Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 175 Hey handsome guy, online dating 27

Chapter 175 Hey handsome guy, online dating 27
On the first night, Xu Chaoyang was lying on the bed alone, listening to Gu Fanyin's breathing from the right side, barely suppressed his urge to go over and hug her, stayed up half the night, and then slowly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the two got up to watch the flag-raising ceremony in a daze, and continued to catch up on sleep after returning.

After returning, the two slept until the afternoon before going out for a stroll.

It may be because they slept too much during the day, and neither of them was very sleepy at night. After returning to the hotel, they stared at the TV for half the night and still didn't feel sleepy.

After not falling asleep...

Xu Zhaoyang couldn't hide his other thoughts.

He didn't want to stay alone in the empty bed.

How nice to sleep with Xiangxiang's daughter-in-law.


When Gu Fanyin finally felt sleepy and wanted to chase Xu Chaoyang away, Xu Chaoyang sneaked into Gu Fanyin's bed with great agility, grabbed the quilt tightly, and said:

"Your bed is comfortable to sleep in. I want to sleep here."

Gu Fanyin: ...

"Then I'll sleep on your bed." Gu Fanyin said.

When Xu Chaoyang heard this, he immediately put all his luggage on his bed, and then said to Gu Fanyin with a serious face: "Look, I have too many things, and I can't sleep anymore."

After finishing speaking, Xu Chaoyang blamed Gu Fanyin and said, "It's because you said that it's cold here, that's why I brought so many thick clothes."

Gu Fanyin: ...

So, how did he sleep yesterday?

Gu Fanyin rolled her eyes, but did not rush Xu Chaoyang away. Xu Chaoyang immediately showed a smug smile, hugged Gu Fanyin, kissed her on the cheek, and said: "It's getting late, go to sleep .”

"Hmm." Gu Fanyin was held by Xu Chaoyang, her body was a little stiff.

The two of them... the progress is fast, right?

Although the two of them were just chatting under the quilt.

Gu Fanyin originally thought that she would suffer from insomnia because of this nervousness, but in fact, she leaned against Xu Chaoyang's chest and fell asleep within a short while.

Wait until the next morning.

Gu Fanyin was woken up by Xu Chaoyang.

The wonderful feeling of being able to see the person you like as soon as you open your eyes is a bit fresh for both of them.

"It would be great if it could be like this forever." Gu Fanyin said in a daze.

After finishing speaking, she was a little shy, but before she could shrink into the bed, Xu Chaoyang hugged her into her arms and said, "I think so too."

In the past, what Xu Zhaoyang thought was to choose Congxin.

He likes Gu Fanyin, so he is with Gu Fanyin.

Although he thought about taking her to meet the parents and being with her for the rest of his life, he had never thought about how to implement everything in detail, how the two of them should stay together in different places.

But now...

Xu Zhaoyang felt that he urgently needed to think about this matter clearly, and then put it on the agenda.

It is so comfortable to have a girlfriend by my side.

Thinking that he would have to leave tomorrow, Xu Zhaoyang's heart instantly became heavier.

Although the two haven't known each other for a long time, Gu Fanyin knew what Xu Zhaoyang was thinking when he saw Xu Chaoyang's expression.

"After you go back, you are not allowed to play games with other young ladies! You are not allowed to like other young ladies!" Gu Fanyin said.

"Of course not." Xu Chaoyang said, "It's not like you don't know what kind of person I am."

When Gu Fanyin heard the words, she immediately remembered what happened when Xu Chaoyang and his two roommates were queued behind a young lady when she had something to do.

(End of this chapter)

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