Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 274 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 1

Chapter 274 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 1
"Congratulations to the host for completing the task again!" Gu Fanyin was stunned when she heard the system prompt, and then pulled out from the previous world.

"En." Gu Fanyin nodded.

"Would you like to take a break?" The system suggested when seeing Gu Fanyin looking sleepy.

Gu Fanyin hummed, then closed her eyes and adjusted her mood for a while before opening them again.

Every world has to go through so many things, sometimes Gu Fanyin still can't escape from the previous world in an instant.

"Reward." Gu Fanyin said concisely.

The system coughed a few times in an instant, and then said: "Not every world has rewards..."

Gu Fanyin: ...

"Is it because your level is too low?" Gu Fanyin asked.

"No!" The system said aggrievedly: "We also have rules and regulations, and I am a regular employee."

"Proceed to the next task." Gu Fanyin said.

Hearing this, the system curled its lips secretly. Isn't it the rewards it can give if it wants to?

"Okay." The boy with a smirk said sweetly to Gu Fanyin: "The host is ready, we will enter the next mission world."


The memory of the original owner was stuffed into Gu Fanyin's mind at once.

Gu Fanyin has long been used to this kind of operation of suddenly inserting other people's memories into her own consciousness, and immediately began to skillfully sort out the memory of the original owner.

The original owner is a beauty blogger who dreams of being a live broadcaster, and also wants to become the first sister of the P station live broadcast.

In her previous life, she was indeed a blogger with a fan base, but few people watched the live broadcast. After all, posting a video and launching a live broadcast are two different things.

Later, a 'friend' next to the original owner gave her an idea, asking her to live broadcast No. [-] brother at Pingci P station.

Brother Yi is a game technology streamer with countless fans. If he can catch his popularity, then the original host's live broadcast will definitely become more and more popular.

The original owner didn't know what to think, and really believed that friend's nonsense. When he and Brother Yi participated in the P station activities at the same time, he implicitly hinted that she had an unusual relationship with Brother Yi.

Brother Yi is not someone who can catch the heat.

He has always spoken frankly, and there is no need to give the original owner any face. During his live broadcast, he saw people making jokes about him and the original owner on the barrage, and he suddenly lost his temper, saying that he resolutely put an end to such jokes, and he didn't know him at all. The original owner, let everyone not be used by someone with a heart.

The first brother has been live broadcasting on the P station for so long, and this kind of thing is not uncommon.

Brother Yi's fans immediately understood, and began to feel sorry for Brother Yi being stalked by someone with a heart.

after that……

The original host's live broadcast must have been cold.

Not only did the live broadcast go cold, but even the beauty videos she posted on weekdays had a lot of fans scolding her, which made her unable to even receive a cooperation advertisement, and her life was going to be difficult.

Brother Yi said that his fans are not allowed to go anymore because he makes trouble for anyone.

But the reputation of the original owner is already rotten in the circle, even if his fans stop this scolding war, her self-media career can only stop there.


In the new life, the wish of the original owner is to be able to not listen to instigation, not to have crooked thoughts, to make good videos, to do conscientious production, to be worthy of those fans who like her, if Gu Fanyin can help her sit in the position of the first sister of the live broadcast , that is naturally better.

(End of this chapter)

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