Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 111: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 4

Chapter 111: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 4
As for how to repay...

For the original owner, it may be to protect him, it may be to do what he can for him, or it may be to pay attention to him silently.

But for Gu Fanyin, of course it's...a body promise!

Apart from this, she would not accept any other methods!
From this point of view, it couldn't be more obvious who the young man who unleashed good intentions was.

While Gu Fanyin was digesting the memories of the original owner, Lu Zhuo opened his eyes at some point. At this moment, he was staring at Gu Fanyin closely, sizing up her expression.

Gu Fanyin immediately lowered her head, seemed to be trembling slightly, her mouth was tightly pursed, and played the role of the silent and gloomy little girl to the extreme.

"Doctor, she's awake, fart quickly, I'm still in a rush for class." Lu Zhuo looked away and called the doctor.

The doctor rolled his eyes when he heard the words, he believed that the sow climbed the tree, but he didn't believe that Lu Zhuo would listen to the lectures.

He walked over quickly and asked Gu Fanyin if there was anything uncomfortable.

Gu Fanyin shook her head silently.

The doctor asked her again what had just happened.

She is still silent.

Seeing this, the doctor asked, "Did he bully you? Don't you dare to say that he is here? Don't be afraid."

As the doctor said, he was going to drive Lu Zhuo out.

She didn't say a word all the time, but Gu Fanyin, who had been guessed by the doctor and Lu Zhuo whether she was dumb or not, suddenly spoke.

"not him."

It seemed that the girl's voice was very hoarse because she had not spoken for too long, but it seemed that the rough tone rubbed against Lu Zhuo's heart.

He stood up directly, raised his eyebrows at the doctor provocatively, and left.

Seeing Lu Zhuo leave, Gu Fanyin also got out of bed, and after the doctor confirmed that she was fine, she left and went back to the classroom.


Gu Fanyin obviously didn't come to class all morning, but none of the teachers and classmates seemed to notice her existence. Whether she came to class or whether she was in or out of class didn't attract anyone's attention.

Gu Fanyin was also happy to be quiet, she flipped through the book by herself, stared blankly for a while, and then it was time for lunch.

When eating at noon, Gu Fanyin realized that she was like a terrible virus, wherever she went with the plate, the people there would disperse automatically.

If a little girl like the original owner has encountered so many things, her heart is fragile, and she is treated so coldly by everyone, she will definitely be very sad.

But the old fritter Gu Fanyin did the exact opposite, she still felt comfortable.

Originally, the cafeteria was full of people, and there was no place to sit. Many people were queuing up with their plates waiting for others to eat, but what about her?How cool it is to have a seat wherever you go.

However, what's more annoying is that there are always flies buzzing around Gu Fanyin, saying that she is shameless, knowing that she is not welcome, and knowing that she is so unlucky, she has to come out to harm her. People and so on.

Gu Fanyin:? ? ?

Is she a danger to society or something?
With such a miserable family background, it's really too much for each of them to add insult to injury.

Gu Fanyin ate the food in big mouthfuls, as if she wanted to eat all those who scolded her to relieve her hatred.


When Gu Fanyin was eating with her head down, the world was silent for a moment.

Gu Fanyin raised her head in confusion, and saw Lu Zhuo came to her side with a plate at some point, then sat down diagonally across from her, and started eating on her own.

(End of this chapter)

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