Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 279 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 6

Chapter 279 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 6
Qiao Sheng skipped the live broadcast to go to the amusement park today.

Although it was not a live broadcast, Weibo still had to open for business, so he made a nine-square grid of the photos taken by his friends at the amusement park today and posted them on Weibo.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but the group photo of Qiao Sheng and Gu Fanyin happened to be in the middle.

After posting it, many people were asking Qiao Sheng who the girl in the photo with him was.

After Qiao Sheng sent it out, he didn't look at his phone again.

What's more, he didn't know that a person he met casually in the amusement park happened to be from Station P, but she was from the beauty section and he was from the game section.


Early the next morning.

When Gu Fanyin turned on her phone, she saw that she had several missed WeChat calls.

Why is Yan Lingling looking for her again?

When Gu Fanyin opened the dialog between her and Yan Lingling, she saw her questioning tone.

[Yinyin, when did you meet Qiao Sheng?You actually kept it from me. ]
what's the situation?
Gu Fanyin was stunned.

It's true that she went to the amusement park with Qiao Sheng yesterday, but the two of them didn't even add a WeChat account, so how did Yan Lingling know that she and Qiao Sheng knew each other?

Gu Fanyin opened the P station and took a look.

Many people left her a message saying that they checked in from Weibo.

Someone asked her if she could meet a male god after learning this makeup.


Gu Fanyin opened Weibo with a confused face.

What you see is her 99+ private message list.

The number of fans also increased by [-].

Gu Fanyin quickly opened a private message casually.

[Stay away from us! ]
Gu Fanyin searched Qiao Sheng's Weibo.

Then I saw a group photo of Jiugonggeli and the others in his latest Weibo.

Gu Fanyin: ...

God help her too.

If she hadn't been in this makeup tutorial, maybe many people wouldn't recognize her with her makeup like this.

But she happened to have released this makeup tutorial video. Although she is just a small beauty blogger with 10,000+ fans, she still has fans in common with Qiao Sheng.

Therefore, as soon as Qiao Sheng's Weibo was posted, Gu Fanyin was recognized by others.

Gu Fanyin pretended not to see Qiao Sheng's Weibo, and dared not forward it, comment, or like it. If his wife fans flocked to him, she might lose her life.

It was already noon when Qiao Sheng woke up.

He was also taken aback after turning on the phone.

A friend asked him to check Weibo, so he went to Weibo.

After knowing that Gu Fanyin is a beauty blogger, a question arose in his mind for a moment.

Did Gu Fanyin really just happen to recognize the wrong person in the amusement park?
He has participated in many activities organized by P Station, and it is normal for interested people to recognize his face.

However, thinking that he didn't say anything about going to the amusement park because he was afraid of being attacked by fans, he replied to the fans with "I met by chance", and ignored everyone's inquiries about whether the two are together comments.

After closing Weibo, Qiao Sheng couldn't resist opening P station to search for Gu Fanyin's makeup videos.

The first one is the makeup on her face when he met her last night.

He also didn't know why he suddenly became interested in a woman.

He clicked on Gu Fanyin's video. At the beginning of the video, she first showed the final effect of makeup, and then the screen changed to her appearance without makeup at all.

Qiao Sheng was obviously taken aback when he saw Gu Fanyin's appearance.

There is a big difference between her before makeup and her after makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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