super hero doctor

Chapter 593 Every reunion in life is a superposition of happiness [Dragon Boat Chapter Happy]

Chapter 593 Every reunion in life is a superposition of happiness 【Happy Dragon Boat Festival】

Yan Ruyu did cry, it was a happy cry, Hua Tianyu's strength made her unable to bear it at all.Yan Ruyu was lying in Hua Tianyu's arms limply, she drew circles on Hua Tianyu's chest with her fingers.

"You are a donkey. They say that women are a piece of land, no matter how much you plow it, it will not be damaged, but why does my old lady feel that this piece of land is going to be plowed by you? Are you still human?"

Hua Tianyu imitated her tone: "That can't be helped, the old scalpers in the northeast only plow one crop a year, because there is only one crop growing there. Your land is in the south, so you have to plow three crops a year, no wonder me! "

"Go away, my old lady tastes like meat, you plow it three times a year, won't my old lady die of thirst?"

"How come? Look, I can't be thirsty!"

Yan Ruyu sat up, with a smile in her eyes: "Little brother, you've failed in your studies, I want to see if it's your donkey that is stronger, or my land is more productive."

After Yan Ruyu finished speaking, she sat down on Hua Tianyu's body, and after an unknown amount of time, Yan Ruyu's begging voice came from the room: "Beast, you are a beast, I will take Man Qiong with me next time, my mother is alone I won't serve you any more."

"How dare you talk nonsense!"

There was a cry that was soft to the bone: "Forgive me, dear brother, you are my brother, dear husband, please forgive me. Is it not enough for the slave family to beg for mercy? The slave family will only listen to you from now on. If you make me kneel, I will never lie down, if you make me squat, I will never stand, I can't take it anymore!"

"But I"

"My family, change the way, kiss your husband, don't plow the land anymore, my family will give you a piece of land that hasn't been plowed."

After a while, Yan Ruyu rushed out when she saw the curtain, and ran directly to the bathroom, retching and cursing, "You bastard, you spit everywhere on such a good piece of land, I'm sick of it."

Hua Tianyu looked contentedly at Yan Ruyu who came back. In this confrontation, he had the upper hand.Since his "Secrets of Fetal Breath" was completed, he read "Baopuzi" recorded in the house surgery, not to mention Yan Ruyu can't stand it, maybe a few more Hua Tianyu can stand it.

Yan Ruyu said while putting on her clothes: "You sleep alone tonight, my mother will go to the next room, next time I call Man Qiong, I don't believe it, neither of us will be able to deal with you!"

No matter how big Hua Tianyu's face was, he couldn't resist Yan Ruyu's words like this, he said awkwardly: "Sister Ruyu, just kidding, it's not good for Sister Manqiong to hear it!"

Yan Ruyu laughed and said: "You still want to hide it from me. I really think I don't know. You two can hide it from others, but if you want to hide it from me, it's a dream. Man Qiong and I have known each other since we were teenagers. What she thinks and does, she can't hide it from anyone, and she can't hide it from me.

However, I really want to know, when did you get it, Man Qiong is so rational, even an intellectual beauty has not escaped your palm, little brother, why are you so charming? "

Yan Ruyu chuckled, with a playful look on her face.

Hua Tianyu's old face was flushed, he thought he could hide it from others, but Yan Ruyu, a goblin, couldn't hide it at all.

Seeing Hua Tianyu's appearance, Yan Ruyu giggled: "Actually, that's fine. With Man Qiong's temperament, after Cheng Fei passed away, she couldn't find someone else. I really don't want her to live alone like that. We are all women, and we know the loneliness of staying in the boudoir. She is such a lonely person, she can't escape your palm, little brother, you are amazing.

But the biggest advantage of you is that you treat everyone with sincerity. Although you are a little bit hard-working, there are a few men who don't care.

When you are full, put oil on the soles of your feet, pat your butt and leave. Unlike you, you take everyone so seriously. Maybe, this is what attracts us. You are sincere and treat everything that appears in your life with heart. One person, giving wholeheartedly, this is the reason why we fly moths to the flame."

