Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 227 Zombie King, Let's Go! 10

Chapter 227 Zombie King, Let's Go! 10

Gu Fanyin withdrew her hand, happy like a child.

Ke Yunlang never dreamed that he would get such an answer, let alone that he would be molested by a... oh, a zombie king!

She, she, she actually touched his face!
Ke Yunlang's originally pale complexion began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the roots of his ears were red as if they were about to bleed.

What he hates the most is when people talk about his appearance.

Sometimes, when he looked at himself in the mirror, he wanted to slash his face with a knife, so as not to put him in danger because of his appearance.

too weird.

Facing Gu Fanyin's straightforward praise, he didn't feel any anger in his heart.

Oh no.

Or rather, he was a little annoyed.


Probably like this.

Ke Yunlang stood up stiffly, then mechanically walked to the room that Gu Fanyin had arranged for him.

"Haha..." Gu Fanyin didn't expect Ke Yunlang to have such a reaction, so she was taken aback before laughing out loud.

so soft.

Soft and shy.


Such a man completely made her unable to control herself.

Gu Fanyin glanced at her zombie body with disgust.

I don't know if there is any way to prevent those spots from growing on her body, but she is a person who cares a lot about her appearance.

She doesn't want to have some other colors on her when she has sex in the future.


Except strawberries! (#^.^#)
If Ke Yunlang knew that Gu Fanyin had already made up so many things in his head because of his blushing, he might just open the door and run away.

How could he be in Gu Fanyin's favor?

He is throwing himself into a trap, sending himself into the tiger's mouth!

It's a pity that the current Ke Yunlang is still an extremely innocent Ke Yunlang. He is sitting in the room blushing because of Gu Fanyin's undisguised laughter.


the other side.

Zhao Man and the others finally returned to the base after driving for an hour.

As soon as he entered the base, Zhao Man began to cry.

The manager of the base heard that something happened to his daughter, so he ran over quickly. As a result, he saw Zhao Man's burned scalp as soon as he came out, and he almost passed out without breathing.

"Who! Who did it!!!" the manager roared angrily.

A few minutes later, the manager sat in his office, looking at the few people surrounded by medical staff, with some doubts about life on his face.

Can the zombie king speak?

The zombie king has supernatural powers?
And let no one live?
After listening to their description, the manager felt that if the zombie king really wanted to kill them, it would be a matter of minutes!How can this be done?Are you really going to kill them all?
After thinking about it, the manager still intends to contact the managers of other bases to spread the word and see if they can test the strength of the zombie king.

The meeting lasted for an hour or two.

When he came out of the meeting, the manager had a dejected look on his face, but looking at his severely burned daughter, his eyes were stained with deep distress.

"Good Manman, you'll stay in the base for the time being, and we'll go out after your injury recovers, ah~" the manager said while hugging his daughter.

When Zhao Man heard this, he immediately went crazy.

"I don't woo! b... Dad, you... well, you must avenge c... revenge for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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