Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 121: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 14

Chapter 121: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 14
After Gu Fanyin bought water for Lu Zhuo, she hurried to her part-time job.

The proprietress of a part-time convenience store has a son who is about the same age as Gu Fanyin. She feels that Gu Fanyin has to come out to earn money to support the family at such a young age, so she hired Gu Fanyin, gave her a job, and told her that there are no customers. When she was young, she was allowed to read and study, and said that she must not give up studying.

Gu Fanyin was grateful for the kindness of the proprietress. Of course, she had to take care of the convenience store first and then consider her own affairs.

The proprietress saw that Gu Fanyin was so sensible and serious in doing things. Although she was a little taciturn, she didn't miss the things she had to do. She immediately liked Gu Fanyin even more, and she would often cook Gu Fanyin's dinner together. .

Gu Fanyin is doing odd jobs here, and she has solved her own living expenses, so she finally feels a little better in her heart.

Everything began to develop in a good direction in an orderly manner.

Not only was Gu Fanyin able to cover her own living expenses, but she was also able to save some money.

Lu Zhuo never knew that Gu Fanyin's family was in such a difficult situation. He only thought that Gu Fanyin was still being raised by her uncle and aunt. Even though his uncle went bankrupt, life was not too difficult.

Until one day, he and his friends came to play in a nearby Internet cafe. They felt that the Internet cafe was too expensive and deceitful, so they planned to buy some water in a nearby convenience store. As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Gu Fanyin standing at the cashier to help others. Bill, please.

Lu Zhuo:? ? ?
"Didn't you go home!?" Lu Zhuo didn't know why he was angry, but when he saw Gu Fanyin, who should be doing homework and studying at home, appear here, he felt a little depressed.

Or maybe it could be said that the fact that Gu Fanyin was working part-time here and he didn't know about it made him extremely depressed.

Gu Fanyin raised her head to look at Lu Zhuo, a little surprised to meet him here.

"Part-time job." Gu Fanyin answered him concisely.

"Your uncle and aunt asked you to work part-time to make money?" Lu Zhuo asked again.

"they do not know."

"Then who knows about this?" Lu Zhuo's attitude was a little aggressive.

His friend stood beside him, feeling silently in his heart, Lu Zhuo was indeed still the same Lu Zhuo, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't say a few words.

But then, his friend seemed to have witnessed a miraculous moment, seeing Lu Zhuo's instant change from fried hair to obedient.

"only you."

As soon as Gu Fanyin said these words, Lu Zhuo's heart suddenly became joyful, and the depression that he didn't know where came from just now disappeared with the wind in an instant.

He was the only one who knew about her odd job.

Oh no.

And his friends.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhuo suddenly turned his head and glared at his friend.

The inexplicably lying friend:? ? ?

Later, Lu Zhuo asked Gu Fanyin a few more questions, and Gu Fanyin answered a few simple words. Only then did Lu Zhuo understand that Gu Fanyin had moved out a long time ago, and the situation at her uncle's house was very bad. Well, it wasn't her uncle who drove her out, but she wanted to do her best to help her uncle relieve the pressure.

Hearing this, Lu Zhuo suddenly felt that it was too much for him to ask Gu Fanyin to pack his lunch at noon.

It was not easy for her to make money, and she had to cook lunch for him.

But he was afraid that if he suddenly refused Gu Fanyin to bring him lunch, Gu Fanyin would feel sad.

But if he gave Gu Fanyin money, Gu Fanyin would definitely not accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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