Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 115: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 8

Chapter 115: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 8
Soon, the whole school knew about Lu Zhuo's contact with Gu Fanyin.

Everyone felt very horrified, after all, they had never seen anyone who would take the initiative to contact Gu Fanyin.

So, everyone waited for Lu Zhuo to be unlucky with the idea of ​​watching a show or worrying.

But for the next two days...

——Lu Zhuo is going to fight!It must be miserable!

——Lu Zhuo has won!And it wasn't hurt!

——Did Lu Zhuo arrive at school safely today?
——Lu Zhuo arrived at the school safely, and even picked up the money and handed it to the police, and was praised by the school!


Everyone wanted to see what bad things would happen to Lu Zhuo, but these days Lu Zhuo was full of good things, how could any bad things happen?
For a while, everyone began to doubt the authenticity of the fact that they would be unlucky if they met Gu Fanyin.

During the past two days of going to school, Gu Fanyin clearly felt that everyone was looking at her with a little more curiosity.

It's just that no one dared to take the initiative to contact Gu Fanyin.

After all, the last person who came into contact with her sprained her ankle and is still in the hospital.

Gu Fanyin was not in a happy mood, on the contrary, she felt that everyone was staring at her curiously, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

this day.

Gu Fanyin had just finished her physical education class. After running 800 meters, her face was covered in sweat, so she planned to wash her face in the sink.

When passing by a tree shade, I saw Lu Zhuo and his friends squatting under the shade and chatting.

She lowered her head, and just wanted to pretend that she didn't see Lu Zhuo, but suddenly bumped into the oncoming person.

"Are the few of us enmity with you!"

A familiar voice rang in Gu Fanyin's ear.

It's really a narrow road for enemies.

What Gu Fanyin bumped into was one of the few people who surrounded her and taunted her.

"You've already hurt her so badly that you've put her in the hospital, and you're still here to hurt us!?" The girl said angrily, "You're such a villain! It's not enough to hurt one person! How many people do you have to hurt!"

While patting the invisible 'germs' on her body, the girl chattered and reprimanded Gu Fanyin for not being good-looking and hurting them.

"You don't know how to say hello when you see me?" Lu Zhuo's voice suddenly sounded.

When the girl saw Lu Zhuo, she was stunned for a moment, and said casually, "Brother Zhuo."

"I didn't talk to you." Lu Zhuo said something disgusting to the girl, then continued to look at Gu Fanyin, waiting for Gu Fanyin's reaction.

The girl was stunned when she heard the words, and then her face was full of embarrassment.

Lu Zhuo actually, unexpectedly did not give girls face so much.

For such a hapless ghost, he actually treated her like this!
If Lu Zhuo treated all the girls like this, then she wouldn't feel too embarrassed, but the question is, is his attitude towards Gu Fanyin completely different from his attitude towards her, okay?

Compared to Gu Fanyin, a villain whom everyone despises, she really loses face.

Gu Fanyin was quiet for a while, and then she greeted Lu Zhuo seriously, and said, "Hi, Lu Zhuo."

After speaking, she was going to leave just like last time.

"Hey!" Lu Zhuo immediately stopped Gu Fanyin.

Gu Fanyin stopped in her tracks.

Lu Zhuo suddenly took out a bottle of water from nowhere, he couldn't help but hand it to Gu Fanyin, and then he called a few friends and left together under everyone's shocked gaze.

[Ding—add ten to happiness, and 30.00% mission completion. ]

Let's do two more shifts today, work overtime until the mentality collapses, and continue to work overtime later, woo woo woo

(End of this chapter)

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