Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 266 Zombie King, Let's Go! 49

Chapter 266 Zombie King, Let's Go! 49
In the gap between the two talking, the manager of the base stood on the city wall at some point, and said to the two of them with a loudspeaker:
"We were the ones who offended in the past. At that time, we heard that there was a zombie king nearby, and we panicked. But since that time, we have never violated the river. Why did you kill people in our base and break into the base? "

When Gu Fanyin heard that person's words, she almost laughed out loud.

Today she understands what it means to beat back.

"One, I didn't kill any of your people."

"Second, why did we break into the base, you'd better ask what the people in your base have done before farting."

"Three, what did you say to a zombie king that well water does not violate river water? It's funny. Do I need your advice on what I should do?"

I really don't know.

Gu Fanyin finally understood why the manager of this base and that big-chested and brainless Zhao Man could be father and daughter.

Because both of them have the same high self-esteem.

Do you really think others will see them in the eyes?

Facing the zombie king for real, and hearing a zombie reasoning with them, even the bullets that were fired obviously paused.

After hearing Gu Fanyin's words, the manager was puzzled for a moment.

What does she mean by that?
She didn't kill anyone in their base?
What did the people at their base do to her?
Without waiting for the manager to think about it, Gu Fanyin and Ke Yunlang went straight to the base with their shields on.

"However... just because people who haven't killed you before doesn't mean they won't kill you today." Gu Fanyin said, causing everyone to tremble in fright.

The zombie king said he was going to kill someone.

That's no fun.

After seeing that Gu Fanyin actually walked to their gate with the shield on, and then, bang, kicked down the gate of their unique base, everyone panicked.

They didn't expect that the gate that could withstand the artillery attack would become so vulnerable under the feet of the zombie king.

"Mr. Zhao, what did she mean just now! What did the people in our base say to her!" Someone remembered Gu Fanyin's words just now in fear, and immediately asked the manager.

If they found the culprit and apologized to her, wouldn't they have to suffer from the horror now?

Obviously the zombie king didn't even make a move, he just kicked down their city gate, and they were completely panicked.

After the manager heard what the man said, he raised his eyebrows. He also wanted to know what was going on.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of his daughter.

Zhao Man told him that day that she killed those people, and he reprimanded her, but he didn't think about it.

But thinking about it now...

I'm afraid that his daughter did something and wants to kill her to silence her.

But now that the situation is so urgent, the manager has no way to blatantly ask Zhao Man if this matter is related to her.

In this case, the people in the entire base would probably hate his daughter.

As a manager, he failed to fulfill his responsibilities. He could not abandon his small family and take care of everyone. His first reaction was how to protect his daughter.


The manager didn't expect that he wanted to get his daughter out of this matter, but his daughter came out at some point. After hearing what the man said, she immediately said:
"Do you also believe what the Zombie King said? She must want to disintegrate us psychologically! If you believe it, you will be fooled by her!"

(End of this chapter)

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