

Various titles: "Qi Zilin's mysterious boyfriend appeared on the shooting scene, and was jealous of the 'Four Young Masters of Beijing'."

"Blood and tearful, Qi Zilin's mysterious boyfriend slapped the 'Four Young Masters of the Capital', and a bloody drama is about to be staged."

Several major websites competed to repost these news, with a lot of pictures attached to it. The most eye-catching photo was Hua Tianyu coming out of the back door of the shooting scene. He and Lei Xia were photographed together in the camera. In this photo, he has not put on Mask, Lei Xia carefully sent him out.

Although the photo only took half of his face, friends who are familiar with him can tell at a glance that this is him, not bad at all.

Hua Tianyu opened his mouth wide, damn, these reporters are so fucking powerful, he didn't even notice when this photo was taken.Because of the angle, if this photo is not prepared in advance, it will never be captured.

Hua Tianyu is completely convinced. These puppies can be private detectives. There is no need to choose this skill and ability.

In the photo, both he and Lei Xia were circled, he was circled, and it was marked: Hua Tianyu, from Kuancheng, Liaodong. A big question mark was drawn, followed by the words, doubting his origin, this is the media's speculation about him.

Lei Xia's photo is simple, directly write Assistant Qi Zilin, and then indicate the shooting location.

Looking at those articles again, the content is basically the same.It all says that Hua Tianyu went to visit Qi Zilin's filming site at what time today, and caused a conflict with a certain "Four Young Masters in Beijing" because of jealousy, and slapped a certain young master, during which Qi Zilin protected Hua Tianyu, etc.
Several articles were written basically truthfully. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes at the scene, it would have been impossible to write it in such detail.

Hua Tianyu just glanced at it and realized that the staff at the shooting site must have disclosed the situation to the media, otherwise the media would not have known such details.

Hua Tianyu underestimated the matter. He did not expect that what happened before would be exposed so quickly. He was not afraid of Jiang Shao's revenge. He was afraid that this matter would affect Qi Zilin. He did not expect that the media would announce this matter so quickly. If he came out, he couldn't accept it.

He picked up the phone and called Qi Zilin, the phone didn't ring a few times before Qi Zilin answered the phone, and Qi Zilin's voice on the other side was full of joy.

Hua Tianyu said: "Zi Lin, have you read it online? What happened just now."

"Ah, you mean the ones written on the Internet, giggling." Qi Zilin interrupted him, giggling on the phone.

"It's okay. They can write whatever they want. I'm used to it. In this circle, I have to get used to this kind of nonsense. I don't mind."

Although Qi Zilin didn't mind, Hua Tianyu did, because just after he hung up the phone, the phone was connected, and the call was from Liu Yiyi.

"Tianyu, what's the matter, why did you go to the capital, what's the matter with you and Qi Zilin, you won't really go on a date with her, what about Yixuan, if you do something wrong to her, Watch how we fix you!"

Hua Tianyu was afraid that An Yixuan would misunderstand, but unexpectedly An Yixuan didn't ask, Liu Yiyi called first, and he quickly explained to Yiyi.

As soon as the phone was put down here, there was a knock on the door. Hua Tianyu thought it was Wei Sheng who had come in, and opened the door. Tian Lili suddenly appeared outside the door, and Hua Tianyu froze for a moment.

He didn't expect that it was Tian Lili who knocked on the door. He just took a shower and was wearing only a pair of leggings. He just opened the door like this, Hua Tianyu was extremely embarrassed.

Tian Lili was dressed as a fashionable girl, with avant-garde clothes, dyed and permed wavy curly hair, and flaming red lips. He glanced at Hua Tianyu, and his eyes brightened instantly.

"I didn't expect you to be quite talented." Tian Lili was referring to Hua Tianyu's muscles. He usually likes to exercise and has a healthy body. Among boys, there are not many boys with his muscles.

Tian Lili went straight into the room, threw away the bag, and threw it on the bed.

Hua Tianyu never thought that Tian Lili would come here, but there was no accident, Tian Manqiong must have told her about this sister, otherwise how could she have found this place.Tian Lili was studying at the Beijing Media College, and Hua Tianyu planned to visit her after a few days of busy work, but she found her by herself.

Hua Tianyu quickly put the towel on his body: "How did you find this place?"

Tian Lili said: "What's the problem? Of course I'm asking Sister Ruyu, by the way, are you and Qi Zilin real or fake?"

Hua Tianyu didn't expect Tian Lili to ask him about this as soon as he came in. It seems that this matter has completely fermented!
He said: "Fake!"

Tian Lili said, "I guess it's also fake."

Hua Tianyu was depressed hearing this, this girl clearly said, how could Qi Zilin have a crush on you.

Seeing Hua Tianyu's expression, Tian Lili immediately realized that what she said was really hurtful.

She laughed and said: "Brother Tianyu, don't worry too much, I'm not saying that you are not good enough for Qi Zilin, I mean, you two don't match up well, and you don't match up well, in fact, you are quite handsome, and you are quite attractive !"

Tian Lili glanced at Hua Tianyu's exposed chest muscles.

Hua Tianyu smiled bitterly and said, "Dear, don't explain, it's too hurtful. By the way, why do you want to come and find me? I planned to go to school with Sister Ruyu to see you after two days of busy work."

Tian Lili said: "If you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, I'm here to ask you for help!"

(End of this chapter)

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