Chapter 765
The auditorium of the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom was full, and there was warm applause from time to time. Not only Huaxia students, but also students of all skin colors listened carefully to Hua Tianyu's report.

Standing on the stage, Hua Tianyu explained the ancient Chinese traditional Chinese medicine in the most easy-to-understand language, and the audience burst into warm applause from time to time. This novel medicine aroused strong interest from foreign students.

Hua Tianyu incorporated easy-to-understand TCM dialectics into the TCM stories, which won the recognition of the students. His report lasted for three hours. There were more and more students in the auditorium, and there were laughter and warm applause from time to time. .

"Chinese medicine emphasizes the relationship between man and nature. The human body itself and nature are a unified whole. At the same time, the structure and parts of the human body are connected with each other. It is precisely because of this relationship that Chinese medicine uses the theory of 'Yin Yang and Five Elements'. To illustrate the opposite but unified relationship between man and nature.”

Xu Yangfan sat down and looked at Hua Tianyu, who was talking on the stage, with a sweet heart.Her roommate, Chen Yi, is a die-hard fan of Hua Tianyu, who is obsessed with Hua Tianyu like something.

While listening, she pushed Xu Yangfan and said, "Yangfan, I can't take it anymore, I really want to rush up to the front desk and give Teacher Hua a hug, he's so handsome, I like him so much, do you think he will?" Will he like me? If I show love to him, will he date me?"

Looking at her roommate, Xu Yangfan also looked helpless, but her heart was extremely sweet. The person she loved was respected and liked, which represented his excellence. After going through so much, she finally let go of the shackles in her heart , life is short, why make things difficult for yourself!

"Hey, Yang Fan, if I was half as beautiful as you, I would dare to go to Teacher Yuehua, why didn't God give me a pretty face, I have no confidence.

Otherwise, Yang Fan, you go to Teacher Yue Hua, with your appearance, you will definitely be able to take him down, and then you can lend him to me for a few days, no, even if it is only once, how about Yang Fan! "


Xu Yangfan was blushed by Chen Yi's words, and the scene with Hua Tianyu appeared in her mind again, and her face became even redder.

"You son of a bitch, talking nonsense every day is going to drive you crazy!"

"I'm not talking nonsense. What I said is true. I'm too ordinary. It's impossible for Mr. Hua to fall in love with me, but you're different. There won't be a single beautiful woman like you in hundreds of years. Go and seduce him." OK"

Xu Yangfan covered Chen Yi's mouth to prevent her from continuing, she really couldn't stand her anymore.

The TCM delegation visited the University of Birmingham for a total of seven days. In addition to a report meeting in the morning every day, the TCM free clinic in the afternoon attracted a large number of students.

Hua Tianyu's delegation arrived a few days later. The previous reports were given by Wu Zuorong and others. Although they were also very exciting and attracted a large number of students, they were not as influential as Hua Tianyu's report. The free clinic in the afternoon was even more impressive. It caused a huge repercussions, and the entire free clinic site was besieged.

Especially Hua Tianyu's clinic, which was full of his fans, including overseas students from Huaxia, and students from the University of Birmingham. The free clinic lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon, and many students who had not been diagnosed by Hua Tianyu refused to leave for a long time , Chen Yi is one of them, she originally brought Xu Yangfan over and asked her to accompany her, but Xu Yangfan advised her to come back tomorrow, but she didn't listen, because there were too many people today, and she couldn't be in line at all .

But Chen Yi refused to say anything, she had been infatuated with Hua Tianyu for too long, and finally had such an opportunity to get in touch with him at close quarters, how could she be willing to leave.

Even in the end, she still didn't realize her wish. She was so angry that when she returned to the dormitory, she saw Xu Yangfan reading a book. She was so angry that she threw the book in Xu Yangfan's hand aside.

"I want you to accompany me to see Hua Tianyu. You are good. You ran back to the dormitory to read. Are you still a girlfriend or best friend? No, you have to comfort me who is hurt!"

Chen Yi rushed forward, scratching Xu Yangfan's itch, the two girls had a quarrel, and when the quarrel was over, the two went to the cafeteria to have dinner, Chen Yi stole a photo of Xu Yangfan while Xu Yangfan was not paying attention, After sealing it in an envelope, she ran to the resting place of the Huaxia Medical Delegation.

The Huaxia delegation rested in the school's apartment, because they were afraid that enthusiastic students would affect the rest of the delegation members, so it was temporarily isolated here.

Chen Yi couldn't get in, she was wandering outside the apartment, Mr. Zhao just came back from outside, he had to come out to exercise every day, Chen Yi saw Mr. Zhao, knew that he was a member of the delegation, she ran over excitedly and said: "Mr. Okay, I am a student of Tianning Medical University, and I am an alumnus of Teacher Hua Tianyu, I entered the University of Birmingham to study medicine last year, can you help me bring this letter to him?"

Mr. Zhao didn't hesitate, he accepted Chen Yi's channel: "It's okay, little girl, I'll help you take the letter to Tianyu!"

"Thank you, Teacher Zhao!"

Chen Yi was so excited, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to get a date with Hua Tianyu, so she took Xu Yangfan's photo, this girl has many eyes, she thought that Xu Yangfan's appearance would definitely attract Hua Tianyu.

Hua Tianyu received this letter unexpectedly, and when he saw Xu Yangfan's photo inside the envelope, he couldn't help laughing.

The letter wrote how she admired Hua Tianyu, and wrote all her thoughts about him in this letter. The letter was typed with a computer. Hua Tianyu thought it was a joke between Xu Yangfan and her. Meet at the botanical garden behind the school.

Hua Tianyu didn't think too much, his heart filled with sweetness, and there was no longer any shackles between him and Xu Yangfan.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Hua Tianyu sneaked out of the apartment. There was a navigation map of the University of Birmingham in his mobile phone, and he could easily find the botanical garden behind.

Xu Yangfan was dragged by Chen Yi to the botanical garden, she had no choice.

"Chen Yi, stop making trouble, why did you drag me here in the middle of the night?"

Chen Yi said: "I wrote a letter to Teacher Hua and asked him to meet here, he will definitely come!" Chen Yi looked excited, like a little girl who fell in love for the first time!

Xu Yangfan looked helpless: "Okay, don't be angry, just write a letter and you can get someone to come. If he really comes, I will really look down on him!"

What Xu Yangfan said was half true and half false. If Hua Tianyu was asked out so easily, then how could it be him? I don't know why, but I felt a little uneasy.

"Why don't you have any confidence in yourself?"

"What confidence? Is this related to me?" Xu Yangfan didn't know why!
Chen Yi pretended to be mysterious and said: "You don't know, don't you? Let me tell you a little secret. I attached your photo in that letter. If Hua Tianyu can't get a date with your appearance, then I will Really give up!"

"What did you say?"

Xu Yangfan opened his mouth wide.

At the same time, there were footsteps in the shade.

Xu Yangfan looked at Hua Tianyu who was strolling with a cute face, while Chen Yi was already so excited that she was about to pass out.

[Brothers, the new book "Pawnshop No. 36" is about to start. Thank you for your company all the way. Medical Man has officially entered the final stage. Thank you for your perseverance. Please support my new book, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory story! 】

 [Brothers, the new book "Pawnshop No. 36" is about to start. Thank you for your company all the way. Medical Man has officially entered the final stage. Thank you for your perseverance. Please support my new book, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory story! 】

(End of this chapter)

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