super hero doctor

Chapter 589 Breakthrough

Chapter 589 Breakthrough
Lu Bin's secret investigation has made a breakthrough. The criminal gangs headed by Xu Qiang have committed heinous crimes in Tianning in recent years.

Xu Qiang's Er Biao and others have caused serious injuries to several people and raped many women over the years. Under Lu Bin's sudden interrogation, some of them confessed their crimes.

These crimes were covered up by Xu Hao, through money, coercion, and temptation, the victims dared not speak out, and most of them chose to compromise. Under their threats, for the safety of their families, the victims had to accept this fact.

From the beginning of Lu Bin's investigation of Xu Hao, he locked his eyes on the police station where he had served as a major leader in the past. He started a meticulous and detailed investigation from the previous cases and made a substantial breakthrough.

In these investigations, Lu Bin mobilized the most elite police officers, kept secrets strictly, contacted the victims without any evidence, and gained the trust of the victims.

After arresting Xu Qiang, Lu Bin used various interrogation methods to break through Xu Qiang's psychological defense bit by bit, especially after Er Biao and others attacked Hua Tianyu in the hospital. collapsed.

During this period of time, he didn't get any news from his brother Xu Hao, which already made him a frightened bird. Now that all his accomplices have been arrested, and Lu Bin launched a powerful psychological offensive against him, Xu Qiang said what he should say , What should not be said, a lot of things have been spit out.

Lu Bin immediately reported the results to Wei Junpeng, Tianning Public Security Bureau Chief.

Wei Junpeng said: "What people like Xu Qiang did is outrageous, but even so, these cases were deliberately suppressed by some people. In other words, they simply ignored the laws of the country. It can be said that they did not have a deep background and resources. , is impossible to do.

Now the core figure of the gang, Xu Hao, is at large, and arresting him is the top priority. This task is heavy and the responsibility is heavy. Only when he is arrested can the people behind him be found out. "

Lu Bin said: "Xu Hao is very dangerous. Our people went to his home to search and found no clues. This person has very strong anti-investigation capabilities. He is an old policeman. It will be very difficult to arrest him.

Moreover, when our people searched his home, they found that there were traces of guns stored in his safe, that is to say, he had a gun in his hand, and accidents are likely to happen when he is arrested. This is a very dangerous situation. characters.

This person has maintained an improper relationship with Zhou Min for many years. Many people know about it. In other words, he is a dog that bites people that Zhou Min keeps.

In the process of interrogating Xu Qiang's gang members, someone has already said that during the demolition process of Hongda Real Estate five years ago, the nail house refused to be demolished, and a fire broke out at night, burning a family of five to death. The 3.13 incident was Xu Qiang's Er Biaogan Yes, and the main messenger behind it is probably Zhou Min.

According to their confessions, it was Xu Hao's instruction, and the person behind the scenes, except for Zhou Min from Hongda Real Estate, could not be an outsider.

The original demolition project was led by X Zhoumin in the current province, and a number of real estate companies cooperated in the development. In fact, those companies were all Hongda Holdings, which deceived the public. If the project was stopped for a day, the loss was several million, and this nail house was Located in the demolition center.

At that time, the person in charge of investigating the 3.13 case was Xu Hao. The final investigation result was that the accident was caused by an electric fire, but even if it was an electric fire, it is debatable that none of the five members of the family escaped.

The family had no immediate family members, and the case was concluded by the Tianning police. No one pursued it, and no one intervened. A few scapegoats were found, and such a big case passed.

At that time, when I heard that it was handled in this way, I myself expressed doubts, but I was an outsider and had no right to participate in such a case, so I could only watch and not act. Now it seems that this case is a shocking event. The case involves huge economic profits. For the sake of money, these people regard human life as nothing.

Now our staff just opened the mouths of some people in this gang. If they continue to open their mouths, whether there are still major cases, I think this is very possible.

Bureau of Health, we are under too much pressure now, you know, your appointment can now be in the Provincial Department, Director Wei has retired, and he will take over the entire police affairs of Liaodong in this executive position, it is said that Zhou Min recommended him to take over the Wei Department The next step is the deputy province, these cases are all cases when he was the director of the Tianning Public Case Bureau."

Wei Junpeng raised his hand, and he said seriously: "No matter who is involved, once you find out, you don't have to worry about his identity. If there is a big problem, I will bear it. What you have to do is to confirm the crime and find all the evidence. I will report it to the Provincial Party Committee, and I will also notify the Ministry of Public Security of this major case."

With Wei Junpeng's promise, Lu Bin's heart became more at ease. He knew Wei Junpeng's relationship. He was a nail nailed by Tian Jingyun when he left Liaodong. Wei Junpeng insisted on coming when he came to Tianning City Bureau Yes, it is also the result of his hard work.

Whether it's for political purposes or other reasons, Wei Junpeng is the same as him. From the bottom of their hearts, they first think that they are policemen, and they must be worthy of the police badge on their heads, and other things come second!
Lu Bin's people have already begun to set up defenses to prevent Zhou Min from escaping. Before Xu Hao is caught and there is no conclusive evidence, they cannot touch Zhou Min. The Tianning Public Case Bureau has taken the strictest measures against Zhou Min from this moment. monitoring.

And Zhou Min also realized this, she used a specific satellite phone to get in touch with Xu Hao, she also began to carry out the necessary precautions and preparations, and the counterattack began.

Zhou Min will not sit still.

Xu Jingtian takes all the responsibilities on himself. If he bears these responsibilities, he will be severely disciplined, even jailed.

During the quarantine period, he was not allowed to meet with his family members, and even if he did, he had to be accompanied by members of the investigation team, and he was not allowed to disclose any investigation results to his family members. This is the principle of evasion.

Lu Lin finally realized how much harm she had done to her husband in the past. In a short period of time, she changed from a noble lady to an extremely emaciated one.

Xu Yangfan was hurting in her heart. She said to Hua Tianyu: "My mother has been emotionally unstable during this time. I am really worried about her. She was such a tough person in the past. Now she has become silent and weak. I am really worried. she."

Hua Tianyu had no way to help her. Lu Lin suffered the biggest blow in her life. The contrast between her past glory and her present made her unable to bear it.

Hua Tianyu said: "I will do my best to help you!"

Xu Yangfan's heart became warm because of his words.

Lu Lin finished her makeup and made her decision while the two of them were talking in the coffee shop!

(End of this chapter)

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