Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 191 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 10

Chapter 191 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 10
Gu Fanyin wants to see how cruel Jiang Hongyi can be.

Then, Gu Fanyin didn't eat a single meal for a whole week, and her task completion rate dropped from 20.00% to 13.00%.

Two days before Jiang Hongyi started, seeing Gu Fanyin looking at him pitifully, really felt very good.

But after those two days, seeing Gu Fanyin so pitiful, he suddenly couldn't bear it for some reason.

Even if he knew that she was a ghost, a ghost that could do no harm to him, a ghost that was useless, he couldn't feel any fear of her in his heart, and it was because of her weak appearance that he felt pity for her. Heart.

For Jiang Hongyi, pity for a person is an extremely terrifying beginning.

As an emperor, he doesn't need to pity anyone other than the people in the world, let alone any woman. The more he has pity, the more he... has a weakness.

So, Jiang Hongyi persisted for several days.

Every day as soon as he leaves the palace gate, he can see Gu Fanyin staring at him miserably. When he goes to the morning court, she also follows behind. When he goes to the morning court, she squats at the door and listens. She couldn't see her ministers making faces and making funny faces. When he was dealing with government affairs, she would squat in a small corner and take a nap. When he was eating, she would come to the door of the main hall and look at him eagerly.

Jiang Hongyi had never been stalked by a woman before. Of course, except for Gu Fanyin, no woman dared to stalk him like this.

After pestering him, Jiang Hongyi was shocked to find that he seemed to have no resistance to Gu Fanyin pestering him.

You know, women are not allowed to participate in political affairs, and the harem is not allowed to participate in politics. These are the rules left by the ancestors. If ordinary women dare to eavesdrop on their husbands talking about business affairs, they may even divorce them. The family will be implicated.

But Gu Fanyin didn't know anything about it, she followed him stupidly every day, he didn't need to hide her when dealing with all the political affairs, he could do anything in front of her, and he didn't have to worry about her revealing the matter .

This feeling was very novel to Jiang Hongyi.


There seemed to be something more in his heart.

After waiting for a week, Gu Fanyin couldn't bear it any longer. When Jiang Hongyi had dinner and wanted to go for a walk in the garden, she begged Jiang Hongyi to give her something delicious. eat.

Of course, from Jiang Hongyi's point of view, Gu Fanyin's request was not considered a request at all.


Jiang Hongyi felt that he was underestimated.

Being frivolous by a female ghost.

He stared at Gu Fanyin who was holding on to his thigh tightly, and almost opened his mouth to speak again.

[You, why are you hugging my leg! ]
"Give me something to eat~ I'm so hungry!" Gu Fanyin said.

[Didn’t you live well without eating before? ] Jiang Hongyi tried to lift his leg slightly, but found that he couldn't lift it at all, and his expression instantly became speechless.

Seeing that Jiang Hongyi stopped suddenly, all the eunuchs following him stopped, and the personal eunuch was standing beside Jiang Hongyi, wondering why their Majesty stopped suddenly, and then said without saying a word. stand there.

Feeling many eyes on him, Jiang Hongyi didn't even dare to raise his legs.

He was afraid that he would be regarded as a mad emperor by others.

Personal eunuch: w(Д)w Isn't it now?
 I had the side effect of the rabies vaccine yesterday. I had a fever, headache and vomiting. I accidentally fell asleep after tossing.

(End of this chapter)

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