Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 124: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 17

Chapter 124: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 17
After hearing the teacher's words, Gu Fanyin couldn't hold back, and turned back, saying: "People in the school say that you are one of the three extinct masters."

So, shouldn't her class teacher also reflect on why she is called the extermination teacher by the students?

Gu Fanyin's head teacher did not expect that Gu Fanyin would attack her back. After all, in her impression, Gu Fanyin rarely spoke.

As a result, when she spoke today, she was so angry that she wanted to yell at her.

Just when Gu Fanyin's class teacher was yelling at her, Lu Zhuo came to the office. Hearing what her class teacher said, seeing her standing still, Lu Zhuo's heart burst into flames instantly.

He hates seeing others treat Gu Fanyin differently.

Her teacher is simply a teacher!

Lu Zhuo walked over to Gu Fanyin's teacher angrily, "Didn't you ask her to come here to check if she is living with me?"

"I tell you, no. So, can she go back?"

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuo directly pushed Gu Fanyin out of the office, and then slammed the door of the office from the inside.

Gu Fanyin was taken aback by Lu Zhuo's sudden tantrum, and after shaking, she realized that Lu Zhuo had solved the matter for her, so she obediently took two steps back and stood at the door of the office waiting for Lu Zhuo come out.

Not long after, Gu Fanyin heard Lu Zhuo arguing with her homeroom teacher in the office.


Lu Zhuo's voice was even louder than that of her head teacher.

Gu Fanyin silently praised Lu Zhuo in her heart.

Compared with classmates, this kind of class teacher is more lethal to an adolescent girl.

If the soul in this body is not Gu Fanyin but the original owner, Gu Fanyin can't imagine how sad she must be after hearing her head teacher say that about her.

The fierce quarrel in the office lasted for more than 20 minutes, and then the door of the office was suddenly pulled open.

Gu Fanyin thought it was Lu Zhuo, but when she looked up, she saw her class teacher angrily holding the doorknob.

She obviously didn't expect that Gu Fanyin hadn't left yet, she was stunned, and the anger in her heart was even more intense.

But thinking of the content of the quarrel with Lu Zhuo just now, she could only say to Gu Fanyin viciously, "You are really capable, I, a teacher, can't control you anymore, it's none of my business whether you live or die in the future!" Then just left.


Gu Fanyin looked at the head teacher's back, a little confused.

When did she manage her?
She has been sitting in a small corner in the last row since the beginning of school. Her classmates bullied her and bullied her on campus. Has her class teacher ever asked about it?
Gu Fanyin laughed mockingly, and then suddenly made a gesture with her hanging hands.

Whatever she is just right.

She is too lazy to deal with this head teacher.

When Lu Zhuo came out, he happened to see this one in Gu Fanyin's hand, and he was obviously stunned with a wild expression, and finally burst out laughing.

Gu Fanyin: ...

She quickly clenched her fists, with a little embarrassment on her face.

"Is it cool?" Lu Zhuo said, "I was afraid that you would blame me for meddling in my own business."

"Very cool." Gu Fanyin immediately replied to Lu Zhuo seriously.

Lu Zhuo really couldn't hold back, and stretched out his hand to rub Gu Fanyin's head.

Every time he saw her speak such a pleasant word, he would have the urge to rub her head and pinch her face.


Piaopiao is here, wow, comment wow~ Today is the fourth update~ We will see you in the early morning, little ones

(End of this chapter)

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