Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 212 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 31

Chapter 212 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 31
Indeed, the beautiful girl who was about to introduce herself was really not in line with the aesthetics of the public at that time.

After all, they regard their beauty as slim and proud of their waist as thin as a willow, but this show girl has a baby face and a chubby face. I really don't know how she can participate in the draft.

It must have gone through the back door!

But the beautiful woman seemed to have not noticed her flaws in appearance at all, she stared at the man sitting above with a smile, and said: "The minister is the daughter of Prime Minister Gu Cheng Gu, named Gu Fanyin, today..."

I saw the man in the seat who had been closing his eyes to meditate suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were burning, and he looked straight at the beautiful girl.

"Say, what's your name?" Jiang Hongyi's throat tightened, and he couldn't wait for Gu Fanyin to finish her self-introduction, so he planned on her and asked.

"If you go back to the emperor, my name is Gu Fanyin." Gu Fanyin said to Jiang Hongyi with a slightly smug expression.

Regarding Jiang Hongyi's reaction just now, everyone was full of disbelief. They couldn't believe why the emperor treated this little girl differently.

But the next second, after hearing Gu Fanyin's words, the show girls almost laughed out loud.

The prime minister's youngest daughter?
Why don't you even know the etiquette.

To actually call myself me in front of the emperor.

Sure enough, it was only because of the prime minister's face that he was able to enter the palace.


Everyone thought that Jiang Hongyi would reprimand Gu Fanyin for not knowing etiquette, would dislike Gu Fanyin and drive her out.

But the reality was the opposite of what they wanted.

When Jiang Hongyi saw Gu Fanyin's familiar expression, he stood up abruptly, and even... people who were closer to him could see his body trembling slightly.

"" Jiang Hongyi's voice trembled slightly, but he couldn't utter a complete sentence, just like the day she left.


When Gu Fanyin was a female ghost, her appearance was not very similar to now, so Jiang Hongyi didn't notice her at all until she introduced herself.

Gu Fanyin...

For more than a year, he didn't know how many times the name was repeated in his mind.

But now, she suddenly stood in front of him alive, and even participated in the draft in the palace.


She turned into a human?
"What's your greatest hobby?" Although Jiang Hongyi had almost confirmed Gu Fanyin's identity through her small expression, he was afraid that he would really identify the wrong person and be used by someone with a heart.

After all, the courtier he once valued had assassinated him.

Now he is more vigilant than before no matter who he is facing.

"Eat!" Gu Fanyin replied straightforwardly.

Hearing Gu Fanyin's answer, many beautiful girls immediately laughed out loud.

Although the emperor seems to like her quite a lot, she is too stupid to tell others that her hobby is eating, which is really ridiculous.

But the truth is...

After hearing Gu Fanyin's words, the emperor laughed instantly, and then asked, for example.

Gu Fanyin immediately answered a few things that she used to eat and loved in the palace.

After hearing Gu Fanyin's answer, Jiang Hongyi's always indifferent face suddenly showed a bright smile.

should say,
This is the happiest smile he has shown since he can remember.

What she promised him, she really did.

She said she would come back to him, and now she suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although it made him wait for a long time, as long as she appeared in front of him alive and kicking, he could ignore everything.

(End of this chapter)

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