super hero doctor

Chapter 291 Show off skills

Chapter 291 Show off skills (for subscription)
When Hua Tianyu heard Ouyang Feifei introduce this column, his heart moved!There is no domestic TV program that promotes traditional Chinese medicine as the main program. Hua Tianyu has never heard of the "Lecture Forum of Hundred Schools" that Ouyang Feifei mentioned, and it is a new program.

CCTV [-] is a science and education channel. It is a professional channel dedicated to improving the quality of the people, with education, science, and culture as its themes. This channel has been in operation for less than ten years. TV ratings have been on the rise in recent years.

It has several programs that are quite popular, such as exploration and discovery, approaching science, etc. Hua Tianyu seldom watches those urban romantic dramas, but he still often watches a few programs of CCTV [-], and the programs there are very interesting. Nutrition.

However, Hua Tianyu had never heard of "Lecture Forum of Hundred Schools". Ouyang Feifei introduced this program to him, and Hua Tianyu was immediately attracted.

Although CCTV [-] is not as influential as CCTV [-] and [-], the state-level CCTV channels, no matter which one is used, are the ones that make the ground tremble. If it broadcasts Chinese medicine programs on this channel, it will be of great help to the public. How much should the publicity of Chinese medicine be?

So when Ouyang Feifei mentioned this topic, Hua Tianyu's eyes lit up. This is an excellent opportunity to promote Chinese medicine.If it can be broadcast on CCTV [-], as long as this lecture is made detailed, it is likely to arouse people's sympathy.

Over the past few years, there have been occasional calls to ban Chinese medicine. The reason is that there are too few Chinese medicine doctors who can treat diseases, and it is too difficult for many people to find a good Chinese medicine doctor.When you go to see a doctor in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, many Chinese medicine doctors will prescribe a bunch of checklists for you, and then prescribe a lot of western medicine.

Some doctors are very ineffective in treating diseases, which has caused many patients who have been treated by them "hands-on" to be very angry, and they have called for "banning traditional Chinese medicine".

When Hua Tianyu and Wu Zuorong talked about this situation, they were also very helpless. The training mechanism of Chinese medicine is restricted by the modern education mechanism. It is difficult to cultivate the kind of masters of Chinese medicine in ancient times. Mr. Wu was very much in favor of the cultivation of the firewood of traditional Chinese medicine. During this time, the old man has already started to compile teaching materials in this area.

Now that Ouyang Feifei proposed this "Hundreds of Forums", Hua Tianyu immediately became very interested. This is indeed an opportunity.

He said: "Sister Ouyang, if you really want to produce such a program, I would like to thank you on behalf of Chinese medicine practitioners. Chinese medicine is a cultural treasure handed down from China for thousands of years. If there is such an opportunity to be on the CCTV forum, it will be of great help to the development of Chinese medicine. , Let the masses have a deeper understanding of Chinese medicine has a huge role in promoting.

However, my qualifications are shallow, and I am not convincing to be on this forum. However, my teacher, Mr. Wu Zuorong, is a figure in the domestic Chinese medicine circle. If you want to make such a program, I recommend my teacher. His knowledge and Characters are role models. "

Ouyang Feifei is also from Tianning, so of course she knows Wu Zuorong.But she had watched Hua Tianyu's performance in Song Yao's show. When he made the show, his language was humorous, and when he explained the knowledge of Chinese medicine, he was easy to understand and easy to understand. This kind of ability is amazing.

She works in the media. How expressive a person is on TV is innate. Although Hua Tianyu is a little younger, his expressiveness is commendable, so Ouyang Feifei just said carry.

Ouyang was transferred to CCTV last year, relying entirely on Wei Shengjin to help her operate. Although she followed Wei Shengjin's path, she still has her own abilities.After entering CCTV, she was assigned to CCTV [-], and this Baijia Forum was also the first program she took over, so she attached great importance to the quality of this column.

She had seen Hua Tianyu's performance on Tianning City Channel before, so she invited Hua Tianyu.

Wei Shengjin said: "Brother, don't push it. It's the world of young people now, and the old guys have retreated to the second line. If your sister-in-law invites you, you should agree to it. With your knowledge in Chinese medicine, you will be on her show." It's a piece of cake, so don't refuse."

Ouyang Feifei heard that Wei Shengjin asked Hua Tianyu to call her sister-in-law, her face blushed. Although she worked on CCTV, she was thrown out of eight streets by Wei Shengjin in terms of her background. She knew exactly who the Wei family was. She never thought of being able to enter Wei's house, Wei Shengjin's words made her feel so hot that she almost couldn't shed tears.

