super hero doctor

Chapter 595 This B pretends to be given 1 point!

Chapter 595 This B pretends to give [-] points!

The brothers in the dormitory haven't had a party for a long time. After graduation, they went their separate ways and started a new life. If it wasn't because Xiao Jiang was getting married, everyone would have no time to get together.

Wang Lei, Xiao Jiang and Hua Tianyu expanded their territory, Gao Weidong graduated and became a civil servant, Li Wenjun went to a foreign company, and Li Wei went back to his hometown hospital to become a doctor.

Everyone has their own life trajectory, and no one knows what the future holds. It's not easy for everyone to get together, but no one thought that the first one to get married would be Xiao Jiang.

After Xiao Jiang and Cui Lihong returned to Tianning, Xiao Jiang proposed to her. It was not easy for her to take care of the child alone. Xiao Jiang wanted to give her a complete family. After all, there was still a child and there was no father’s love. Xiao Jiang was worried about the child Growing up in a missing family was not good for her upbringing.

He positioned himself as a father. Boys of his age can have such a sense of responsibility, which is why Hua Tianyu appreciates him.

Although Cui Lihong accepted this relationship from her heart, she still hesitated, not because of other reasons, but how to face Xiao Jiang's parents. After all, she is a woman with a child, and she is older than Xiao Jiang. Xiao Jiang's parents could not accept her.

Her worry was not unreasonable, and it was the fact that when Xiao Jiang told his parents that he was going to get married, his parents were very happy, but when they knew that Xiao Jiang was going to marry someone a few years older than him, and she was still a single mother , his parents disagreed with anything.

Xiao Jiang is a filial child, but he is also a person who is desperate for love.In order to get his parents' understanding, he went back to his hometown and knelt in front of the house for a whole day. In the end, Cui Lihong cried and knelt with him. Xiao Jiang's parents saw that there was no way to stop them, so they acquiesced, but this wedding, they said Nothing comes.

They were afraid of shame, so they worked hard to confess that a college student married a woman with a child. Their family was in the countryside and they couldn't afford to hold this head up.

Xiao Jiang knows what his parents think, he doesn't want to force his parents, he just hopes to get their blessing, even if they can't understand now, he hopes to understand him in the future.

Xiao Jiang originally wanted to have a simple wedding, but Hua Tianyu disagreed. He said to Xiao Jiang: "Since you have decided to marry her, give her a complete wedding. Your parents refuse to come, and she feels uncomfortable. Would she be comfortable with a simple wedding?
Now that the decision has been made, then hold a proper wedding and give her and yourself a perfect life. If you choose to take on this responsibility, you must face everything calmly. There is nothing shameful. Your parents do not have your knowledge and knowledge, so they feel ashamed, but there is no shame in it, we just want to do it vigorously, I will do this work for you! "

Xiao Jiang thinks it makes sense, he obeys Hua Tianyu's words.

Hua Tianyu knew that Xiao Jiang's parents didn't want to come to his wedding because of face, what is face, it's a matter of face.

They worked so hard to make Xiao Jiang a college student, and saw him work, but married a woman with a child. They were afraid that they would not be able to hold their heads up in front of the folks.

In this case, help them earn enough face, and everything will be solved.This kind of thing is indispensable to the brothers in the same dormitory. If this B is installed, it is related to Xiao Jiang's happiness for the rest of his life. The key point is to get married comfortably in his heart.

Hua Tianyu handed over this task to Wang Lei, and Wang Lei readily accepted, pretending to be B is his strong point.

Xiao Jiang's home is only a few hundred kilometers away from Tianning. Wang Lei organized a luxury motorcade to go to Xiao Jiang's hometown.Xiao Jiang's hometown is a rural area. Although it is a rural area, the welcome and delivery are no worse than those in the city. China is a society of human feelings. Whoever has a big event or a small affection, no matter the city or the countryside, good is all about face.

