Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 205 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 24

Chapter 205 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 24
You know, the emperor's personal servants are all little eunuchs, and there is not even a little maid in the palace.

As for the harem...

It was completely empty.

Their emperor has never accepted anyone into the palace.

Normally, the little eunuch would feel very relieved to see his emperor so close to the woman, as if the child he watched had grown up, but now...he is just full of worries.

What if the emperor really fell in love with a female ghost?
Yin and Yang are separated, the two are destined not to be together!

Jiang Hongyi didn't know that the little eunuch next to him had so many thoughts in his mind, he just walked quickly to his bedroom, and after entering the bedroom, before the little eunuch came over, he asked everyone to retreat, and directly turned the main hall The door was closed.

"I... how can I help you?" Jiang Hongyi looked at Gu Fanyin who was getting weaker and weaker, and felt at a loss for the first time.

In the past, no matter what problems he encountered, he could find a way to solve them, but now... facing Gu Fanyin's increasingly transparent body, he was helpless.

"It's okay." Gu Fanyin smiled at Jiang Hongyi, but twitched the corners of her mouth, as if the wound was hurting.

"It hurts..." Jiang Hongyi looked at Gu Fanyin's heart.

Although there was no bleeding and it was impossible to see that her heart had been hurt, Jiang Hongyi could easily see the pain hidden in her eyes, and his heart seemed to ache along with her instantly.

this feeling...

This feeling made him wish he could immediately tear the person who hurt her into pieces!
At this moment, Jiang Hongyi finally knew what kind of existence Gu Fanyin was to him.

"A little..."

"Stupid..." Jiang Hongyi stared at Gu Fanyin with a pale smile, his eyes suddenly became a little sore.

Seeing Gu Fanyin's reaction, Jiang Hongyi felt very sour in his heart.

Isn't she a ghost!
Aren't ghosts supposed not to be hurt by people?
Why was Gu Fanyin injured by that dagger!

Jiang Hongyi was puzzled, he wished that Gu Fanyin hadn't blocked that knife for him.

"Will you always remember me?" Gu Fanyin asked him.

"Of course!" Jiang Hongyi said.

"Then you have to remember my name~ My name is Gu Fanyin." Gu Fanyin said to Jiang Hongyi again.

When Jiang Hongyi heard this, the hand holding her froze instantly.

They have known each other for so long, he thinks he treats her pretty well, and getting along is quite pleasant, but...he never asked her name...


Jiang Hongyi had never hated himself so much.

He now feels that he treated Gu Fanyin absolutely badly.

"Okay. I'll remember." Jiang Hongyi slowly stretched out his hand and touched Gu Fanyin's pale and cold cheek, and his heart began to ache again.

"I'll come back to find you~" While Jiang Hongyi was in a trance, Gu Fanyin received another message from the system, and quickly comforted Jiang Hongyi.

It's a pity that Jiang Hongyi thought that Gu Fanyin didn't want to make him so sad, so he comforted him.

"Okay. I'll wait for you to come back." Jiang Hongyi did not 'explore' Gu Fanyin, but spoke softly.

"It's a deal!" Gu Fanyin said.

Jiang Hongyi nodded and whispered, "I'm sorry..."

"Why do you have to apologize?" After Gu Fanyin knew that she would not lose her life and fail to complete the task, she was in such a good mood that she could almost ignore the pain in her chest.

"I'm... not good to you."

"I have wronged you these days..."

If there is a future...

 The third update is over~ Ask for votes, rewards, and comments~
(End of this chapter)

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