Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 261 Zombie King, Let's Go! 44

Chapter 261 Zombie King, Let's Go! 44
They didn't expect that Zhao Man would not agree to tell everyone about this matter.

"In case she comes to the door, we..."

"We can prevent it." Zhao Man said: "We can definitely prevent it."

Several people heard the words, but all remained silent.

They were very dissatisfied with Zhao Man's decision in their hearts, but they didn't say it out loud.

Anyway, in this matter, they will definitely admit their mistakes to Mr. Zhao.

If they don't tell the story, and the Zombie King comes to smash them, they will become the sinners of the entire base.

Blame it if you are blamed.

As long as the people in the base can stay away from their involvement, it will be fine for them to go out and find supplies to atone for their crimes in the future.

Several people had their own ideas, but they didn't notice that Zhao Man's eyes seemed to be poisoned.

"Let's do it this way." Zhao Man suddenly changed his mind and said, "We did make a mistake in this matter. We must admit our mistake, but before admitting our mistake, let's find some supplies and bring them back."

"In this shouldn't blame us too much..."

As soon as Zhao Man said this, he won the approval of several people.

So did they.

If you can bring a bunch of supplies back and tell everyone about it, everyone may look at the supplies and don't embarrass them.

Therefore, Zhao Man and the others collected the equipment, and then applied to go out to find supplies.

Of course the manager knew that Zhao Man had to go out to eat every day, so he quickly approved Zhao Man to go out.

Now he has slowly accepted this matter.

Anyway, those who have no power to restrain chickens will be killed by zombies sooner or later, it is better to be dealt with by his daughter, so that his daughter can live well in human form.

After Zhao Man and the others went out, they went straight to a supply location they found the day before yesterday.

After arriving at the location, they first searched together to see if there were any large groups of zombies nearby. If not, they began to search for supplies separately. Occasionally, they encountered one or two zombies, and they could easily deal with them.

After they separated for a while, Zhao Man suddenly appeared behind a man who was very dissatisfied with Zhao Man just now, and said, "Zhang Qi, I found a place with a lot of supplies, and I can't take them all by myself. You can go with me." .”

Zhang Qi heard the words and quickly responded.

"I'm sorry, Sister Man. I didn't treat you very well just now. I was too anxious. I was afraid that those powerless people in the base would be implicated because of us."

Zhang Qi felt that Zhao Man was actually quite a nice person, but his attitude just now was too reckless.

Zhao Man heard the words, but smiled, with a face full of indifference, and said: "It's okay." Anyway, there will be no next time.

After arriving at the place, Zhang Qi only saw an empty factory building without any supplies.

"Sister Man, where are the supplies?" Zhang Qi turned to look at Zhao Man suspiciously.

"Supplies..." Zhao Man's complexion suddenly became a little distorted, and she said, "You can go to Huangquan to find supplies!"

After finishing speaking, she rushed towards Zhang Qi before Zhang Qi could react.


The dagger plunged into Zhang Qi's chest.

"You...why did you..." Zhang Qi's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that Zhao Man wanted to kill him.

Is it because he contradicted her?
"Because you are damned." Zhao Man said with a salivating face, "You should be honored to be my food."

(End of this chapter)

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