Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 141: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 34

Chapter 141: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 34

Gu Fanyin finally had a reaction, and after nodding seriously, she smiled very happily.

Seeing Gu Fanyin's wicked smile, Lu Zhuo actually fully understood that he had been fooled by Gu Fanyin.

It's just... Seeing her smiling so happily, he felt that a few words could make her so happy, but he actually earned it.

Seeing Gu Fanyin smiling so happily, Lu Zhuo suddenly felt itchy.

But Lu Zhuo dawdled and lost his courage.

The two looked at each other and giggled for a while, before Lu Zhuo suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu Fanyin's little hand hanging by his side.

Gu Fanyin was enjoying herself when someone grabbed her hand suddenly and almost raised her hand reflexively.

After reacting and seeing Lu Zhuo's wicked smile, Gu Fanyin was a little speechless again.

Holding a small hand can lead to a fight, and Lu Zhuo is no one else.

[Ding—add ten to happiness, and 80.00% mission completion. ]
Although Gu Fanyin complained about Lu Zhuo's straight man in her heart, she couldn't hide the happiness in her heart.


The two of them were together and never thought of hiding anyone, but what Gu Fanyin and Lu Zhuo didn't expect was that after they told their families about the two of them being together, both parents were shocked.

In their view, these two children have been together for a long time, and they will change because of each other.

Now that the two of them have become more sunny, and the better one has become better, they are actually together.

Only then did Gu Fanyin and Lu Zhuo realize that the parents of both parties thought they were dating.

When falling in love at this age, the parents of both sides don't stop them after knowing it, but care about each other's family. There are really too few such fairy families.

For this reason, the two families had a light meal together.

Father Lu reminded Lu Zhuo'er that he must not betray any little girl, and he must treat her well.

Lu Zhuo has always hated listening to other people's nagging, but today Lu's father said so many times to be nice to Gu Fanyin, but Lu Zhuo obediently complied. That very serious and sincere appearance made Gu Fanyin's uncle and aunt Very satisfied.

However, Gu Fanyin's uncle still pretended to be serious and told Lu Zhuo that if he wanted him to treat Gu Fanyin well, he was not allowed to bully Gu Fanyin. If he dared to bully Gu Fanyin, the uncle would never let him go easily his.

Gu Fanyin was a little speechless when she heard the two adults talking.

Her uncle said this as if she was going to marry Lu Zhuo today.

What do you mean you won't let him go easily!

During this time, Gu Fanyin's uncle helped Lu Zhuo's father lead the subsidiary company. The development trend of the subsidiary company is very impressive. The two communicated more and admired each other very much. Therefore, the two have become close friends now. .

Hearing what Gu Fanyin's uncle said, Father Lu immediately said that if Lu Zhuo dared to bully Gu Fanyin, he would definitely beat him to death and not allow him to go home.

Lu Zhuo was not happy when he heard this.

"I will only protect her, and I will never bully her." Lu Zhuo promised, "As long as I'm around, I won't let her suffer any grievances."

Everyone has seen Lu Zhuo's efforts with his own eyes. Just by looking at his study enthusiasm during this period, you can know how much he wants to be excellent.

Hearing what he said, everyone laughed. After the two families had a happy meal, they went back to school.

When Lu Zhuo's friends heard the news that the two were together, they had to come to join in the fun and asked Lu Zhuo to treat them to dinner. In the evening, they went to a barbecue stall near the school to have a supper. , to send Gu Fanyin home.

(End of this chapter)

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