Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 109: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 2

Chapter 109: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 2
She was kicked into the mission world by the system just now, she was full of anger, how many of them punched and kicked her again?Delivered to her door to clean up?
Do you really think that Gu Fanyin is a soft bun who can be kneaded by others?

[The collapse of the human design will be obliterated, the collapse of the human design will be obliterated...]
The system immediately chanted this sentence in an infinite loop with a terrified tone.

It-it-it just sent the host to the mission world in a brain twitch, the host shouldn't kill people in a fit of excitement... The host's mission fails, and the system will suffer accordingly!
[I just make up my mind. ] Gu Fanyin snorted coldly, not wanting the system to beep beep in her mind anymore, said.

[Hoo...] The system immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said cheerfully: [Brain is done, brain is done.It's cool for a while, it's cool for a while, and it's cool for a while, don't do it, it's cool for a while, and your loved ones cry. ]
"Stop..." Gu Nianci immediately interrupted the system.

[I... I will definitely not do this next time...] The system obediently admits its mistake, and said: [After this world is completed, yes, there must be rewards! ]
[You probably don't have the right to reward me, right? ]
[Put, fart! ] The system is a fledgling little system that wants to save face, and immediately said: [There is definitely a reward!There are sure to be rewards!I swear on my system! ]
When Gu Fanyin heard the words, she finally laughed and agreed.

The system realized belatedly that it seemed to be cheated by its host again.

Obviously he kicked the host off the mission world to not give rewards, why did it not only offend the host after kicking it down, but also had to give the gift back?No matter what, it was a loss!

During the gap between the two of them communicating, those girls who were doing "campus bullying" were even more aggressive, and their words were even more hurtful.

"If you want me to tell you, you might as well die. You killed your parents. What's the point of living?"

Hearing this, Gu Fanyin raised her head abruptly, and looked at those people like knives in her eyes.

Those people were stunned by Gu Fanyin's sharp eyes.

Afterwards, several people felt that their faces were a little dull.

They were actually startled by such a trashy look just now! ?

Perhaps in order to save their own face, several people wanted to fight again.

[Can't take it anymore. ] After Gu Fanyin said something to the system, she planned to do it.

She still doesn't know how strong this body is, but she feels that the moves she learned in her first mission world to ensure her safety are more than enough to deal with these 'eldest ladies'.


Gu Fanyin hadn't had the chance to show her talents, and the system hadn't had time to stop Gu Fanyin when a hoarse male voice came from behind Gu Fanyin.

"You guys, are you bothered by chattering here all the time? If you annoy labor and management, it doesn't matter if you are women or not. Let's beat you up first."


Those girls obviously wanted to get angry when they were said so, but after turning their heads to look at the person coming, their attitudes turned 180 degrees in an instant and said, "Brother Zhuo? Good morning, Brother Zhuo."

Gu Fanyin turned her head and glanced at the person coming.

In the next second, everyone saw that the unlucky ghost who had been hanging his head suddenly fell straight down.

Gu Fanyin: ...

Oh day.

Next time, can we wait for her to see what the main target of the mission world looks like before letting her pass out! ?

"Get lost!" Lu Zhuo roared impatiently.

Several people slipped away immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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