Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 180 Hey Handsome Guy, Are You Online Dating

Chapter 180 Hey Handsome Guy, Are You Online Dating (End)
Xu Chaoyang's graduation defense was more than a month earlier than Gu Fanyin's.

Therefore, until the middle of May, Xu Chaoyang finally finished her graduation defense and officially graduated, but Gu Fanyin started to work on her thesis again.

Fortunately, Gu Fanyin's professional ability is good. Although thesis and projects are difficult, as long as you put your heart into it, graduation is still easy.

In June, Gu Fanyin officially graduated.

The day before the graduation photo was taken, Xu Chaoyang gave Gu Fanyin a surprise and ran over from Dongcheng quietly. It seems that there is a tradition in Dongcheng. When a person graduates from university, relatives and friends will come to send flowers and take pictures together.

Gu Fanyin only found out about this matter after getting to know Xu Chaoyang and the others. There is no such tradition on their side, let alone asking Xu Chaoyang to accompany her to take graduation photos.

When seeing Xu Chaoyang, Gu Fanyin was in a daze.

"You... Didn't you say, meet me at the airport in Chengdu on the [-]th?" Gu Fanyin said.

The two of them made an appointment to go on a graduation trip together. The time was already arranged and the air tickets were already booked. Why did Xu Chaoyang fly over suddenly?
Seeing Gu Fanyin's bewildered look, Xu Zhaoyang smiled and rubbed her head, and said, "After you bought the air ticket, I bought another air ticket."

"As I said, I will accompany you." Xu Chaoyang said.

Gu Fanyin instantly remembered when the two were just dating, she said she had never been on a plane before, so what should she do if she dared not fly to find Xu Chaoyang, Xu Chaoyang said that he would come to her first, and then pick her up and go to Dongcheng together .

Although Xu Zhaoyang didn't have time to look for her when she was on the plane for the first time because of the accident, but now that he has spare time, he will definitely sit with her.


He wanted to be a part of as many important moments in her life as possible.

The same goes for graduation.

Xu Chaoyang and Gu Fanyin took many photos together. After everything was over, the two flew directly to Chengdu and spent more than ten days in Chengdu and Chongqing before they parted.

For Xu Chaoyang, this parting is really an unexpected date.

After all, after graduation, there are still many things that need to be dealt with before he can come to the city where Gu Fanyin is located.


He has already made a decision, he should come to Gu Fanyin, even if it is difficult to find a job, it is better than letting a little girl like Gu Fanyin come to him.


What Xu Chaoyang didn't know was that Gu Fanyin's company had already negotiated, and she was going to Dongcheng to join the job in a week.

Gu Fanyin's family has no requirements for her, she can do whatever she likes, she is going to Dongcheng, and the family knows that she has already found a company and the development is not bad, so they are relieved that she will go.

She stayed at home with her parents for a few days, then packed her things and came to Dongcheng.

When Xu Zhaoyang received her news, he was stunned. When he was still trying to find Gu Fanyin, Gu Fanyin had already found a job in Dongcheng and rushed to him...

Xu Chaoyang rushed to the airport non-stop. The moment he saw Gu Fanyin, he immediately rushed up and hugged Gu Fanyin. For some reason, his eyes suddenly turned red.

"What's wrong with you?" Gu Fanyin was startled by Xu Chaoyang's attack.

"Unless... unless one day in the future, you don't like me anymore, otherwise, I, Xu Chaoyang, will love you forever, treat you well all my life, and spoil you as the happiest woman in the world."

"Since... since you have taken this step for me, then I will never let you lose."

Xu Zhaoyang's eyes were slightly red, but his words were extremely firm.

[Ding—add ten to the happiness degree, and the mission completion degree is [-]%. ]
(End of this chapter)

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