Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 270 Zombie King, Let's Go! 53

Chapter 270 Zombie King, Let's Go! 53
"I didn't think about it." Gu Fanyin asked Ke Yunlang, "What about you?"

"I..." Ke Yunlang glanced at Gu Fanyin and said, "I'll go wherever you go."

Hearing this, Gu Fanyin couldn't help grinning.

"Then let's go wandering around the world." Gu Fanyin said with a smile: "Whatever the end of the world, let's just walk around and look around, stop for a few days when we find places we like, and leave if we don't like them. The world is so big, there is always room for us.”

"Hmm!" Ke Yunlang had no objection at all.

He has no relatives or friends. For him now, with Gu Fanyin by his side, he has the whole world.

In this way, he is already very satisfied.

After all, Gu Fanyin's appearance is like seeing him too miserable, so he lost a big pie.

"What about you?" Ke Yunlang asked Gu Fanyin for the first time what happened before she became a zombie, "Where are your... family members?"

"My memory starts from the day I became the zombie king." Gu Fanyin said, "I don't know anything else."


"It should be." Gu Fanyin said indifferently.

The memory of the original owner she received started from the day she became the zombie king.

That being the case, it's good for her to start with the day she became the zombie king.

Hearing this, Ke Yunlang couldn't hold back, and said, "From then on, I will be your family."

After hearing Ke Yunlang's words, Gu Fanyin looked at him in surprise.

"No...can't you?" Ke Yunlang was a little flabbergasted by Gu Fanyin's look.

If it was before, Ke Yunlang would definitely think that Gu Fanyin thought that she, a zombie king, didn't need his family at all.

Now that they are so familiar, Ke Yunlang will definitely not misunderstand Gu Fanyin's meaning.

It was precisely because of this that Ke Yunlang was even more disturbed, not knowing what Gu Fanyin meant.

"Yes, yes..." Gu Fanyin said.

"Then..." Ke Yunlang always felt that Gu Fanyin didn't tell the whole story.


"You seem... not very happy." After the two of them walked a few steps, Ke Yunlang couldn't hold back and asked again.

Gu Fanyin didn't speak.

"Did I make you angry somewhere?" Ke Yunlang immediately began to reflect on himself.

However, he thought over what he had done from beginning to end.

He doesn't seem to have done anything wrong.

He even summoned up the courage to express to Gu Fanyin that he wanted to be with her forever.

Gu Fanyin:? ? ?

She was still silent.

"We agreed last time, if I do something wrong in the future, you can tell me directly, and I will definitely change it and never do it again." Ke Yunlang said.

"You did nothing wrong." Gu Fanyin said.

"But I seem to have made you unhappy..." Ke Yunlang said seriously: "As long as you are unhappy, then there must be something wrong with me."

Gu Fanyin glanced at Ke Yunlang.

Does she want to tell Ke Yunlang that your problem is that you didn't confess your love to me directly?
"Let's go." After Gu Fanyin finished speaking, she quickened her pace.

Ke Yunlang hesitated for a moment, but did not speak again.

In the next few days, Gu Fanyin's attitude towards Ke Yunlang was as good as ever, but Ke Yunlang always felt that there was something strange about Gu Fanyin.

This strange feeling inexplicably made him feel a little flustered.

just like……

If he doesn't do anything to solve this problem clearly, Gu Fanyin will leave him.

(End of this chapter)

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