Yan Ruyu's words hit the softest part of Hua Tianyu's heart. He sighed and said, "Sister Ruyu, am I too greedy? Back then, my brother-in-law cheated on me and betrayed my sister. I hated it so much, but now of me"

Yan Ruyu gently held Hua Tianyu in her arms, and comforted him with her maternal love: "There is no right or wrong, how can your brother-in-law compare with you? He is a scum, but you are different, you are sincere Treat everyone with kindness, and even give your own life, this is you, a real man, maybe I say this as if I'm trying to excuse you, but you really do this!

You have a persistent heart, you have a manly heart, you love this land so much, this is you, and it is also the place where you attract us, Tianyu, don’t have so many burdens, life is short, I only love you One, both in the future and now! "

Yan Ruyu kissed Hua Tianyu passionately. At this moment, their hearts were tightly stuck together.

Accompanied by Wei Shengjin, Hua Tianyu and Yan Ruyu went to several villages and towns in Fengyuan. These towns were the first batch of places for planting Chinese herbal medicines proposed by experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Professor Chang Yanyan, professor of botany at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, pointed to the ravine in front of him and said, "This place is very suitable for planting under-forest ginseng. Thousands of acres of mountain forest stretching from here are all suitable for planting under-forest ginseng. Time will be full of gold here.

Although the medicinal value of understory ginseng is not as good as that of wild ginseng, it is planted in a natural environment, and its growth environment is very similar to that of wild ginseng. In fact, after three years, it will be produced batch by batch every year, so that the common people will not be rich. "

Hua Tianyu said, "Professor Chang, your hometown is Fengyuan, right?"

Chang Yanyan said: "My hometown is here, and few people come back after graduating from university. If President Hua hadn't invested here, I really wouldn't have had the opportunity to come back to serve my fellow villagers. I really thank you for being as conscientious as President Hua. There are fewer and fewer entrepreneurs, and you are entrepreneurs who really care about the common people!"

Several farmers in the mountains were planting seeds under the guidance of Chang Yanyan. When they saw Wei Shengjin, they surrounded them: "Magistrate Wei, you are here, drink some water." A peasant woman handed over a bottle of water and said to Wei Shengjin Don't mention how enthusiastic you are.

Wei Shengjin said: "Sister, I have it. These two are the bosses of Tianyu Pharmaceutical, and they came here specially to see you."

Several farmers said in a hurry: "Oh, you are Mr. Hua, we have seen you on TV, it really is you, thank you for bringing such a good project to Fengyuan.

is not that right?The county magistrate of Wei invited you here to do practical things for our common people.We were hesitant at the beginning, fearing that we would lose money. It was the magistrate of Wei County who asked us to develop this forest with more than a dozen households. Then we agreed. Expert Chang has been here to guide us. Only now do we understand that as long as we manage it well, In the future, this forest will produce babies! "

The villagers chattered, their faces were full of happiness and satisfaction, Hua Tianyu also felt a little excited in his heart, this is the really meaningful thing, it can make the people of this country rich, for a doctor like him , To be able to make such a result, he never thought of it.

Seeing the satisfaction on Wei Shengjin's face, he, like himself, found the value of life here.

Xiao Jiang rushed to Fengyuan at noon, he called Hua Tianyu, he didn't know why Hua Tianyu called him over in such a hurry?

Hua Tianyu asked him to go to a small restaurant to wait for him, Xiao Jiang found there, he opened the door, the proprietress came out warmly, but Xiao Jiang froze for a moment, the person who had been yearning for a long time just appeared in front of his eyes .

Xiao Jiang stared blankly at the front, Cui Lihong seemed to sense something, she turned around and saw Bu Jiang standing at the door, she was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Xiao Jiang's heart seemed to be hit by something, he rushed over desperately, hugged Cui Lihong tightly in his arms, and said tremblingly: "Do you know, I have been looking for you so hard!" She hugged her tightly in her arms, afraid that Cui Lihong would disappear in the next moment.

Cui Lihong was wrapped in happiness, she patted Xiao Jiang's back lightly, with tears in her eyes.

She held up Xiao Jiang's face and said: "I once said to myself, if you really come to me, as long as you still want me, I will go with you, no matter where, the ends of the earth!"

Xiao Jiang showed a happy expression, he jumped up like a child: "Really?" He hugged Cui Lihong like a happy big boy!

Hua Tianyu and Yan Ruyu stood outside the door. Seeing this scene, they both smiled knowingly and pulled their hands together involuntarily!
Every reunion in life is the superposition of happiness
(End of this chapter)

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