Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 251 Zombie King, Let's Go! 34

Chapter 251 Zombie King, Let's Go! 34
Gu Fanyin and Ke Yunlang didn't care what happened at the base.

Gu Fanyin only knows that Ke Yunlang is making rapid progress now, and he will not be hurt if he fights against humans with supernatural powers.

This is enough.

She has been training Ke Yunlang so hard in order to let him protect himself when she is not by his side.

She didn't want to go out in the future and see a dead body when she came back.

After Ke Yunlang came back, he was very excited. After all, for him, this was the first time he had fought against supernatural beings, and he could clearly feel his progress.

"I'm sorry, I still haven't been able to awaken the ability." After Ke Yunlang got excited, he suddenly apologized to Gu Fanyin.

"Why do you have to apologize to me?" Gu Fanyin asked, "Do you think I exercised you to stimulate your abilities?"

When Ke Yunlang heard this, he was puzzled for a moment.

Is not it?
After seeing Ke Yunlang's expression, Gu Fanyin's expression immediately dimmed.

"It's none of my business whether you awaken or not." Gu Fanyin muttered.

Hearing this, Ke Yunlang explained: "If I awaken my supernatural ability, no matter what happens in the future, I will be able to face it with you."

God knows, he would never want to see the scene where a group of people besieged Gu Fanyin alone.

Gu Fanyin:? ? ?

He felt that she exercised him just to take advantage of him?
Gu Fanyin became even more angry in an instant.

"Do you have any heart?" Gu Fanyin said angrily, then went back to her room, and slammed the door shut.

She didn't even come out for dinner.

And Ke Yunlang started to panic when Gu Fanyin lost his temper.

But he didn't figure out why Gu Fanyin lost his temper suddenly.

Aren't they talking about the awakening of abilities? Why is Gu Fanyin so angry?

Ke Yunlang sat in the living room and waited for Gu Fanyin for a long time. Seeing that she had no plans to come out at all, he knocked on her door and said, "I'm going back to rest, you should come out and have something to eat first, don't be hungry." look at yourself."

After speaking, Ke Yunlang waited for a while, and seeing that there was no movement in Gu Fanyin's room, he went back to his own room.

He thought, since Gu Fanyin doesn't want to see him now, he should go back to his room first, give Gu Fanyin some space, and let her calm down.

Gu Fanyin didn't want to search, but Ke Yunlang turned around and left.

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮

He is a dead straight man!

She was angry, so couldn't he say a few nice words to coax her?
What do you mean he went back to rest! ?

The two of them have been sharing the same bed for so many days, is it still the same to him with her or without her?If you say go back to sleep by yourself, go back to sleep by yourself!
The more Gu Fanyin thought about it, the angrier she became, and she jumped up and sat up.

She opened the door on purpose and made a lot of noise no matter what she did.

The old lady is in the living room!
Hurry up and find my wife to admit my mistake!


How could Ke Yunlang, as a straight man of steel, understand Gu Fanyin's little thoughts?

He just thought that Gu Fanyin did not go out because she was too angry with him.

Look, as soon as he came back to sleep, she went out to find something to eat.

Ke Yunlang sighed, and dared not go out even more.

He was afraid that as soon as he went out, Gu Fanyin would immediately turn around and go back.

Although she is a zombie, it seems that she is fine if she does not eat a meal, but he will still love her very much.

(End of this chapter)

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