Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 233 Zombie King, Let's Go! 16

Chapter 233 Zombie King, Let's Go! 16
"Here." Ke Yunlang held up a piece of clothing, his face was reddish, and said, "I didn't take your clothes on purpose... I found that if I took your clothes, the zombies seemed to regard me as you, although I can't communicate with them, but they won't hurt me anymore."

As long as the smell of Gu Fanyin remains on his clothes, the zombies will not approach him.

He also confirmed this after testing it on the zombies who came to clean up today.

God knows how apprehensive he was when he first went out this morning, and finally found that there were no zombies approaching him, so he breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved.

When Gu Fanyin heard the words, her eyes lit up instantly.

"I have a solution!" Gu Fanyin said.

"Huh?" Ke Yunlang didn't understand why.

"You will sleep with me from now on, so that you will smell of me, and those zombies will not hurt you!" Gu Fanyin said excitedly to Ke Yunlang.

Ke Yunlang:? ? ?




What the hell is Gu Fanyin talking about?
She she she actually said she wanted to sleep with him!
What's even more embarrassing is that she actually said that you smell like me.

Does she really not know how ambiguous such words are?

But when Ke Yunlang looked at Gu Fanyin's expression, he only saw her serious face, as if she had discovered some treasure, except that she didn't mean to belittle him at all.

Ke Yunlang: ...

He thought he might have lost his mind while running.

What does he care about with a zombie king?
"No... no more." Ke Yunlang shrunk his neck, trying to hide his red neck, but unfortunately, wearing a round neck and short sleeves, his entire neck was exposed, and he didn't want to expose Gu Fan Yin saw that it was impossible.

"Are you shy?" Gu Fanyin pointed at his neck.

Ke Yunlang: w(Д)w
Can't she show him some face and pretend she didn't see it?
At this time, Ke Yunlang really wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.

It was so embarrassing.

Why is he not as thick-skinned as a little girl?She didn't have any expression, and he was already blushing like this.

Even Ke Yunlang could feel the heat emanating from his body.

Gu Fanyin:? ? ?Who is thick-skinned!
"Okay, it's settled." Gu Fanyin stopped teasing Ke Yunlang, what if he became angry and didn't live with her.

Ke Yunlang was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "I'd better take your clothes and go."

Gu Fanyin glanced at Ke Yunlang, and said without hesitation: "Sleep with me."

After speaking, she skillfully made a cup of milk powder, sat at the dining table and drank it.


In fact, she couldn't taste anything, but she just molested the handsome man and was in a good mood, so she just wanted to eat something.

Ke Yunlang: ...

Like a wooden man, he stood there in a daze for a while, and then slowly took the bread and milk and sat down at the dining table.

Gu Fanyin is a clean freak, she asked to eat only at the dining table, otherwise, he would have slipped back to his room long ago.

Gu Fanyin, on the other hand, looked at Ke Yunlang buried in his breakfast, with a smug smile on his face.

Have a look.

What a wise decision she made.

No matter how shy Ke Yunlang was, he couldn't avoid her.


She is indeed the smartest zombie king in the world, bar none.

The unintelligent zombie kings:? ? ?What do you say Nima?

(End of this chapter)

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