Although Shan Xuanyu and the others knew that Hua Tianyu was a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and came to Beijing to promote medicines, but to be honest, they were really not at ease with Hua Tianyu's medical skills. The key was that he was too young, so young , Where can medical skills be improved.

Now Ouyang Feifei invited Hua Tianyu to do a program on CCTV, and Wei Shengjin strongly recommended it. What's going on? Could it be that his medical skills are really good?How deep is the knowledge of Chinese medicine?

Shan Xuanyu is a person who can't hold back. Hua Tianyu has been letting them as a group constantly refresh their views since he entered Beijing. Could it be that he still has amazing things in this regard, so Shan Xuanyu can't help it.

He said: "Brother Tianyu, do you really have such deep knowledge in Chinese medicine?" His words were already obvious, and he doubted Hua Tianyu's identity as a Chinese medicine doctor.

According to Shan Xuanyu's thinking, Chinese medicine doctors must be old men with a lot of beards, only such Chinese medicine doctors can see a doctor, Hua Tianyu is too young, who can trust him?

Wei Shengjin knew Hua Tianyu's medical skills best. His family's ancestor's illness, Tian Manqiong's daughter's illness, he treated the child of his superior Pingyang's family in Tianning.

So Wei Shengjin said with a smile: "Old Dan, you have never seen Tianyu's ability. If you have seen it, you will be convinced!"

Tian Lili echoed: "Brother Sheng Jin didn't listen to the other words, only this sentence is more pertinent."

Even Tian Lili said this, several people came to be interested, whether it is true or not, the little tender model and the little star looked curious, they were already very curious about Hua Tianyu, and being able to have an affair with Qi Zilin was a person in itself An intriguing person, does he still have medical skills?

Shan Xuanyu said with a face of disbelief: "Brother, show me what's wrong with my brother. If you spot it, I will reward you!" .

Hua Tianyu smiled, knowing that Shan Xuanyu and the others were skeptical of his medical skills. Sometimes people have to hide their clumsiness, but sometimes they need to show their sharpness.

Shan Xuanyu and the others are Wei Shengjin's hard-core buddies. Wei Shengjin introduced them to him just to let him master these connections. People are floating in society, and without connections, it is difficult to move an inch.

Only by letting them know their value can people respect them. This is a reality and a fact.

Hua Tianyu said with a smile: "You don't need to check the pulse, it's just a few older brothers, and today the little brother is also showing off his skills."

A few people didn't understand what Hua Tianyu meant, but Wei Shengjin knew that Hua Tianyu had the unique skill of "diagnosis", even Wei Lao admired him, not to mention this buddy.

Wei Shengjin saw that some of his buddies didn't understand, so he rushed to say: "Tianyu has the unique skill of 'checking the doctor', and he can see a doctor without taking the pulse."

Several people all looked at him curiously, Hua Tianyu said: "Brother Shan, after a few days of contact, I already know your physical condition at a glance!"

Shan Xuanyu asked in surprise, "Really?"

Hua Tianyu said: "Then let me tell you, see if I'm right. You have lung fever, and recently your nostrils have been dry. You will feel the accumulation of food, and you will lie down at night and lie naked, and you will be happy outside. With the current situation, there should be a little red hair follicle cyst on the back, but it is not serious, even if you don’t adjust it, it will recover on its own after a while.”

Shan Xuanyu's eyes widened: "No way, you know this, why do I lie down at night, and you know whether I'm covered or not?"

The reason why Shan Xuanyu was so surprised was because what Hua Tianyu said was right. During this period of time, he really liked to sleep on the bed at night, and his upper body couldn't cover the quilt, so he felt overwhelmed when he covered it. This is a bit amazing!
He took off his coat without saying a word: "Brothers, take a look, do I have a hair follicle cyst on my back?" Although Shan Xuanyu was surprised, he still had some doubts in his heart. He couldn't see his back, so he took off his coat decisively .

Min Jianguo and the others all stood up and looked at his back. They stared wide-eyed. What Hua Tianyu said was not wrong at all. Shan Xuanyu really had several follicular cysts on his back.

Seeing the inconceivable expressions on the faces of several people, Shan Xuanyu put down his clothes and said, "Speak, is it true?"

Min Jianguo stretched out his thumb to Hua Tianyu: "Brother Tianyu, you are amazing, you hit the spot!" Min Jianguo didn't answer Shan Xuanyu directly, but he had already told him.

Shan Xuanyu still had some disbelief: "Brother, show Brother Min, if you can confirm him, I will be convinced!"

Min Jianguo just smiled, and the others all looked at Hua Tianyu with expectations in their eyes.Hua Tianyu was not polite either. He looked at Min Jianguo and said, "Brother Min is taking medicine recently. His symptoms should have improved, but further treatment is needed. Your lower abdomen should feel much better, right? What about edema in your lower limbs?" ? Has it improved?"