Especially for marriage, the better the cars in the team and the bigger the ostentation, the more face it will have.

Wang Lei built a luxury fleet, the first car was a Porsche worth tens of millions, the next four were all Range Rovers worth more than 200 million, followed by BMW and Mercedes-Benz, a total of more than [-] cars went straight to the small town. Ginger's hometown.

Such a luxurious convoy is simply scary. When the convoy arrives at the center of the town, almost everyone comes out to watch it. It’s impossible not to watch it. As soon as the convoy comes in, they honk their horns. There are shops on both sides of the central street. Everyone comes out to take a look. It doesn’t matter if you look. Startled.

Some people who know cars, when they see the first car is a Porsche sports car, they are frightened and tell others to stay away from that car, damn it, it was scratched by someone, and the money they earn in a lifetime is not enough for someone to repair the car.

Looking at the four white Range Rovers behind them, everyone is dizzy, Mercedes-Benz and BMW are all behind, damn it, whose team is this, the momentum is too scary, these cars together may be It's tens of millions, not to mention that their town has never had such a big ostentation, even in their county, they have never seen anyone get married and engage in such a big ostentation.

Everyone was discussing, all pointing at the convoy, and those with children at home took control, in case a child was naughty and threw a stone at Nima, I trembled thinking about it.

The convoy circled around the town, and then came to the largest restaurant in the center of the town. The convoy stopped and Wang Lei took the lead to get off.

The restaurant owner was taken aback. What is this for? Are you going to eat at their house?

The boss guessed right, Wang Lei walked over directly, "Boss, set up five tables, four people per table, eight dishes, pick your best and most expensive dishes and go up.

The boss was overjoyed, but when he saw the cars parked in front of the restaurant, his face was ugly. If someone scratched or touched them, don't let him repair them. He would feel dizzy just looking at these cars.

The boss said in a pleading tone: "That, that brother, these cars are parked here, and you send someone to look at them yourself. If it's scratched, it's none of my business. My small shop can't afford it!"

Wang Lei laughed and said: "Boss, petty, even if you touch it, it's none of your business, you're afraid!"

After hearing Wang Lei's words, the boss felt relieved and hurriedly asked the chef to cook.

Wang Lei sat down impatiently, and then asked, "Boss, where is Jiang Laoguai's home?"

The boss was a little taken aback when he heard this, and he said, "You said Lao Guai's family, he lives in the east of the town, you know him!"

Wang Lei smiled: "I really don't know him. His son and I are buddies. This convoy is used for his son's wedding. I will lead the team to videotape. Marrying a wife, you have to be like this."

The boss was dumbfounded. He knew that Jiang Laoguai did have a son who was admitted to university. A few days ago, he heard that Laoguai's son was going to marry a wife, but that woman had a child. Laoguai and his wife disagreed. The son took the woman to kneel at home for a day, and everyone laughed!
But why doesn't it seem right?Jiang Laoguai's son is studying in medical school, how promising is he to make such a big show?When the convoy was going around the town just now, the boss took a special look at it. These cars add up to tens of millions, and they are the only ones in their area.

Either Jiang Laoguai's son is promising, or the girl's family has a prominent status. Why did I hear that Jiang Laoguai disagreed with this marriage? There is something wrong here!Did Laoguai let the door squeeze, or did the donkey kick him?
The boss was curious, and he said with a smile: "Brother, so the son of Jiang Laoguai's family is doing well, and your team is... too luxurious!"

Wang Lei laughed: "That boy Jiang'er is lucky!" He whispered to the boss: "He made the girl's stomach big, and got on the bus first without buying a ticket. He has children, and the father-in-law can't help it. I have no choice but to admit it, but the wedding must be held in a grand manner!"

Wang Lei made a 'you know' look at the boss!

If Hua Tianyu was here, he would definitely give Wang Lei [-] points, and this B pretended to give [-] points!

(End of this chapter)

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