Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 272 Zombie King, Let's Go!

Chapter 272 Zombie King, Let's Go! (Finish)

"I like you." Gu Fanyin said.


Although Ke Yunlang already knew Gu Fanyin's feelings for him, when he heard Gu Fanyin say that she liked him, he still felt a surge of excitement in his heart.

"I like you too, I only like you!" Ke Yunlang's voice trembled when he spoke excitedly, he said: "I will love you like a family member, care for you, love you, no no, I am your family, Is your lover, no matter what happens in the future, I will face it with you. We will be together forever!"

"Don't talk so consummately." Gu Fanyin said, "I'm a zombie, maybe you'll regret it later."

"I definitely won't regret it!" Ke Yunlang said without thinking, "I can swear that if I betray you in the future, I will..."

"Okay." Gu Fanyin said: "I just want you to figure it out clearly. If you want to live an ordinary life, fall in love, get married and have children, you will definitely not be able to do it with me."

She is a zombie king, and the relationship between zombies and destined not to be as ordinary as ordinary people.

Ke Yunlang heard the words, but he smiled and asked Gu Fanyin back: "Do you think, even if I am looking for an ordinary human being, can I live an ordinary life in the last days? What's more, as long as I am with you, no matter what No matter what life I live, I will feel very happy.”

"The most important thing is not what kind of life I can live with you, life is only when you are by my side." Ke Yunlang said to Gu Fanyin very seriously.

[Ding—add ten to the happiness degree, and the mission completion degree is [-]%. ]
Gu Fanyin:! ! !

The man who has been restraining the relationship between the two of them is so coquettish once he talks about it?
Gu Fanyin didn't know how to react for a while.

I have to say, what he said made her smile in her heart.

If men can talk like this, women will have no temper at all.

"Okay, you passed the test." Gu Fanyin said: "From today, I approve you to be my boyfriend."

"Okay, girlfriend!" Ke Yunlang said with a smile.

"Then let's go?" Gu Fanyin said with her bag on her back.

"Okay." Ke Yunlang also picked up his bag, and together with Gu Fanyin left the community where they had lived for several months, planning to explore the new world.


As the two walked, Ke Yunlang suddenly felt a little strange.


Aren't the two of them already boyfriend and girlfriend?
Then why are the two of them walking so well?
Ke Yunlang glanced at Gu Fanyin several times, making Gu Fanyin think that there was something dirty on her face.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fanyin asked suspiciously.

Ke Yunlang shook his head.

Then, taking advantage of Gu Fanyin's inattention, after walking a few steps, he suddenly caught up with her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and hugged her delicate and petite into his arms.



This is what he wants.

This is called a couple!

This is called falling in love!
Now that the two of them have confirmed their relationship, he will definitely not be a gentleman again.

What's the use of being a gentleman?

Doesn't it smell good when you hug your little girlfriend?

Like an idiot, Ke Yunlang hugged Gu Fanyin cheerfully, and the two walked past piles of zombies like no one else.

Zombies:? ? ?

How can a zombie have to eat dog food?

(End of this chapter)

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