super hero doctor

Chapter 591 The Deadly Fairy

Chapter 591 The Deadly Fairy (Third Update)
Taking advantage of the time, Hua Tianyu and Yan Ruyu went to Fengyuan County again, and Tianyu Pharmaceutical's investment project in Fengyuan County was basically finalized.During this period of time, Wei Shengjin went to several ministries and commissions, and relied on his connections to bring tens of millions of funds to Fengyuan County. Wei Shengjin invested all of this money on the roads. When Hua Tianyu came again, he obviously saw To be different.

The roads in the entire Fengyuan County are being rebuilt and widened. There is a saying in the countryside that if you want to be rich, build roads diligently, have fewer children and grow more trees.Without a good transportation environment, even if Fengyuan has gold mines, it cannot be transported out.

The road in Fengyuan County was widened by five meters by Wei Shengjin, which was a huge investment.

When Hua Tianyu and the others arrived, Wei Shengjin was cleaning up a deputy director of the Transportation Bureau. During the road construction process, he oiled the yard of his hometown and built a few more houses. The incident was reported. Wei Shengjin mercilessly sacked his public office and handed it over to the judiciary for punishment according to corruption.

When Hua Tianyu and Yan Ruyu arrived in Fengyuan, Wei Shengjin was holding an on-site meeting at the Transportation Bureau. In the courtyard, Wei Shengjin told the main person in charge of the county's transportation department, the traffic assistants of the townships under his jurisdiction, and the person in charge of the road management department. Conduct lectures.

He stood on the steps and reprimanded loudly, everyone stood silently under the scorching sun and listened, a few cadres with big belly and round waist saw that they couldn't stand up, and wiped their sweat with their hands from time to time, Hua Tianyu wanted to laugh. "It's true that the official rank crushes people to death."

Wei Shengjin said on the stage: "Every penny of the funds I want to come must be spent wisely, and no penny should be wasted. Anyone who embezzles a penny is against me, the county magistrate. If you don't let me If I feel bad, I will make you feel bad.

How poor is Fengyuan County?Ordinary people can't earn 2000 yuan per capita throughout the year. Children go to school, raise money everywhere, old people get sick, and sell fields and houses.But what about us officials?He built a road and built three big tile-roofed houses for his family.

Do you still look like a Communist?It's robbers, garbage.I don't ask you to always pretend to be the 30 people in Fengyuan in your heart, but I ask you to be worthy of your fathers and folks, to be worthy of your job and salary, to know who is supporting you, it is the common people, it is the 30 people in Fengyuan .

Let me leave my words here today, no matter who it is, I don’t care how big an official or how high his status is, as long as you dare to stick a finger on this project, I will let you go home.If you don't think about Fengyuan's future, don't think about getting promoted and getting rich."

It has to be said that Wei Shengjin has undergone tremendous changes in just half a year in Fengyuan. He has really gone deep into the masses from a dandy, and is working hard to develop the local economy wholeheartedly. People need faith, no matter Wei Shengjin What is his belief? His vigor is worthy of this black hat.

Hua Tianyu saw Wei Shengjin coming down from the venue. During this period of time, he was tanned a lot, and his temperament was not the same. Even Hua Tianyu could tell that it was a wonderful change. Hua Tianyu was overjoyed.

Wei Shengjin rushed forward to pull Hua Tianyu and said: "I didn't have time to pick you up, don't blame my brother for neglecting you, there is no way, there are too many things, these grandsons don't let me worry, build a few roads, I just know how to put money in my pocket, and I will deal with him, and I am much more honest now!"

In front of Hua Tianyu, Wei Shengjin returned to his previous self, "I won't go to the cafeteria today, you and Sister Yan come over, and I'll get you to the cafeteria again, I'm afraid you two Gods of Wealth will run away. I will entertain you at my own expense!"

Wei Shengjin didn't let the secretary follow him, and got into Hua Tianyu's car. He directed Hua Tianyu to drive around the county town a few times, and found a very clean storefront.

After getting out of the car, Wei Shengjin pointed to it and said, "I was hungry last night, and I found that this small shop has good dishes, clean, large servings, and the boss is very honest. I am here to entertain the two bosses today!" Sheng Jin was joking.

Hua Tianyu said with a smile: "Brother, I have become low-key, one boss at a time, I am not used to it!"

Yan Ruyu said: "Is there a feeling of kneeling and licking!"

Wei Shengjin said: "Sister Yan, you are so good at burying people! I beg you, can you save me some face when you speak, how can I be the head of a county now!"

Yan Ruyu giggled: "Okay then, I'll spare you for the sake of being a good boy!"

The three of them walked in talking and laughing. The shop was not big, and there was only one table left. The proprietress enthusiastically stepped forward and said, "Please come in, please, sit here, sit here!" and greeted Hua Tianyu and the three of them to go inside A table of several guests just left.

The three of them attracted most of the diners as soon as they came in. The focus was not on Wei Shengjin and Hua Tianyu, but on Yan Ruyu beside them. Such a gorgeous woman in such a small shop really attracted people's attention.Fortunately, the table inside was separated by a fan, so when they sat in, people outside couldn't see it.

Wei Shengjin said, "It's hard not to attract attention when you go out with Sister Yan?"

Hua Tianyu smiled and didn't express his opinion. He agreed with this statement. A woman is too beautiful, that is a demon. Yan Ruyu is a demon among demons. When he thought of this, he thought of the madness of the two of them on the bed, and even dared not Go see Yan Ruyu!

Yan Ruyu smiled and said, "What's the matter, Xiao Weizi, are you under pressure to come out with me?"

Wei Shengjin tried his best to please Yan Ruyu: "It's not pressure, it's envy. Sister Yan is the most flavorful, beautiful, and charming woman I have ever met. There is no one else. She has strong ability. Tianyu has An assistant like you is a high incense burner for eight lifetimes!"

"I agree with that!" Yan Ruyu said with a smile, and she gave Hua Tianyu a glance: "Sheng Jin praised me, isn't my sister very capable!" She deliberately emphasized the word 'dry'.

After Hua Tianyu heard her words, it was difficult not to think of a reaction. This goblin can go astray in three sentences. When he thinks of the meaning of her words, his body becomes hot, goblin, goblin, Hua Tianyu Squeeze out a few words with your nose: "It's very capable!"

"From now on, my sister will 'do' hard, work hard, let's 'do' together, and make our business more and more brilliant as soon as possible!"

The goblin got excited, mouthing out the word 'dry', only the two of them understood the meaning of the words, and Wei Shengjin didn't catch it, so he added: "Sister Yan is right, let's do it together in the future!"

Yan Ruyu glanced at him and said: "You go away, we two do it, don't mind your business!"

One sentence made Wei Shengjin laugh endlessly, but Hua Tianyu was furious all over, damn it, the goblin is deadly!

The three ordered food, and after a while, a young woman brought out the food, Hua Tianyu was stunned after just one glance, he knew this woman!

(End of this chapter)

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