Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 193 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 12

Chapter 193 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 12
As time went by, Jiang Hongyi became more and more used to having Gu Fanyin appear by his side from time to time to accompany him.

Therefore, after more than ten days, Jiang Hongyi's first reaction was to be nervous when someone from the Xuanling Cult suddenly asked for an interview.

In the past, he definitely wouldn't have cared about the people of Xuanling Cult. After all, Jiang Hongyi didn't believe that there were ghosts in this world, let alone that people of Xuanling Cult could catch ghosts, but now... After meeting Gu Fanyin, what else can he not believe?

It's just that Jiang Hongyi didn't expect that he would be nervous, even...he was a little scared, afraid that the people from Xuanling Sect came for Gu Fanyin.

If it was really for Gu Fanyin, wouldn't Gu Fanyin be taken away by them?

What happens after you take it away?
Will they treat Gu Fanyin well?Will you give her something to eat?
Without thinking about it, Jiang Hongyi knew the answer.

Of course not.

Maybe, Gu Fanyin would be beaten out of her wits by them on the spot, just like what was said in the script.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hongyi didn't feel any sense of relief, but became more depressed.


How could he be soft-hearted to a female ghost?

Jiang Hongyi didn't want to admit his nervousness and fear just now, so with a big wave of his hand, he asked the little eunuch to bring the people from Xuanling Sect.

Soon, the people of Xuanling Sect were brought up in Jiang Hongyi's complicated mood.

After the salute, the Xuanling Sect said bluntly that he had received a message from his apprentice, saying that he had caught a ghost's breath in the palace. At that time, the apprentice took his magic weapon, and the induction of the magic weapon should be correct. , So after receiving the news, he rushed to Miansheng in the capital day and night, trying to find out that potential hidden danger.

After all, even if they claim to be outsiders, the Xuanling Sect knows how chaotic the world will become if something happens to the emperor, and how many more lonely souls and wild ghosts will be there. For the sake of the common people, they must try their best to protect the emperor Ghost damage.

Just as Jiang Hongyi was about to open his mouth to speak, he suddenly saw Gu Fanyin with only one head exposed at the door.


His heart tightened, and he almost failed to manage his expression well.

[Why are you here now! ? ]
"Ah? Can't I come over?" Gu Fanyin looked at Jiang Hongyi suspiciously.

On weekdays, no matter what business he was discussing, she had no objection to listening to him.

[Do you know what they are here for? ] Jiang Hongyi glanced at the few people below, seeing that they didn't seem to be aware of Gu Fanyin's existence at all, he was slightly relieved.

It was only then that Gu Fanyin saw those people who were dressed in a fairy style.

"Come to catch me?" Gu Fanyin thought of the two people who knocked out the original owner, and instantly understood why Jiang Hongyi suddenly became so nervous when she came in.

[Um. ] Jiang Hongyi nodded.

"It's okay, they won't notice me." Gu Fanyin said quite proudly, "I'm different from those ordinary ghosts!"

Hearing the words, Jiang Hongyi took a closer look at the people below, and then asked, "Did you find anything unusual?"

The leader said humanely: "I still don't know where the little devil is hiding, maybe... Maybe I need to look around in the palace."

Check around the palace, if Jiang Hongyi is a little suspicious, their Xuanling Sect will be in trouble.

When Jiang Hongyi heard what the man said, he suddenly sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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