Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 148 The Sweetheart of the Campus Boss

Chapter 148 The Sweetheart of the Campus Boss (End)
For many days, Lu Zhuo hadn't been harassed by any girls, which made him more and more panicked, fearing that a bomb would be made suddenly.

Later, it was Lu Zhuo's roommate who told Lu Zhuo that after Gu Fanyin and Lu Zhuo's father came that day, many people saw it, and after knowing that Lu Zhuo's girlfriend was so beautiful, And they have already met their parents. They are afraid that they will get married as soon as they graduate. Although most girls are jealous of Gu Fanyin, they are planning to give up chasing Lu Zhuo's footsteps.

No matter how hard they try, they can't change this kind of certainty, so it's better to find another target.

Lu Zhuo didn't expect that bringing Gu Fanyin to school would have such a good thing.

If I had known, he would have brought Gu Fanyin to his school for a walk!


The four years of college are generally the most free and stress-free years in such a long life, but the good times always pass quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Gu Fanyin and Lu Zhuo graduated.

Gu Fanyin took the postgraduate examination in her senior year, and Lu Zhuo took several professional courses concurrently in college. After graduating from college, she planned to go home and manage her family's company.

Therefore, after Gu Fanyin's postgraduate exam results came out, she chose the best university in their city to go to graduate school.

On the day when Gu Fanyin's postgraduate defense was over, Lu Zhuo made an appointment with a bunch of their good friends, saying that he wanted to celebrate Gu Fanyin's official entry into society.

But after Gu Fanyin finished dressing up and went to the agreed venue, she found that...

Where is the celebration reception!

Lu Zhuo is going to propose to her!

Gu Fanyin looked at the ridiculously handsome Lu Zhuo in a suit standing not far from her, her heart suddenly started beating violently.

Lu Zhuo just started a subsidiary company this month to expand new business. He is so busy every day that he often falls asleep while calling Gu Fanyin at night. Gu Fanyin doesn't think about it at all. However, Lu Zhuo would actually propose to her at this point in time.

"Your loneliness, I understand."

"I understand your sadness."

"I understand what happened to you."

"I want to be the person in the world who understands you best, hold your hand, face the storm together, enjoy the stable years together, and want to spend the long and short life with you inseparable."

Lu Zhuo said a lot, but these few words are what Gu Fanyin remembers most clearly.


The two of them have had the same experience, and they have stood the test of time for so many years. They both want to be the person who understands each other best in the world, and they both want to be inseparable from each other and grow old hand in hand.

Isn't that enough?
Looking at Lu Zhuo's red eyes, Gu Fanyin couldn't help but also shed tears, nodded frantically, saying 'I do' one after another.

She is willing to hold his hand and grow old with him, she is willing to marry him, and is willing to be his bride.

Lu Zhuo trembled for a long time before putting the engagement ring on Gu Fanyin's finger.

"Trap you, you can only follow me for the rest of your life."

Lu Zhuo stood up abruptly, hugged Gu Fanyin in his arms, leaned into her ear, and said these words tremblingly.

Gu Fanyin sniffed, hugged Lu Zhuo back, and said with a smile, "Not in this life."

"It's life after life."

She is willing to be by his side in every life and every life, and accompany him through a life of hardship or prosperity.

[Ding—add [-] to happiness, and [-]% mission completion. ]
 If you write an online game in the next world, do you have any friends who want to read it?

(End of this chapter)

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