Chapter 48

"Probably not." Gu Qingcheng took a bite of mutton skewers, and Qian Duoduo and Jiang Lai looked over together.

The two didn't speak, but the look in their eyes couldn't be more obvious, why?
"Sister Lai, you said that Wen Zhiyi climbed up bit by bit by herself. When she got to this position, no matter whether she is a victim or a perpetrator, she is definitely not willing to give up. She insisted on me , although she can also clean herself up, but there is no reason for me to harm her, it doesn't make sense logically. Therefore, even if she is a thunder, she will only blow up Liang Yaqi. "

"Liang Yaqi is the Liang family." Qian Duoduo said, although the Liang family is not a family with a strong background, it is not something that Wen Zhiyi can compare to.

Gu Qingcheng nodded, it was indeed not easy for Wen Zhiyi to blow up Liang Yaqi.

Tilting his head and thinking for a while, Gu Qingcheng suddenly asked: "Sister Lai, aren't Wen Zhiyi's resources particularly bad?"

"Actually, I can't blame her for this matter. Her manager is Hu Yue, who has no integrity in the industry. She often takes out the artists in her hands..." Jiang Lai glanced at Gu Qingcheng, paused before continuing. : "Entertainment, artists' resources are more or less in this way, and there is nothing wrong with it. It's a matter of mutual consent, but Wen Zhiyi's appearance is not outstanding, even if it is entertainment, it can't catch Hu Yue's eyes..."

After she finished speaking, she spread her hands, implying that if she followed such a manager, it would be inevitable.

Gu Qingcheng couldn't help rubbing his arms. He knew that the circle was very chaotic, but Gu Qingcheng still didn't expect it to be so chaotic.

After a moment of silence, Gu Qingcheng suddenly said, "Sister Lai, go and sign Wen Zhiyi."


"I just thought about it carefully. If Wen Zhiyi doesn't sue me now, I'm finished. She sued me for two reasons. The first one was forced by Liang Yaqi, and the second one was that she wanted to drag me into the water. She couldn't get better. You also want to pour dirty water on me, as long as this dirty water is poured off, it will not be easy for me to clean up in the future, but what if you sign her? Maybe it will be avoided."

"Her contract hasn't ended yet, so you can sign it if you think you want to."

"The contract only works when the other party wants to restrain you. Who wants Wen Zhiyi now? Sister Lai, if she didn't help us, would you want it?"

Jiang Lai thought it was true, she nodded, and remembered another thing.

"According to the time of that night, it took less than an hour from the time Wen Zhiyi was sent to the hospital to when she posted on Weibo. According to Wen Zhiyi's situation at that time, she didn't have the energy to post on Weibo at all."

"No?" Gu Qingcheng didn't expect this, so Jiang Lai called and asked, and said to Gu Qingcheng after a while: "The people at the hospital said that it was past two o'clock in the morning when Wen Zhiyi completely quieted down that night. .”

Gu Qingcheng was dumbfounded, and Jiang Lai helplessly covered his face with his hands.

Sometimes she feels that Gu Qingcheng is a very contrasting person, not afraid of any conspiracies and tricks, it can be said that he is a shrewd accident, but he often doesn't know much about some common sense things, and I really don't know what kind of environment and experience made him A person with such a contrast in personality.

"So, someone close to Wen Zhiyi sent it for her, her manager? Assistant?"

Jiang Lai nodded, and Gu Qingcheng let out a sigh of relief, "She has already been sold for a low price."

The corners of Jiang Lai's mouth twitched twice, speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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