Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 152 Hey handsome guy, online dating 4

Chapter 152 Hey handsome guy, online dating 4
When Gu Fanyin woke up, it was already afternoon. She first greeted everyone in the group, and seeing that no one replied, she went to the cafeteria to buy a meal. When she came back, she saw that the three of them in the group had already They chatted lively.

[Miss, let’s play games together after dinner! ]
After Gu Fanyin sent an emoji, someone replied to her immediately.

[OK. ] Gu Fanyin complied.

After Gu Fanyin had dinner, after a while, they asked her to play games together, and she boarded her account and continued to play games with them.

"Do you often add other people's WeChat when playing games?" After chatting for a while, one of the teammates suddenly asked.

"No." Gu Fanyin said.

"Then why did you add our WeChat yesterday?" The man continued to ask.

"Because I was too scared to be alone in the dormitory last night, and I always got foreigners in the queue, and I finally got you in the queue, so I want to fight with you a few more times." Gu Fanyin asked these few words because of the man After saying that, I already had a faint guess in my heart, but I still asked, "What's wrong?"

"You are easily deceived like this." The man said seriously.


All right.

She already knew who the main mission target of this world was.

"I haven't added anyone else."

"What if we are bad people?" the man asked again.

"Then are you all bad people?" Gu Fanyin asked.

The man was speechless for a moment.

The other two immediately began to tease them, stirring up the slightly tense atmosphere into joy in an instant.

At the end, the man quietly added: "Don't trust others casually, there are many liars these days."


Inexplicably, Gu Fanyin thought he was so cute.

She agreed, promising that she would never add other people's WeChat in the game casually.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after saying this, Gu Fanyin obviously felt that the person opposite seemed to be relieved.

That night, the four of them still called until past one o'clock in the morning, and Gu Fanyin's computer ran out of battery again.

This time, because they had classes the next day, they chatted with her in the group, and then they all went to bed.

Gu Fanyin could only play casual games on her mobile phone, and planned to catch up on sleep when the sky was slightly brighter.

[Haven't slept yet? ]
Just after opening the game, Gu Fanyin's phone vibrated.

[no! ] Gu Fanyin replied quickly.

[Afraid? ] The man asked again.

['s okay, just catch up on sleep tomorrow. ] Gu Fanyin is indifferent.

What Gu Fanyin didn't expect was that the man actually sent her a voice message directly.

"Hello?" Gu Fanyin answered the voice in doubt.

"Hello..." The boy on the opposite side obviously lowered his voice deliberately.

"Aren't you going to class when you wake up?" Gu Fanyin asked.

"Hmm..." The boy seemed to hesitate before asking, "Would you be afraid to sleep with the voice on?"

"Ah..." Gu Fanyin didn't expect to have such an operation, she was stunned, and then said: "I shouldn't be afraid."

"Then sleep with the voice on, you can wake me up if you need something." The boy said.

"Okay." After Gu Fanyin was 90.00% sure that the other party was the main mission target of her world, she didn't intend to be polite with the other party, but she still chose to confirm again, and she asked, "What's your name? Uh?" ...My WeChat is full of your name in the game."

"My name is Xu Chaoyang. You can call me Chaoyang." Xu Chaoyang said.


A bright smile immediately appeared on Gu Fanyin's face.

(End of this chapter)

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