Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 106 The Mountain Bandit Big Brother Take Me With You 51

Chapter 106 The Mountain Bandit Big Brother Take Me With You 51
The last time Ji Dong and Gu's father talked for a long time, it was about this issue.

He only knows how to read, can hunt, and has no other money-making skills. How can he give Gu Fanyin a good life?

If he were a father, he would not be willing to marry his daughter to a man who could not even guarantee a comfortable life but depended on heaven for food.

Gu's father said that he could take Lin Yi into business and pass on his business knowledge, because their family helped King Cheng a lot at the beginning, and now they even have a bit of face in front of the Holy One, and the Gu family is getting stronger every day , with rich financial resources, Lin Yi should be able to find a lot of business opportunities by following him to go out to see more.

Of course, if he took Ji Dong by the hand and Ji Dong couldn't even learn it, then he really had to consider tearing apart the mandarin ducks.

After all, no matter how much Gu Fanyin liked Lin Yi, Gu's father would not let Gu Fanyin suffer hardships with Lin Yi.

So, Lin Yi started to follow Gu's father to do business and run around. Every night after returning home for dinner, Gu's father would teach Lin Yi how to do business and let him sum up what he got today.

It's just that what Gu's father wanted today was a real deal. Lin Yi would be scolded if he couldn't say it, and he would still be scolded if he said it badly.

Anyway, Gu Fanyin had never seen her father look so serious before.

Gu Fanlin and his brothers also secretly muttered below that Gu's father never cared so much about training them, why he was so strict with Ji Dong, as if he wanted to train successors.

Isn't Father Gu afraid that his precious daughter will be wronged by following Lin Yi?
Therefore, he tried his best to teach Lin Yi more, hoping that he could learn to discover business opportunities and learn to make money in the future, so that he could give his precious daughter a good life.

Lin Yi understood Gu's father's intentions, so he worked harder to study, because he also wanted to prove that he could give Gu Fanyin happiness and let Gu Fanyin continue to live such a carefree life.

Lin Yi has been with Gu's father for a few months, and has contact with Gu's family every day. Gu's mother's impression of Lin Yi has changed from "a rough guy who doesn't know how to hurt others" to "hardworking, careful, and caring." children".

Except for Gu Fanyin's brothers, the whole family has changed a lot towards Lin Yi.

Later, Ji Dong finally started to talk about business with Gu's father slowly. Gu's father intentionally trained him and never intervened except under special circumstances. Ji Dong grew up rapidly like this.

Not long after that, Lin Yi began to learn how to run his own business. He has been taught by Gu Fu for so long, and Lin Yi is not a stupid person, so he will naturally see results. Excessive losses, even a small loss, can quickly adjust the way to obtain profits.

Seeing Lin Yi being so upbeat, Gu's father felt a little jealous when he saw him and Gu Fanyin together, but in fact he had accepted this son-in-law in his heart.

After a long time, after Lin Yi had repaid all the principal loaned to him by Gu's father, and had money in his hand to give Gu Fanyin a luxurious betrothal gift, he hired the most famous matchmaker in the capital to go to Gu's family to propose dear.

Now the Gu family is seen in the eyes of the current sage, who doesn't know who doesn't know in the capital?This kind of enviable family's slight accident has become a pastime for others after dinner.

For example, the matter of Gu Fanyin's disappearance was passed on by people in the capital to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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