Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 276 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 3

Chapter 276 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 3
The original owner was also blind.

There was such a false sister Hua by her side, but she never noticed it, and even regarded her as a bosom friend.

Gu Fanyin yelled at Yan Lingling and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she started editing the video.

Fortunately, she has memories of the original owner's last life in her mind. Editing the video was a bit exhausting for her, but after more than four hours, she managed to edit the video and watched it several times After confirming that there was no problem, she sent it directly.

Soon, there were many comments under the video.

[Wow!Yinyin suddenly posted a video! ]
[What a surprise! ]
[Just watched the beginning, Yinyin finally knows how to go to bed early and get up early to record videos during the day...]
Seeing this, Gu Fanyin liked these people, and then took a few photos and posted them on Weibo to promote her video.

After all, everyone likes to go to the playground on the eve of Halloween. Her tutorial is not difficult, and it should be quite useful. If you catch the wave of festival enthusiasm, you might be able to gain a wave of fans.

Her makeup is the closest to a zombie look!
If this doesn't catch fire, it can only mean that their vision is too hot.

After Gu Fanyin posted on Weibo, she took off her make-up and cooked some noodles for herself before she read the comments while eating the noodles.

Usually, when the original host shoots a video, the total number of comments is between [-] and [-]. If someone is recommended to the homepage, it may double.

But at this moment, she had only posted the video for an hour, and the comments were already close to a thousand.


The right time, place and people are still very important.

She swiped and saw the message from her "good sister" Yan Lingling.


This is a sign that watching her video has a small fire, come to catch the heat?
Gu Fanyin pretended that she didn't see her comment, didn't like it or reply.

[Ahhhh!Inexplicably, there is a feeling of watching a foreign blockbuster!It's too hot! ]
[I'm so beautiful!The zombie makeup drawn is the most beautiful! ]
[so happy!Wife is great!I must follow my wife's makeup for Halloween! ]
Many people said that Gu Fanyin's skills are so good, it's like watching a foreign zombie movie.

[I just like beauty bloggers who don't talk nonsense and only do practical things! ]
[Hey, the one in front! +1+1+1!Now the beauty area is almost reduced to a cross talk area, and many people think they are beauty bloggers just by talking about it! ]
[However, I still suggest that Yinyin can explain the points that should be paid attention to when applying makeup in the future. In this way, everyone should understand better! ]
Gu Fanyin looked at the barrage and comments, and found that she could really learn a lot.

Although there are bad guys, those who really like her will still discuss the content of this video with her very seriously, and she will consider their suggestions one by one.

Like explaining that...

She must remember next time!

Once born and cooked twice!

Everything is going perfectly.

Gu Fanyin washed her face and took care of her skin. Just when she was going to sleep, she suddenly received a small message from her.

[Do you want to participate in a brand event for Halloween?If you don't participate, let's go to the amusement park to have fun together! ]
The hair boy and the original owner have been playing together since childhood, but since Gu Fanyin became a beauty blogger and her schedule is different, they have less contact with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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