Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 143: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 36

Chapter 143: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 36
On the day after the college entrance examination, Gu Fanyin and Lu Zhuo had to go home to pick up their luggage. During the time between taking the luggage, Gu Fanyin suddenly made a move that might have been shocking to the original owner.

She cut her own hair.

The thick bangs that reflected the original owner's heart were trimmed into air bangs by Gu Fanyin's barber, and the hair was cut to the back with a few small curls.

The barber sighed with disgust while cutting.

I don't know what kind of aesthetics she used to have, why she couldn't bear to keep her hair in that way, how ugly she wanted to be, and so on.

After the final cut, perm, and blow-drying, the barber had already chatted with Gu Fanyin a lot. In their line of work, chatting with customers during haircuts every day has become their pleasure.

Although Gu Fanyin didn't say those absurd things back then, the barber could tell from the look on Gu Fanyin's face at that time that she must have encountered something back then.

So, the barber waved his hand, expressing that he would waive Gu Fanyin's order.

Gu Fanyin was sent out of the barber shop with a dazed expression.

When she took the luggage and took a taxi to the place agreed with Lu Zhuo, Lu Zhuo didn't recognize Gu Fanyin.

Gu Fanyin saw her face every day, and felt that after the haircut, she looked so refreshed and sunny.

But Lu Zhuo didn't have the 'fun' of lifting people's bangs every day to see people's faces, not to mention Gu Fanyin was such a sensitive person.

and so……

After seeing Lu Zhuo, Gu Fanyin knew that she had changed so much that Lu Zhuo couldn't recognize her.

After passing by Lu Zhuo three times without Lu Zhuo noticing, Gu Fanyin finally walked forward speechlessly and grabbed Lu Zhuo's arm.

"What are you doing..." Before the words came out, Lu Zhuo's eyes were already staring straight, obviously he had recognized Gu Fanyin.

"You...have you had your hair done?" Lu Zhuo asked.

Gu Fanyin nodded and asked, "How is it? Does it look good?"

No wonder she had to buy a ticket four or five hours after the college entrance examination. She said that she wanted to go home to be with her family, and that the traffic jam after the exam was too serious. It turned out that she was going to have her hair cut.

Lu Zhuo could only nod mechanically, his mind was full of the little girl in front of him,

So... so tm beautiful.

Lu Zhuo always thought that Gu Fanyin was very clean, especially her eyes, as long as he saw her eyes, he seemed to be able to forget all the unpleasant things in life.

But...Looking at Gu Fanyin standing in front of him now, Lu Zhuo had the urge to take her away in his pocket.

It's so eye-catching.

Lu Zhuo stared at Gu Fanyin, unable to move his eyeballs, he just stared straight at Gu Fanyin, sighing crazily in his heart, he really found a treasure, and at the same time had a headache, how should he prevent it in the future? Where is the thief?
Now Gu Fanyin is both excellent and beautiful, Lu Zhuo is really afraid that if he doesn't pay attention, a fly will fly over.

Then, Lu Zhuo heard Gu Fanyin say that the barber didn't take money.

"He must see you so beautiful and want to pick you up!"

Lu Zhuo wished he could go to the barbershop where Gu Fanyin went immediately and pay the money, but in the end it was Gu Fanyin who said that it was too late to catch the plane, so he walked with her sullenly, making Gu Fanyin dumbfounded.

Look at Gu Fanyin, no matter which mission world it is, no matter what kind of personality he is, he can't get rid of the adjective vinegar vat.

(End of this chapter)

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