Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 288 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 15

Chapter 288 Love Vlog with the Game Male Anchor 15
Thinking of this, Gu Fanyin's smile became even more obvious.


I'm afraid I'm tempted.

Qiao Sheng didn't know that Gu Fanyin had already understood his purpose. Seeing her smile so brightly, Qiao Sheng felt so proud.

He has always been grateful that his fans can accompany him and like him.

But for these awards, he is not very concerned.

After all, judging from the number of viewers and some data on weekdays, he is sure how big his fan base is and how many people like his live broadcast.

He doesn't need these awards to prove his strength.

But today...

He stood on the stage and looked at Gu Fanyin who was sitting below the stage smiling so brightly, he suddenly felt very proud in his heart, proud that he could have such an honor.

He was proud that he was able to let Gu Fanyin see him like this.

Gu Fanyin:? ? ?

Everything is a beautiful misunderstanding.

However, it seems good to continue to misunderstand.


Qiao Sheng thanked everyone for their love, and after getting down, his friend immediately leaned over and wanted to ask Qiao Sheng which girl he liked.

In the end, Qiao Sheng pushed his face in disgust, telling him not to delay him watching the awards ceremony.

friend:? ? ?
what the hell.

What to see at the awards ceremony.

Don't you have to watch it every year for so many years?There has always been nothing new.

And then……

Not knowing whose name the host had read, Qiao Sheng's friends suddenly saw a smile on Qiao Sheng's face, even brighter than when he won the award.

Such a springy smile, tsk...

He suddenly seemed to smell a sour smell of love.

"Which one!" The friend leaned over again.

Qiao Sheng sat up straight and didn't answer his friend's words at all. When everyone came to the stage to receive the awards one after another, Qiao Sheng applauded.

To be honest, it looks kind of silly.

"Hahahaha, are gods so stupid when it comes to love?" Qiao Sheng's friend couldn't help but complain.

These bloggers have long been used to this kind of award ceremony. Except for the fans who came to see their idols in the back row, basically no one in the front row was seriously watching the award ceremony.

Therefore, Qiao Sheng seemed to be an outlier.

"If you know what else he did, you won't laugh at him now."

"What did he do?" The friend was curious.

"You'll find out by tonight."

My friend's curiosity is about to explode.

However, before nightfall, Qiao Sheng's friends already knew the answer.


Gu Fanyin is wearing a long skirt made of gauze today, with a little trailing tail, she looks very solemn, but for the bloggers in the beauty section, this is a competition for beauty, whoever looks ugly will definitely be dissed by fans Said that the video filter is too strong and so on.

Therefore, Gu Fanyin also specially dressed up.

But the shortcomings of this trailing long skirt are also very obvious.

Gu Fanyin was wearing stiletto heels, so she had to be very careful not to get her tails caught in her shoes, otherwise she would be embarrassed if she fell down in front of everyone.

But sometimes, the more you are afraid of something, the more it will happen.

When Gu Fanyin was about to walk to the front of the stage, she suddenly stopped on her feet.

Although she was still standing there firmly, she could feel that the heel of her shoes might have penetrated the trailing gauze skirt.

With an awkward and impolite smile on her face, she moved her shoes slightly, but the gauze skirt was still wrapped around her heels.

(End of this chapter)

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