Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 285 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 12

Chapter 285 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 12
Qiao Sheng is handsome and has so many fans.

There must be many people in the same industry who like him.

It's just that Gu Fanyin didn't expect that even before she had any contact with Qiao Sheng, the first lady in the beauty section couldn't hold back her anger and came to trouble her.

"Don't be too complacent!" The first sister's nostrils were dilated, and she said, "Qiao Sheng and you are definitely just playing around. When he gets tired of playing, you just wait to be stepped on."

"At least he is willing to play with me, isn't he?" Gu Fanyin said very sincerely.

Doesn't this imply that Qiao Sheng doesn't even want to play with this beauty lady?

First sister: ...

"You! Shameless!"

"Tsk." Gu Fanyin clicked her lips, looking at the first sister who was becoming angry from embarrassment, not knowing what to say about this woman with big breasts and no brains.

How did she sit on the throne of first sister?

If she had recorded just now, that sister would have finished playing.

"I'm waiting for the day when you get tired of being played by him!" The first sister realized that she couldn't quarrel with Gu Fanyin, and wanted to leave after uttering a harsh word.


When she turned around, she saw Qiao Sheng standing behind the two of them at some point.

"Qiao Sheng..." The face of the first sister turned pale in an instant.

She has always liked Qiao Sheng, but because she felt humiliated after he rejected him for adding Qiao Sheng to WeChat last time, she never knew how to face him.

It was also because of this that she was so angry when she saw Qiao Sheng paying so much attention to Gu Fanyin.

"Don't use your thoughts to speculate on other people's thoughts." Qiao Sheng said lightly, "Just because you like to play, doesn't mean others do too."

"I...I didn't..." The first sister hurriedly wanted to explain.

"I don't care if you have it or not." Qiao Sheng said: "Although I don't know where I have offended you, but if you have any grievances, come to me. Please don't hurt the girl I care about."

After Qiao Sheng considered it, he felt that what he said was very reasonable.

He didn't tell her to go away directly, but said that she had something to come to him.

See how much he knows how to think about others now.


As soon as Qiao Sheng said this, the face of the first sister turned pale again.

Did he admit that he was with Gu Fanyin?


He didn't know when he offended her?
meaning is……

Does he not remember at all that she asked him for WeChat and was ruthlessly rejected by him?
Even if Qiao Sheng hated her, he wouldn't make the first sister feel so ugly.

She has always been so hostile to Gu Fanyin, in the end, the man she likes doesn't remember her existence at all.

The first sister finally couldn't stay here any longer, so she just bypassed Qiao Sheng and ran away.

"Sorry." After the first sister left, Qiao Sheng immediately apologized to Gu Fanyin.

"Huh? Why apologize to me."

"She... probably made things difficult for you because of me." Qiao Sheng said, "I didn't expect you to be treated like this because of me..."

He thought that others would not embarrass Gu Fanyin because of his face.

But he didn't expect that it was because of him that she was squeezed out by others.

Gu Fanyin was stunned when she heard the words, then she laughed and said, "I still think I took advantage of you."

"I..." Qiao Sheng didn't know what to say again.

"Pfft." Gu Fanyin couldn't bear it any longer, she said, "Has anyone ever said..."


"You are so cute!" Gu Fanyin said.

Qiao Sheng's expression froze instantly.

He is a big man, how could he have anything to do with being cute?

(End of this chapter)

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