Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 128: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 21

Chapter 128: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 21
Seeing the 'enthusiast', Gu Fanyin still didn't believe that she and Lu Zhuo really had a good relationship. In the end, she could only say to the uncle very seriously:
"I'm sure he treats me well. Even if people in the whole world speak badly to me, he will stand by my side without hesitation."

Because she has experienced all these things.

When she was abandoned by the whole world, when everyone spoke ill of her, it was Lu Zhuo who chose to believe her again and again, to help her, and to stand with her on the opposite side of everyone regardless of everyone's doubts.

and so……

Anyone could hurt her, but it was absolutely impossible for her family and Lu Zhuo to hurt her.

Obviously, neither Enthusiast nor Lu Zhuo expected that Gu Fanyin would say such a thing.

Both of them were stunned for a while, and the enthusiastic person smiled awkwardly and said, "It seems that I really messed up something."

The enthusiastic person immediately apologized to Lu Zhuo for admitting his mistake.

Lu Zhuo was not angry, he just waved his hand and said there was nothing wrong.

If there are more enthusiastic people like this in the world, there will be more people who will be more sentimental when they leave this world.

Later, the police also checked the surveillance and confirmed what Lu Zhuo said, that he would secretly go back with Gu Fanyin every day, and he would only leave after seeing her safely home.

The misunderstanding was finally resolved.

But this incident still alarmed the parents of both parties.


Lu Zhuo's father just answered the phone and asked a few words before hanging up.

But Gu Fanyin's uncle and aunt rushed to the police station immediately.

After the two arrived, they took Gu Fanyin's hand first, and checked up and down many times. After confirming that she was fine, they listened to the police tell the whole story.

After hearing that Lu Zhuo secretly followed Gu Fanyin to bring her home safely every night, Uncle Gu Fanyin's eyes fell on Lu Zhuo.

Sure enough, as he and his wife thought, Yinyin was indeed in love.


This boy seemed to treat their family Yinyin better than they imagined, and he was silently paying for them Yinyin.

They haven't made any friends for so many years, Yinyin has a very introverted personality. If he is really warm to Yinyin, it may have the opposite effect. He gives silently like this, but it just makes Yinyin feel his love for her. gentle.

She looks good and treats Yinyin well.

Although my uncle is a bit unhappy about Yinyin falling in love at such a young age, but because Lu Zhuo treats Yinyin so well and makes Yinyin develop in a good direction, they have no objection to Lu Zhuo. The attitude even hopes that the two can go on together well.

Just like the two of them.

Since they met when they were young, they have been hand in hand until now. No matter how difficult they are, the two have never thought of giving up on each other.

Later, Gu Fanyin's uncle and aunt led the two of them out of the police station.

Lu Zhuo originally thought that he would be hated by Gu Fanyin's aunt and uncle. After all, it doesn't sound like a good thing for a boy to follow behind his niece every day.

The results of it?
Gu Fanyin's uncle took the two of them to eat a steaming bowl of noodle soup, and then told him that he might ask Lu Zhuo to pick up Gu Fanyin every night in the future. Gu Fanyin went home for dinner together and said that he would cook him a table of delicious food to thank him.
The fourth update is over, ask for votes, comments, and rewards, the new book is in PK~
(End of this chapter)

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