Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 166 Hey handsome guy, online dating 18

Chapter 166 Hey handsome guy, online dating 18
After Gu Fanyin came home, she lay on the bed and fell asleep.

But before she went to bed, she still remembered to set an alarm clock for herself at 50:[-].

She woke up at around 50:[-] in the evening. The alcohol was finally over half, and she lay dizzy for a few minutes before remembering what she had just called Xu Chaoyang.

...It's too embarrassing.

She actually just told Xu Chaoyang on the phone that she likes him, she loves him?
Not only that, but she pestered Xu Chaoyang to confess to her?
It's over.

Gu Fanyin immediately covered herself in the quilt, even trying to find a crack in the ground to get in.

At 59:[-], Xu Chaoyang called.

Gu Fanyin looked at the incoming call, hesitated for a moment, and still pressed the connect button.


"Are you sober?" As soon as Xu Chaoyang heard Gu Fanyin's awkward tone, he knew that her alcohol had passed.

"You laugh at me!" Gu Fanyin said immediately.

"No way." Xu Chaoyang said, "Don't slander me."

"I don't have one." Gu Fanyin snorted twice angrily, then stopped talking.

After both of them were quiet, the sound of the countdown to the Spring Festival Gala on the TVs of both parties came to the other party.






"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!"

The two said a Happy New Year to each other at the same time.

People in love are so boring.

Both Gu Fanyin and Xu Chaoyang wanted to be the first to say Happy New Year to each other, so they called each other at 59:[-].

"What wish do you have?" Gu Fanyin asked Xu Chaoyang.

Xu Zhaoyang was silent for a while, and then asked Gu Fanyin, "What wish do you have?"

"Me!" Gu Fanyin immediately began to count and said, "Of course I hope that my family and you can be healthy and healthy, and that I can find a good job smoothly." And...she hopes that this year The two of them were able to meet each other.

Seeing Gu Fanyin's sudden pause, Xu Chaoyang seemed to understand that she had something to say, and chuckled lightly, making Gu Fanyin's face a little hot.

"What about you?" Gu Fanyin asked.

"Mine... depends on your cooperation." Xu Chaoyang said.

"Ah?" Gu Fanyin asked in confusion, "You mean, do you want me to stop drinking milk tea?"

Gu Fanyin likes to drink milk tea very much, but Xu Zhaoyang doesn't want Gu Fanyin to drink the things that are mixed with those chemicals, he has to scold Gu Fanyin for a long time every time, and even made a rule that Gu Fanyin can only drink one cup of milk tea a week.

"No." Xu Chaoyang said.

"What is that?" Gu Fanyin asked.

"Take you home." Xu Chaoyang said.


"Huh?" Gu Fanyin felt that she must be hallucinating.

"My wish this year is to take you home to have a look." Xu Chaoyang said.


Gu Fanyin's eyes widened instantly.

She and Xu Chaoyang had just confirmed their relationship, and they hadn't even met face to face. He actually said that he would take her home this year?
Although she felt that this matter was outrageous, the sense of happiness in Gu Fanyin's heart could not be suppressed.

When Xu Zhaoyang said that, it meant that he had thought about the future of the two of them.


He wasn't just playing around with her.

He had thought about spending the rest of his life with her.

Regardless of whether he succeeded in bringing her home this year, at least Gu Fanyin knew his attitude towards her.

That's enough.

[Beep—add ten to the favorability, and the task completion rate is 60.00%. ]
 Face base?
  Pay the ticket first!
  No boarding without a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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