Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 235 Zombie King, Let's Go! 18

Chapter 235 Zombie King, Let's Go! 18
But Ke Yunlang couldn't bear others to slander Gu Fanyin so much.

"Your companion was killed by other zombies." Ke Yunlang sneered, and said, "It's really good of you to smear others like this."

When Zhao Man heard this, her crying stopped for a moment, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face, before she said, "She can be the king of zombies! Who knows if she ordered those zombies to kill people!"

"Oh." Gu Fanyin sneered like Ke Yunlang, and said, "You take yourself too seriously."

Killing people so deliberately?
"Do you see that when I beat you, did I order other zombies to beat you?" Gu Fanyin continued.

Zhao Man: ...




Being slapped twice by Gu Fanyin is definitely the most humiliating thing in Zhao Man's life, but such a shameful thing Gu Fanyin wants to humiliate her in public...

If it weren't for the fact that many of the people present were big bosses, she would definitely have cursed at Gu Fanyin.

"Look... Her attitude is that she looks down on people at all."

"Please, how can you make me look down on you?" Gu Fanyin was speechless, this woman is annoying when she sees it.

Still hit lightly.

Gu Fanyin snorted dissatisfiedly, and the next moment, she suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Man, slapped Zhao Man in the face in public, and when everyone saw her again, she was already standing in front of Zhao Man. By Ke Yunlang's side.

Everyone's eyes widened in an instant, and the eyeballs seemed to be falling out of their sockets.

They heard from Zhao Man that this zombie king seemed to be a fire-type supernatural being, and her hair was burned by this zombie king.

But just now...

But what she showed just now was the skills of a space-type supernatural being.


Now the strongest space-type power user can only use the space to store food. There is a strongest power user who can barely hold small living things such as bunnies into the space.

But Gu Fanyin just now...

How strong is she!
After Gu Fanyin showed his hand, everyone's heart was covered with a layer of dark clouds.

Originally, they were still thinking that if Gu Fanyin was to be grinded in a wheel-to-wheel battle, they would always be able to defeat her. After all, they were standing here among the top or two strongest people among human beings.


Now they are suddenly not sure if they have the life to grind Gu Fanyin.

"Grandma, I saw this ugly woman today, and I was in a bad mood. Whoever wants to fight, hurry up." Gu Fanyin clapped her hands and said.

"Who are you calling ugly!" Zhao Man screamed instantly.

How can anyone bear to be treated with such an arrogant attitude by Gu Fanyin?
In the base, they were all praised by others, but now they are ignored like this.

"Let's teach her a lesson," said one of the leading supernatural beings.

Everyone nodded.

As soon as that supernatural person made a move, everyone shot at Gu Fanyin.

Gu Fanyin glanced at Ke Yunlang who was standing beside her, and then flashed to another place. When she saw all the supernatural beings rushing towards her, she was relieved and responded with all her strength.

She doesn't care, these people are not enough for her to see.

But Ke Yunlang has not yet reached the level where he can face these people. She is afraid that the person she carefully protects will be killed by his kind in the end.

Ke Yunlang did not miss the look that Gu Fanyin looked at him.

After seeing her actions, his heart throbbed in an instant.

He hated the feeling of powerlessness.

(End of this chapter)

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