Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 155 Hey handsome guy, online dating 7

Chapter 155 Hey handsome guy, online dating 7
[Ding—add ten to happiness, and 20.00% mission completion. ]
Xu Chaoyang's roommates were completely unaware of the little secret between the two of them, but it was this ignorance that made the two of them feel very...exciting?

In one night, Xu Chaoyang didn't know how many times he opened the chat history with Gu Fanyin, let alone clicked on the screenshot that Gu Fanyin sent over saying 'Second Rent Boyfriend', every time he clicked Open, the corners of his lips couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Obviously the two of them were just joking and called 'Second Rent Boy/Girlfriend', why did he feel like they were really in love?
Xu Zhaoyang was absent-minded all night.

When I woke up at noon the next day, I saw that there was no message on my mobile phone, and my heart began to feel lost again.

Maybe Gu Fanyin was really just joking yesterday?

Today's joke is over, so she won't bring up this matter again.

"Chaoyang, what's the matter?"

"not in a good mood?"

Several roommates found that Xu Chaoyang's mood was a bit strange.

"Maybe I didn't get enough sleep, I'm a little sleepy." Xu Zhaoyang said with a random reason.

"Then let's catch up on sleep by sitting in the back of class later!" The roommate patted Xu Chaoyang on the shoulder and said casually.

In my senior year, I will be graduating soon, and I come to those career courses, which don't sound very nutritious. Usually, the seats in the back row are rushed by everyone, and the seats in the front row are all vacant.

Xu Chaoyang answered absently, and after sitting down with his roommate, he took out his phone and saw an unread message.

After seeing who sent the message, Xu Chaoyang's heart beat a few times in an instant.

Gu Fanyin sent a message.

Xu Chaoyang took a deep breath before clicking on WeChat.

As soon as he clicked on the contact list, Gu Fanyin's chat history was already displayed on the screen.

[Second Rent Boyfriend, good afternoon! ]
Xu Chaoyang turned off the screen with a swipe, and then forced himself to calm down.

But he couldn't deny that when he saw Gu Fanyin's phrase "second rent a boyfriend", his heart seemed to explode like a firework.

Xu Zhaoyang felt that he was really weird recently.

He has never believed in people he met on the Internet, let alone online dating.

Even, he has always felt that online dating is a very, very ridiculous thing.

When his roommate was dating online, he even complained about him many times.

Even now that his roommate has succeeded, and the two of them play LOL in duo all day sweetly, each mouthful of a honey, and have to go out to make appointments every month, Xu Chaoyang still feels that online dating is very unreliable.

He felt that the few of them could chat well with Gu Fanyin, so they could simply chat on the Internet and talk about the troubles and joys in life, that's enough.

But now...

The relationship between him and Gu Fanyin was beyond his control.

He knew that if he resisted having heart-to-heart contact with people on the Internet, he should completely cut off contact with Gu Fanyin now, or in other words, ignore her phrase of 'renting a boyfriend in seconds'.


After Xu Chaoyang turned on the phone, he still sent a good morning emoji before saying: [Good morning, Second Rent Girlfriend. ]
Xu Zhaoyang felt that Gu Fanyin must be poisonous, and he was already poisoned the moment he decided to add her on WeChat.

Moreover, he is willing to continue like this...

As for what it will look like in the future, let's talk about it later.

(End of this chapter)

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