Chapter 51
It's the crew who wants to change people, and the investors want to change people. This kind of thing is too common, otherwise there won't be many artists rushing to unspoken rules.

Jiang Lai pursed his lips and remained silent. The first movie he entered the industry was a movie, and the Academy Award winner Fang Jinyu, the Hundred Flowers Award winner Meng Qingqing, and Shidi He Yu participated in the roles at the same time. This directly established Gu Qingcheng's starting point. Director Liu is in charge, and the quality of the film is guaranteed. This opportunity is really once in a lifetime.

Amid Jiang Lai's silence, Gu Qingcheng knew that she had no other choice for the time being.

Jiang Mei, what kind of person is it that makes Director Liu and others change their generals?
Even yesterday, someone came to interview her about this matter.

Gu Qingcheng frowned until the car stopped.

During lunch time, Jiang Lai just found a place to eat.

The two sat down in the corner of the hall by the window. Gu Qingcheng leaned on the table with his chin propped up, his eyes were a little cloudy.

She suddenly remembered something, she remembered Qi Ran, the screenwriter of "Feng Hua Xue Yue" she met on the day of the audition.

Compared with Director Wang, who was calm and calm, and Producer Wang, who seemed to be full of smiles, among those who auditioned that day, only Qi Ran's performance was very vivid.

From the shock and excitement when seeing her for the first time, to the radiant look in her eyes after the performance, Gu Qingcheng felt that this person was very satisfied with playing the role of Yunqin.

"What? Say it again?" Jiang Lai's voice suddenly sounded, Gu Qingcheng raised his head, and saw Jiang Lai's brows were tightly frowned and his face was full of anxiety.

After a while, Jiang Lai put down his phone and said, "Just now, Jiang Mei's studio Weibo announced that it has officially signed with Qianfan Entertainment."

"Qianfan Entertainment?"

"Yes, it's the brokerage company under Qianfan Film and Television."

Qianfan Film and Television is the largest investor in "Fenghua Xueyue", and its subsidiaries include film and television production companies, media operations, brokerage companies and so on.

After Jiang Mei returned to China, she didn't have a brokerage company yet. With so many domestic entertainment companies, Qianfan Film and Television was the most preferred.

And this Weibo means that Jiang Mei has officially become an artist of Qianfan Film and Television.

According to Jiang Lai's understanding of Qianfan Film and Television, since it can promote its own artists, Qianfan Film and Television will not praise artists from other companies.

What's more, this drama is a big production from casting to directing!

"But... isn't she a studio?"

It's rare that Gu Qingcheng can ask such a layman's question after being in the industry for so long, Jiang Lai could only answer: "It's the studio, but now many studios are attached to the name of the brokerage company, which is more conducive for them to take over the job, as well as their develop."

After a pause, Jiang Lai said again: "Now we're watching the crew. If the crew is also optimistic about Jiang Mei, then we really have no hope."

Jiang Lai thought of that Producer Wang who hadn't answered her calls for several days, and he lost his appetite for dinner for a while.

After a daze, a voice suddenly came from the stairs.

The two looked up together, a beautiful woman in her 20s with long wavy hair came down the stairs with two middle-aged men.

Gu Qingcheng didn't know any of these people.

However, Jiang Lai suddenly clenched his fists.

"It's Jiang Mei." Jiang Lai said suddenly, "The one next to him is the deputy manager of the brokerage department of Qianfan Film and Television, and the other is the assistant director of the crew of "Feng Hua Xue Yue."

Now, the appearance of Jiang Mei and this assistant director can explain the situation very well. It seems that Jiang Mei has been active recently in order to win the role of Yunqin. Otherwise, Jiang Lai's connections and relationships will not be a contract. I kept it in my arms for several days and couldn't send it out.

(End of this chapter)

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