super hero doctor

Chapter 341 I Have a Name

Chapter 341 I Have a Name (Part [-])
Hua Tianyu quickly stopped, he was curious so he started to test this ginseng plant, but he didn't expect the owner to come back suddenly.

The reason why Hua Tianyu concluded that this woman is the owner of this place is because Hua Tianyu saw that she was carrying a medicinal lollipop on her back. It looked like herbs that had been dug up recently, and when he thought about the herbs in and around the yard, Hua Tianyu knew it in his heart, and this woman was probably the owner of the yard.

The master came back, but he was touching other people's herbs here, Hua Tianyu stood up awkwardly and said: "I'm sorry, girl, I was just curious for a while, I saw that you planted so many herbs in your courtyard, I am a Chinese medicine practitioner, so I just Let's start, I want to see the age of this ginseng."

The woman casually put the medicinal betel on the pineapple table under the locust tree, and glanced at Hua Tianyu with clear eyes. Hua Tianyu had never seen such clear eyes. When she saw her, what he wanted to say next was unexpectedly Forgot all about it, and couldn't speak for a moment, just staring at her blankly.

The woman didn't blame him, but said: "There are two ginseng plants in the flower bed, both of which I planted with my own hands. Well, it must have been more than 30 years!"

'Pfft', if there is water in Hua Tianyu's mouth, he has to spit it out, this girl is too good at it, she is only so old, and the ginseng she planted by herself is still 30 years old.

Seeing the look in Hua Tianyu's eyes, the woman was not surprised. She said, "This ginseng was 7 years old when it was planted. Why, do you think I'm a fairy?"

Hua Tianyu immediately realized that it had been seven years since the ginseng was planted. She said that this ginseng was more than 30 years old, that is to say, this ginseng was planted in it when she was a child. No wonder, Hua Tianyu immediately figured it out.

He really had such an idea just now. Seeing her appearance and appearing in such a mountain again, it is hard not to think of her as some kind of elf. The heaven and the earth are integrated into one, and there is no look of human fireworks at all.

Hua Tianyu quickly said: "No, no, the girl misunderstood, I just saw the aura of the girl Zhong Tiandi, how can there be such a woman in the world, she was shocked for a moment, please forgive me."

The woman didn't change anything because of Hua Tianyu's flamboyance, she just said: "Touch my herbs without the owner's consent, I will punish you to help me plant these herbs in the yard, and I will make tea!"

After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the attic behind her. Every movement of her was so natural, containing a sense of 'Tao'. Hua Tianyu was full of doubts, how could such a smart woman appear in such a place.

If he hadn't really felt all this, Hua Tianyu would have doubted whether he had gone to the wrong place or whether he was in a dream.

It wasn't until the woman's back disappeared into the attic that Hua Tianyu came back to his senses, looked around, and made sure that he was not confused. It was indeed Li Mubai who brought him to this place and told him to wait here.

He walked to the pineapple table under the tree, and picked up the basket that the woman had left there, in which all kinds of Chinese herbs were transplanted with roots.

Hua Tianyu took out the medicine shovel inside, and he looked around. The courtyard was surrounded by fences, without using bricks and tiles, it was natural, and the fence was covered with all kinds of climbing vines. Hua Tianyu can be called by name, all of which are Chinese herbal medicines.

Even the perimeter of the house is full of all kinds of medicinal herbs. If the owner here is not a Chinese medicine doctor, he would not believe it if he was killed.But what puzzled him was that some herbs were planted in the wrong places, which did not match their growth habits, which made people puzzled.

He found several places and planted them in places suitable for their growth according to the growth habits of the herbs in the medicine basket.

For the last peony, Hua Tianyu found a place where it could be exposed to sunlight, turned over the soil with a shovel, and planted it carefully.

When he buried the last handful of soil on it, he smelled a faint fragrance, which was so refreshing that Hua Tianyu couldn't help but took a deep breath. He stood up and saw that the woman had changed clothes and was standing Behind him, he looked curiously at the place where he planted peonies.

The woman changed into a pair of white-washed jeans and a small white blouse with a round neck on her upper body. Her hair naturally flowed behind her ears. The simple attire fully highlighted her dusty temperament.

She was holding a teacup in her hand, and the fragrance came from the teacup in her hand. She pointed to the teacup on the table and said, "Your one is there."

She doesn't talk much, but every word she utters makes her whole body feel comfortable in her ears, and every pore feels so comfortable.

Hua Tianyu let out an 'oh', and couldn't wait to taste the tea in the cup. The fragrance was so attractive that he couldn't help it.

The woman asked: "Why did you plant the peony here?"

Hua Tianyu endured the urge to drink tea immediately, and replied patiently: "Peoniae likes to grow in sunny places, it is drought-tolerant, and doesn't like soil with too much water, so I planted it here.

It is different from Asarum. Asarum likes to grow in places where the sun does not shine, and it likes to grow in places with soft soil, so I planted it there.

I plant the herbs in Yaolou in the corresponding places according to their habits, which is more conducive to its growth.I took a look just now, and you have planted some medicinal herbs in inappropriate places, such as roses, where there will be water accumulation during the rainy season, which is not conducive to its growth.

Rose has the effects of clearing heat, harmonizing stomach, promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding, and detoxifying, which is closely related to its growth habit. "

After Hua Tianyu finished speaking, seeing the woman looking at him and sipping tea carefully, she said, "Is there any more, please continue!"

Hua Tianyu almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, but the woman on the opposite side was too calm, so he could only say: "I see that a large part of the herbs in your yard have problems.

Every herb has its spirituality. In the eyes of Chinese medicine practitioners, the ability of these herbs to cure diseases has a lot to do with the environment in which they grow and their habits.

Taking herbal medicine as an example, Anemarrhena is bitter, sweet, and cold, clearing away heat and purging fire, producing fluid and moistening dryness. It lives on sunny hillsides; ginseng is sweet and warm, but it is a shade-loving plant that likes to grow in shaded valleys.The medicinal properties of Chinese herbal medicine are opposite to its growth environment. "

The woman nodded and said: "I understand, this is the principle of the balance of yin and yang. Ginseng is sweet and warm, and it is a hot medicine, so it must grow in the valley on the shady side, and use the 'yin' of the valley to check and balance its 'yang' to achieve The balance of yin and yang can adapt to its growth. This is the reason, no wonder the ginseng plant I planted didn’t grow very much, it turned out that I planted it in the wrong place, and I thought it was because I didn’t take good care of it.”

Hua Tianyu smiled bitterly and said: "Sister, you have planted so many herbs in your yard, I thought you knew Chinese medicine, but you don't!"

The woman was not dissatisfied because Hua Tianyu called her that, she said blankly: "I have a name, and my name is Shui Tianyi!"

(End of this chapter)

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