Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 216 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 35

Chapter 216 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 35
That little girl is probably a fool.

The queen is not willing to do it?
Oh no.

It should be said that she dared to reject the emperor.

And all the ministers in the capital were dumbfounded.

The girl sent to the palace by her family actually returned the goods.

What a shame!

Many people secretly inquired about what was going on, only to find that all the show girls had been sent back.

Inquire again.


The prime minister's daughter was not returned, she still stayed in the palace and did not come back!
For a while, everyone envied the dead prime minister.

Why is the little girl in other people's family so competitive?

It is said that……

The emperor directly asked her if she would like to be a queen...

What an honor this must be!
And the other side.

After the prime minister heard that all the little girls had been sent back, he was relieved.

Although he promised his girl to enter the palace, he didn't want her and many women to compete for love and care.

But when he returned home excitedly and planned to chat with his own girl about his life, he was told... only his girl was left in the palace, and she had a great chat with the emperor! ! !

The prime minister didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a moment.

Now, his daughter is the only one in the entire harem, and I heard that the emperor plans to make her a queen...

Is it an honor?
My pleasure.

But at the same time, he was also very worried, worried that Jiang Hongyi's reason for keeping Gu Fanyin was to stabilize him and let the prime minister continue to serve him.

In this way, how sad that silly girl in his family is.


"Wooooow, it's so delicious!"

"Sure enough, the food in the palace is the best!"

"Aww, braised pork is my favorite!"

The prime minister was so worried that the silly girl was sitting and eating in the palace with his respected emperor.

While eating, Gu Fanyin hummed contentedly.

Jiang Hongyi sat beside Gu Fanyin, listening to her satisfied laughter, the depression in his heart finally dissipated.


The feeling of having her by his side was so blissful that he wondered if he was dreaming.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Jiang Hongyi said with a smile.

"Water! Let's drool!" Gu Fanyin said softly.

Jiang Hongyi hurriedly passed the water to Gu Fanyin.

Gu Fanyin took a sip of tea, sighed comfortably, and then said: "The food in the palace is so delicious! If I stay in the palace every day, I'm afraid I'll become a fat pig."

Jiang Hongyi: ...

So, she didn't want to be his queen because she was afraid of becoming a pig?

Jiang Hongyi began to wonder whether his decision to let the world's best cooks into the palace to cook food was really very wise...

"As fat as a pig, you are also my queen." Jiang Hongyi said.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Gu Fanyin choked on Jiang Hongyi's sudden love words in an instant.

"Be careful..." Jiang Hongyi said helplessly.

Gu Fanyin laughed awkwardly, then continued to eat, but this time she ate much more quietly.

And the little eunuch standing next to the two of them had already begun to doubt life.

Although he knew that the emperor liked this girl named Gu Fanyin very much, but... he also dotes on this girl too much!

The emperor actually let Gu Fanyin sit on his dragon chair, had dinner with her, coaxed her, and... even brought her tea and water!

The little eunuch felt that his three views had all collapsed today.

The emperor likes a woman, is it like this?
The lady of the prime minister's family is too happy and lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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