Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 230 Zombie King, Let's Go! 13

Chapter 230 Zombie King, Let's Go! 13
It wasn't until Gu Fanyin entered the room that Ke Yunlang's face slowly became ferocious.

Then, he turned his head slowly, pulled down his short sleeves, and glanced at the place that Gu Fanyin pushed past just now.

At this time, the place has begun to slowly turn purple.

Ke Yunlang: ...

Fortunately, he knew that Gu Fanyin had no malicious intentions.

Thinking about it, Ke Yunlang felt that the behavior of the two of them was a bit funny.

She's kinda cute.

Not at all like a zombie king.

Ke Yunlang rubbed himself where Gu Fanyin pushed him to the place where he was bruised, and then returned to his room, ready to have a good night's sleep.

It is such a blessing to not have to worry about being wiped out by zombies that may appear at any time.

Gu Fanyin doesn't know Ke Yunlang's small thoughts, she just thinks that her mission world is a little too cool, hit people if she wants to hit people, and tease people if she wants to.


I really want to see those bad guys kneel down and call her daddy.



A good night's dream.

When Ke Yunlang woke up the next morning, he felt the sun shining on his body, and he just felt that the beauty of life was not too good.

However, this wonderful feeling only lasted for a few seconds.


He suddenly saw a zombie push open the door of his room, and then, patter, a drop of saliva fell on the ground.

Ke Yunlang:! ! !

The scariest thing is to open your eyes and see a zombie looking at him with the kind of eyes that look at food.

Ke Yunlang jumped up and stood up, and took out the knife from under the pillow, looking on guard.

In fact, he was quite confident that such unevolved zombies would not be able to harm him unless they attacked or besieged him.

Anyway, he can be regarded as a little kung fu, otherwise, how could he, an ordinary person, live for so long in the last days?

When Gu Fanyin heard the movement and walked over, she saw Ke Yunlang staring at her zombie cleaning aunt as if planning to commit murder with a knife.

Gu Fanyin: ...

"Hey..." She smiled a little guilty, touched the tip of her nose, and said, "I forgot to tell you, there will be cleaning aunts to help me clean the room every morning."

After hearing Gu Fanyin's words, Ke Yunlang almost fell to his knees.

It was a false alarm.

He just said, where there is a zombie king, how could zombies dare to break in casually.

When Gu Fanyin saw that the zombie dared to drool and even dripped on her floor, she immediately became angry and yelled at the zombie. The zombie immediately trembled, and then quickly wiped the floor many times. , ran to the living room and took a disinfectant spray and sprayed it on the ground.

Ke Yunlang: ...

Is this a fucking zombie?

If it hadn't been for so many things he experienced yesterday, Ke Yunlang would almost doubt his life again.

Seeing Ke Yunlang's expression, Gu Fanyin felt extremely happy.

She thought, Ke Yunlang must think she is very powerful, very awesome, look, zombies are here to help her clean up!

Ke Yunlang: ...

After Ke Yunlang finished washing, Gu Fanyin waited for him to finish his breakfast before standing up and opening the door, as if about to go out.

After Ke Yunlang followed Gu Fanyin for a few steps, he asked, "Where are we going?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Fanyin said to Ke Yunlang with a smile, "It's a good place!"

Ke Yunlang:? ? ?

After yesterday's food storage incident, when Ke Yunlang saw Gu Fanyin's expression, he subconsciously felt that she must have something good to share with him.

(End of this chapter)

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