Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 210 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 29

Chapter 210 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 29
Being an emperor is doomed to be lonely.

Jiang Hongyi has always been lonely, and he was established as the prince since he was a child. He was born different, and he was destined to be special in this life.

and so……

When he saw that female ghost shielding Jiang Hongyi from the sword, the little eunuch actually hoped that nothing would happen to the female ghost.

During those days, he could see how much the emperor's mood had changed because of the existence of that female ghost.

But God did not wish.

He can only hope now that there will be another person in this world, like that female ghost, who will accompany their emperor every day and become the person on the emperor's heart.

I just don't know, will such a person appear again?
After the interrogation, the minister who assassinated Jiang Hongyi lasted only four days before he wailed and told the whole story.

It turned out that a general who had been guarding the border for many years had other thoughts in his mind. After accidentally knowing that the minister's only son had been beheaded by Jiang Hongyi, he secretly contacted him to discuss the matter with him.

Everyone knows what happened next.

The minister was instigated by the general, and his mind was changed. The two of them planned to place eyeliners in the palace. After waiting for several months, they finally got the opportunity of the Spring Festival banquet.

After Jiang Hongyi knew the cause and effect, he sent generals to arrest the fleeing general, tortured him every day, and exposed his body for three days after his death, to warn people with ulterior motives. The corpse was fed to wild dogs.

Of course, no one felt that what Jiang Hongyi did was cruel.

After all, traitors and thieves deserve such torture.


After experiencing the assassination of the emperor, many ministers began to think about the emperor's heir.

If the emperor was really assassinated at that time...the whole palace didn't even have an heir, wouldn't the world be in chaos?If any traitors and traitors take advantage of the situation and enter, it will be a kind of harm to people all over the world.


Every day Jiang Hongyi received memorials requesting him to quickly fill the harem.

Jiang Hongyi: ...

Was his time wasted on such things?

After receiving more than a dozen such memorials, Jiang Hongyi finally couldn't take it anymore, and went into a rage in the hall, saying that the ministers might not interfere in his affairs again.


In this era, how important an offspring is, just look at the minister who rushed to assassinate the emperor because his only son was beheaded.

They will listen to the emperor for other matters, but for this matter...they absolutely cannot agree with the emperor's point of view.


All the ministers began to propose the draft.

Even if Jiang Hongyi was furious and threatened to take their dog's head off if he dared to bring up this matter, there were still ministers who stood up as if I was willing to sacrifice for the country and talked to Jiang Hongyi about the importance of offspring.

Jiang Hongyi began to wonder if he was really too kind that everyone would ignore his words like this.

Therefore, the next day when someone made a suggestion in class, he had someone pull him out and beat him twenty times.



Everyone still brings up the draft every day.

In fact, Jiang Hongyi knew in his heart that if he wanted to stabilize the people in the court and let these ministers assist him well, the draft would happen sooner or later.


For him, there is no harm at all.

But I don't know why, a few years ago, he had planned to wait a few years to select a few ministers' daughters to be included in the harem to stabilize the court, but now he is very resistant to the draft.

(End of this chapter)

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