Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 126: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 19

Chapter 126: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 19
Last time, many people saw it. A girl was cursing Gu Fanyin. In a blink of an eye, she fell like a dog and ate shit, as if her teeth had been chopped off. It was as miserable as it could be.

After this statement was confirmed, Gu Fanyin discovered that when she went to school, she could actually see someone smiling kindly at her.

Although this smile looks a little stiff.

But Gu Fanyin was sure that what was revealed in this smile was kindness.


Everyone is transgender?

Later, after hearing Lu Zhuo's friend tell her about this incident, she realized that it was Lu Zhuo's friend who secretly helped her to spread those favorable views for her, and everyone changed their views on her.

In the past, Lu Zhuo didn't want Gu Fanyin to get in touch with others. He was afraid that his foolish friends talking nonsense in front of Gu Fanyin would make her even more unwilling to get in touch with this world.

But after a long time, he discovered that his friends happened to play a role in promoting.

He's not that lively, and he's not that sand sculpture. His sand sculpture friends can always think of things that he can't think of. During this time, Gu Fanyin's smile has obviously increased a lot, and he even talked a lot more.

She is getting more and more cheerful.

Lu Zhuo didn't have any friends of his own who made Gu Fanyin feel cheerful and unhappy.

On the contrary, he felt very fortunate that he still had friends who could make Gu Fanyin happy.

And there is...

He knew very well that in Gu Fanyin's heart, he was different from others.

Therefore, he would not have those unnecessary thoughts at all, Gu Fanyin's dependence on him cannot be replaced by anyone.

And he is also willing to silently protect her and accompany her, no matter what happens to her, he is willing to stand by her side and accompany her through it.

Although Gu Fanyin only went back to her uncle and aunt's house once a week, her uncle and aunt could clearly feel the change in Gu Fanyin's personality.

For this reason, my uncle and aunt had talked about Gu Fanyin's changes in private a few times, fearing that something might happen to her at school.

"You said, she can't be talking about friends, right?" the uncle asked the aunt, and said.

"No way……"

"Then tell me, how did Yinyin suddenly become cheerful when she had so many things on her mind these years?" asked the uncle.

The aunt fell silent for a moment.

It seems that love has such a great power.

"No, I'll take a leave of absence tomorrow and go to Yinyin's school to find out what's going on." The uncle immediately faced up to this question, for fear that Gu Fanyin would be deceived by others outside.

"What are you inquiring about? Inquire about it! When you were secretly in love with me, why didn't you think that you were a puppy love!" The aunt immediately said: "Whether Yinyin has friends or not, that person can make her change for the better. That's a good thing! Why do we do that kind of thing that beats mandarin ducks!"

"Besides, it's not that you don't know the rumors outside. If that boy really doesn't believe the rumors outside, and is willing to coax us Yinyin and make us happy, it means that he is not confused. He will definitely treat Yinyin OK."

After hearing what my aunt said, my uncle was silent for a while, then nodded, sighed, and said: "You're right, no matter what, it's a good thing that Yinyin becomes cheerful. I hope he can treat Yinyin well, I'll wait for Yinyin The day Yin brought him home."

So, he stopped going to the school to inquire.

Let them do everything.

(End of this chapter)

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