As soon as Hua Tianyu finished speaking, Min Jianguo couldn't laugh anymore.The others didn't think much of it, but Min Jianguo couldn't close his mouth anymore.

Just now Hua Tianyu said that Zhong Shan Xuanyu was unwell. He just felt that Hua Tianyu had a problem, but when he turned around, he could see his own problems. He also knew that he was taking medicine, and he knew that his belly was falling Swelling, lower extremity edema, this is a bit crazy, is he a doctor or a fortune teller?This is really incredible.

During this period of time, Min Jianguo did feel that his lower abdomen was swollen, his energy was lacking, and his lower limbs were still a little edematous, especially below the waist.

He went to the hospital for an examination, and the Western medicine did not find anything wrong. Because of the edema, he was prescribed some diuretic medicine, but he didn't get better after taking it.

A friend suggested him to see Chinese medicine. He went to a well-known Chinese medicine doctor in the capital. The old gentleman said that it was caused by kidney yang deficiency, and asked him to take Chinese medicine to recuperate, otherwise he would be older. The General Assembly causes hidden diseases in men.

Min Jianguo is in his 40s and in his prime of life. During this period of time, he is not allowed to eat anything else. After taking some Chinese medicine, the edema of his lower limbs has improved a lot, and the swelling of his lower abdomen has also improved a lot, but it is not completely healed.

He hadn't told these friends about his illness, so it was impossible for Hua Tianyu to know in advance, but he was able to see it like this. Min Jianguo knew that he met an expert. Sheng Jin has such a good relationship.

It turns out that the root is here. He heard that Mr. Wei had a strange disease last year. He also asked Wei Shengjin. Later, Mr. Wei recovered from his illness, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Now he has realized that Mr. Wei's illness It should be Hua Tianyu who cured him. Judging from the reactions of Wei Shengjin and Tian Lili, it can be seen that these two people are extremely convinced by Hua Tianyu's medical skills.

It turned out to be like this, this is a young master of traditional Chinese medicine, and thinking about Ouyang Feifei's invitation to Hua Tianyu to record the program just now, and why Qi Zilin has a good impression of Hua Tianyu, it turns out that the roots are here.

It's not because he has any background, but because this young man is a great national player. He can reach this level at a young age. The details of the analysis are inseparable, and it turns out that the root knot is here.

After Min Jianguo figured it all out, he couldn't help but write the word "admiration" on his face. His illness, the other party said a word is not bad, he is convinced!

"Brother, you are amazing. You are at the level of a big national player. You are not bad at all. You have seen all the problems in my brother!"

"What's wrong? Tianyu, what's wrong with old Min?" Shan Xuanyu was curious. Hua Tianyu explained his illness clearly, saying that Min Jianguo's illness was even more miraculous. He didn't stretch out, and knew that Min Jianguo was taking medicine, Shan Xuanyu's curiosity was completely aroused, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

Several girls even looked surprised. Is there such a doctor?Without asking a word, you can see the illness after just a few glances. What's the situation? Is this Hua Tianyu a fortune teller?

Ouyang Feifei has the most knowledge among the girls. She asked Hua Tianyu to give a lecture on Chinese medicine. She also knows about Chinese medicine. Out of curiosity, how did you find out?"

Ouyang Feifei asked exactly what everyone wanted to know.

Hua Tianyu did not hide his clumsiness, he said: "Brother Shan's lung-heat disease can be seen through his nose, and traditional Chinese medicine inspection is to judge the disease by looking at the whole body's spirit, color, shape, and state. I just learned a Fur, simple is okay.

The tip of Shan’s nose is red. In traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs are opened from the nose. A red nose means lung heat. When he breathes, his nostrils are dry, which means that his lung heat has already reacted in his body. That’s why I judged his sleeping position. And reaction, this is the normal reaction of lung heat disease. "

Everyone couldn't stop nodding, they were all from Huaxia, and they could understand Hua Tianyu's explanation clearly.

Hua Tianyu continued: "Brother Min's body is puffy, his face is bluish white, dull and dark, which is a manifestation of kidney yang deficiency. When he eats, he does not eat hard food, which means that the roots of the teeth are not strong enough, which is due to insufficient kidney qi. Fullness. Kidney yang deficiency at his age is relatively strict, so the lower abdomen will swell and the lower limbs will be slightly swollen.

Looking at his hair again, the color is not right, but it feels like a dead tree is in spring. I judge that Brother Min must have taken medicine to replenish kidney qi, so his hair gives a feeling of a dead tree in spring. "

As soon as Hua Tianyu finished speaking, everyone stared at him with wide-eyed eyes. Such insight and observation skills are too powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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