Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 158 Hey handsome guy, online dating 10

Chapter 158 Hey handsome guy, online dating 10
Just after the game was finished, Xu Chaoyang's phone on the table vibrated several times.

[Ding dong. ]
[Second rent a boyfriend. ]
[You seem to be in a bad mood? ]
Seeing that Gu Fanyin was so keenly aware of his emotional changes, Xu Chaoyang couldn't help but lick his lips even though he thought he was going to alienate her.

[No. ] Xu Chaoyang replied.


Not right.

If there was really nothing wrong with Xu Chaoyang's emotions, he would definitely agree with her that he would rent a girlfriend in seconds when she asked him to rent a boyfriend in seconds.

[You... is there something wrong? ] Gu Fanyin asked.

[No, it's getting late, you should go to bed earlier. ] There are so many Xu Chaoyang.

Gu Fanyin saw that she couldn't ask anything, and she was afraid that Xu Chaoyang would be displeased if she relentlessly pursued Xu Chaoyang to ask questions, so she could only say good night to Xu Chaoyang.

[Okay then, you should go to bed early too, good night, second rent boyfriend~]
[Good night. ] Xu Chaoyang's reply was still very cold.


Early the next morning.

After Gu Fanyin woke up, her first reaction was to take out her phone and open WeChat.

Not a single unread message on WeChat.

Xu Zhaoyang had the first class this morning, but now the first class is probably over, and he hasn't sent her a message yet.

[What are you doing? ] Gu Fanyin sent an emoji to Xu Chaoyang.

After a while, Xu Zhaoyang replied to her: [Lie down. ]
[Not playing games? ] Gu Fanyin asked again.

[No. ]
Gu Fanyin: ...

[Do you not want to talk to me anymore? ] Gu Fanyin really couldn't hold back, and asked tentatively.

[No. ] There immediately replied.

[……I see. ] Gu Fanyin said.

Xu Zhaoyang wanted to ask Gu Fanyin what she knew, but isn't this result what he wanted?
Therefore, Xu Zhaoyang hesitated for a while, but still did not reply to Gu Fanyin.

Gu Fanyin lay on the bed, angrily poked Xu Chaoyang's head several times with her fingers.

Men are big hooves!

A few days ago, he rented a girlfriend to her one by one, but now he suddenly ignores her.

Gu Fanyin was aggrieved and angry, and secretly swore that if Xu Chaoyang didn't come to her, she would never go to Xu Chaoyang again.

For the next two days, Xu Chaoyang didn't go to the game, and every time his roommate called him to get in the car, he would always be absent due to various 'things'.

His roommate didn't think it was a big deal, after all, they didn't go to work to play games, so naturally they spent less time playing games when they were busy.

So, they pulled another boy from the dormitory to play.

Gu Fanyin would still often chat with his other two roommates in a group of several people.

Except when his roommate Aite came, Xu Zhaoyang would come out and reply. At other times, it seemed that he was not in the group.

But what everyone didn't know was that he didn't miss any news in the group.

He watched Gu Fanyin laughing and joking with his roommates, watched them play games together every day, and heard his roommates call her 'Yinyin' one by one.

Gu Fanyin didn't seem to be affected by his changes at all.

From the beginning to the end, it seemed that he was the only one who was serious, and it seemed that he was the only one who almost fell into this dream of love.

Fortunately, after these few days, he has become sober and understood.

The current state is the best.

It is the result he wants if he and Gu Fanyin maintain this state.

Neither of them will bear any consequences because of this acquaintance.

(End of this chapter)

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