Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 281 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 8

Chapter 281 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 8
"Well, the thin flash made by TF is very good, but the price is a bit high. There are many cheap alternatives, although they can't achieve this level of detail, but the student party can consider it."

Gu Fanyin gently spread the fine glitter under her eyes.

A delicate and pitiful feeling immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"There is another important point of this makeup, and that is the blush." ​​Gu Fanyin said: "You don't have to be pale to be pitiful. This smoky pink blush is applied to the eyes and the tip of the nose. It is easy to create a smooth and smooth face with a small amount of sweeping over a large area. There is a kind of lovable feeling."

Gu Fanyin's makeup today is a [white lotus makeup], what she wants is this kind of delicate and pitiful feeling.

When she was only one step away from putting on lipstick, she took the time to look at her phone.


More than 1 people are online.

[Please be together! ]
[Ah, ah, Miss Sister is so amazing! ]
[Fuck!If my girlfriend winks at me like this, I'm afraid I'll kill her! ]
[Want a bag?purchase!Want lipstick?purchase!Buy what you want! ]
[My brother Sheng's girlfriend is really not an ordinary person, this is too pretty! ]
[Recite ten times silently, friend's wife, don't play. ]
Gu Fanyin was stunned.

"Why did so many cuties suddenly come in the live broadcast room? Are they captured by my technology?"

[Ahhhh this is not the way to kindergarten! ]
[I want to get off! ]
[Yeah~ My lady is beautiful and skilled, I'm going to hand over my life here. ]
The barrage immediately started interacting with Gu Fanyin.

"What are you talking about!" Gu Fanyin's face turned red visibly.

She has always recorded makeup videos, and the people who watch her videos are usually young girls. How can there be such an old driver who drives without saying a word?
Gu Fanyin was immediately shy when facing these barrages.

Being so shy, Chu Chupiai immediately turned into the appearance of a young girl Huaichun.

The barrage began to brush up quickly again.

Gu Fanyin watched for a long time before grasping the point.

"Which boss came to my live broadcast room?" Gu Fanyin asked.

[Sorry, wrong hand slip. ] Qiao Sheng saw that Gu Fanyin started to ask, he couldn't hide anymore, so he said.

It's a pity that as soon as his barrage appeared, everyone mercilessly exposed him.

[Sheng Shao, everyone loves beauty, so don't be shy! ]
[Can you hand skate for more than an hour? ]
[I have been squatting in the live broadcast room, and I swear that Qiao Sheng never went out of the live broadcast room once! ]
Qiao Sheng: ...

Gu Fanyin: ...

The slap in the face came so fast that Qiao Sheng was on the verge of cancer, so he didn't speak any more.

"Oh~ it's Qiao Sheng~" Gu Fanyin said cheerfully, "Hello!"

[Hello. ] Qiao Sheng replied.

[I heard that my fans have come to bother you, I want to say sorry to you on their behalf. ] Qiao Sheng said.

"Didn't you just say that you just made a wrong hand?" Gu Fanyin joked with a smile.

Laughing immediately appeared on the barrage.

Gu Fanyin didn't make things difficult for Qiao Sheng, and immediately said, "However, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence, so it's no wonder they didn't believe it. After all, the world is so big, and we met by such a coincidence."

[This shows that you are destined! ]
[Come on together! ]
[Such a good fate, it's a pity not to be together! ]
The barrage immediately began to brush together together.

"Huh. If I'm really with Qiao Sheng, you will definitely talk about revenge for taking away your wife and taking away your husband." Gu Fanyin said: "Your fans didn't make things difficult for me, they are all cute, you No need to apologize to me."

(End of this chapter)

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